First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Attendance      Melanie Grant, Florence Hamilton, Joanne Kersting, David Klement, Marianne Maley, Wayne Maley, Jim Parks, Howard Smolleck, Rev. Norm Story, Marsha Topley, Paul Vaughan


Not Present     Sam Bartholomew,


The meeting was opened with a meditation and prayer at 7:00 PM. 


Minutes of the May 11 meeting were accepted as distributed. The budget report format has improved with the full year budget shown.  A major need now is to show how designated income funds actually reduce budgeted expenses.   


Communion was served to 226 on Sunday, June 6.


Moderator Maley and Vice-Moderator Hamilton, the Director of Music and a representative of Admin team, have met with the music staff for mid-year reviews.  Overall the discussions were cooperative and provided assurance that the music program is progressing positively.


Planning has begun for coordinating music groups for next fall. A youth choir and more bell ringing opportunities are being planned. This could boost the usefulness of adding a fifth octave of bells. The calendar of special music for summer is nearly complete. Organ maintenance/tuning should be done before fall. 


The three active elders on our Team will open the service to make announcements and welcome pulpit supply pastors on July 11, 18 and 25. 


Liturgists are easy to schedule in the summer according to Florence.  Marsha is finding it more difficult to schedule Young Disciples leaders, so she will cover some additional Sundays.   


Sound Operators schedule is now complete into the fall except for fifth Sundays.  Two young people are interested in becoming a part of that team.  A training/mentoring time is being planned for them.  There also will be instruction offered this summer/fall on use of the computer dedicated to CD reproduction of services.


It has been proposed to Buildings and Grounds that the closet where candle lighting supplies are stored be reorganized and possibly add storage for other sanctuary decorations.


Christian Education requested advice about dates for Bibles to be presented to the third and sixth graders.  Dates to avoid are communion Sundays, August 1 and September 5, and Blessing of the Backpacks on August 15.  The Team recommends September 26 when special youth music is anticipated.


Upcoming team responsibilities include communion on July 4 (served by intinction) and August 1.  Next M&W Ministry Team meeting will be August 10.


The meeting was closed with prayer at 8:00 PM




                                                                                                                                     WAMaley 06-09  





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Last update 2010-06-11 20:26:15