First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Attendance   Melanie Grant, Florence Hamilton, Joanne Kersting, David Klement, Marianne Maley, Wayne Maley, Howard Smolleck, Rev. Norm Story, Marsha Topley, Paul Vaughan; Michelle Osborne visited for part of the meeting


Not Present   Sam Bartholomew, Jim Parks, 


The meeting was opened with prayer at 7:00 PM.  Minutes of the April 13 meeting were accepted as distributed. The budget report still does not show full year budget, a column needed because our expenditures are very seasonal, rather than monthly. 


Communion was served to 285 Sunday, May 2.  Our communion in July is scheduled for the 4th.  The Team discussed that this is a public holiday but found this not a reason to change the date. However, attendance is unpredictable and some of our regular preparation team members will not be able to help. For these reasons it is recommended that communion on July 4 be served by intinction which is simpler to prepare and more flexible.  It worked well with serving procedure used on Maundy Thursday and for Presbytery.      


A Baldwin Organ has been offered to the church as a gift.  Discussion of space for storage, program potential, and possible players did not identify an effective way to use the instrument.  It was moved and voted to graciously decline the offer and encourage that it perhaps be placed with a small congregation that has a need.  


Choir is rehearsing for their final Sunday of the spring May 30.   The Team supports participation of the Vacation Bible School singers at the June 20 service as Michelle Osborne requested for CE.

The church office calendar now shows that bells rehearsal is scheduled in the sanctuary each Monday evening and choir each Wednesday evening.  When a rehearsal is not planned directors need  to enter the change.  Process for scheduling now calls for David to monitor sanctuary use.  He is maintaining a schedule of music activities.        


Sanctuary decorations for Pentecost Sunday, May 23, will be red.


Team member Paul Vaughan is developing a schedule of Sound Operators beginning in July.   A training/mentoring time for new operators is to be set up.  All Team members are asked to identify potential operators and advise Paul.  Turning on narthex speakers needs to be added to the sound check list.  Use of wired mikes in the choir area should be revisited. .Howard reported that the computer dedicated to CD reproduction is awaiting the purchase of GoldWave software as authorized at the April meeting.


Upcoming team responsibilities include hosting fellowship hour on May 30, because choir will still be singing, we will keep it simple. Team members bring store bought cookie. Next communion June 6..                                                                                                


The meeting was closed with prayer at 7:44 PM



                                                                                                                                    WAMaley 05-12  




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Last update 2010-05-17 16:02:58