First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Attendance   Florence Hamilton, Melanie Grant, Joanne Kersting, David Klement, Marianne Maley, Wayne Maley, Jim Parks, Howard Smolleck, Rev. Norm Story, Marsha Topley, Paul Vaughan


Not Present   Sam Bartholomew


The meeting was opened at 7:00 PM with prayer and a review of how our Presbyterian Hymnal is organized.  Team members described a visit they had made recently. 


Minutes of the August 10 meeting were accepted as distributed. The budget report was useful. However Designated Income/Expense needs to be straightened out.  Category names need to be more meaningful.  The relation of income to activity it helped pay for needs to be obvious.    


Communion was served to 211 on September 5.   Our Spanish congregation will join the World Communion service on Sunday, October 3 to add emphasis to our multi-ethnic congregation.


Youth Choir met last Sunday with 10 singers (6th through 12th graders)    They will provide special music at September 26 worship service. One new bell ringer joined the Bell Choir.  A group of members including youth are starting to practice for a band to lead Saturday night services beginning in mid-January. 


Following last month’s Session authorization, a contract for major organ repairs is being finalized with work to be done the last part of October.  Expected cost of $7,700 will include the tuning we have budgeted. 


Two lay greeters are always needed on Communion Sundays.  Jim Parks agreed to secure them along with finding servers.  


An announcement about Sound/AV Operator training will be in our publications.


Fresh flower arrangements that have been donated following special services frequently include allergy irritating varieties.  Therefore they will be welcome for use in the Narthex.  The Team encourages the Deacons to distribute the flowers to shut-ins following the worship time.    Poinsettias will be used and have been ordered for Christmas decorating.  Florence will arrange announcements in church publications to welcome individual purchases.  November 27 is date for installing Advent decorations.  Coordination of this event with Congregational Life is encouraged. 


Several ideas were advanced for a booth at the Trunk or Treat Festival on October 31.  Team members are asked to continue to evolve the activity and be prepared to finalize at our next meeting.   


Upcoming team responsibilities:   World Communion, October 3; Trunk or Treat, October 31.

Next M&W Ministry Team meeting will be October 12.


The meeting was closed with prayer at 8:10  PM



                                                                                                                                  WAMaley 09–13  




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Last update 2010-09-30 16:50:00