First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Congregational Life and Outreach Support (CLOS) Ministry Team Minutes

Sept 9, 2014

In attendance were Bea Connor, Dot Otto, Stephen Taylor, Kathy Story, Richard Paul, and Lon Anderson.

CLOS goals:

1.      Continue to enhance and improve communication

2.      Foster small groups

3.      Encourage other ministry teams to embrace “outreach” as a core mission

The current calendar of upcoming 2014 events follows: 






Sept 13



Church Parking lot

Carpool to hike in Organ mountains

Sept 14

Bibles to youth



Give out bibles during worship (CE)

Oct 19

Deacons hamburger fry




Oct 31

Trunk or Treat


Outside front of church

Community outreach











1.       Hiking planning: Hike at Achenbach Canyon in Organs.  Carpool from church parking lot. 

2.      Cub Scout Pack 62:  Richard Paul talked with the team about some challenges the pack is facing with turnover of some leadership positions.  The team will run an announcement in the Sunday bulletin to ask for a volunteer from the congregation to serve as committee chair.  Also, it was agreed that the pack would do a short minute for mission to recruit cub scouts on Sunday, Sept 28, and have a small table set up for the fellowship hour after worship.  Cub Scouts is open to first through fifth graders.

3.      Trunk or Treat Assignments:

a.       Arrange for a bounce house, to be set up early, 2 pm.  Last year $55 total cost, asked for a check to be cut prior to the date. Lon

b.      360 hot dogs.  all-beef instead of the mysterious type. Est. cost is $135 for 360 dogs. Kathy

c.       300 cookies and ask for cookie donations from the congregation to be delivered the day before, Oct 30. Let Linda know that the office will be the drop-off location.

d.      Ask Sorority for volunteers to help out with crafts. Order craft making kit activity if needed.  Stephen

e.       Condiments and nacho making ingredients.  Kathy

f.       Talk to Rev. Hawkins about a table manned by the Spanish speaking congregation. Dot

g.      Procure frosting and sprinkles for cookies. Bea

h.      Costume judges. Brian and Dot

i.        Photographer.  Greg Owens? Bea and Carl

j.        Praise band coordination.  Lon

k.      Coordination with other groups that want to have a table. Pass around a sign-up sheet at the session meeting. Lon

l.        Announcements and advertising.  Lon, Stephen, Brian

m.    Banners Lon

n.      Sunday bulletin sign up form for volunteers. This includes the following categories: kitchen duty, table setup, take-down, wash up, lighting & power, car decoration and trunks full of candy (Lon)

o.      Call Bruce and Peggy to see if they want to make popcorn (Bea contacted Peggy and the Whites are not available this year to make popcorn)

p.      Call Rusty to see if he would cook dogs (Bea)

q.      Last year, we arrived at 4:30 to set up. Recommending same time this year.

r.        Move tables and chairs into Narthex area on the morning of Oct 31.  (Stephen et. Al)

s.       New this year: rent portable lighting system (Carl checked on cost and it is $156 to rent portable lights – looking into alternatives that would enhance lighting and be cheaper)

t.        New this year: move main activity to west parking lot (contingent upon lighting)

u.      New this year: involve some new volunteers (Dot and Brian)

4.      Advertising: Discussed ways to best use remaining advertising budget and trying to develop a more cohesive advertising strategy.  Discussed the metro marketing “Map” and did not come to a strong consensus on going forward with this type of advertising.  Will continue to try to help out other groups in the church with outreach and advertising.  Discussed the possibility of banners for Salt and Light but need to coordinate this with Michelle first.  Also, discussed encouraging our congregation to “like” and “share” the FPC facebook site.

5.      Budget: on track.

Submitted by Lon Anderson


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Last update 2014-09-17 21:37:17