First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Attendance      Florence Hamilton, Melanie Grant, Joanne Kersting, David Klement, Marianne Maley, Wayne Maley, Jim Parks, Rev. Norm Story, Marsha Topley, Paul Vaughan

Visitor              Dick Dale

Not Present     Sam Bartholomew, Howard Smolleck


The meeting opened at 7:00 PM with prayer.    Team members described a trick or treat they remembered   Minutes of the September 14 meeting were accepted as distributed. The budget report still offers confusing Designated Income/Expense information. The relation of income to activity it helped pay for is not obvious.    


Communion was served to 252 on World Wide Communion Sunday, October 3.


Extended discussion followed a presentation by Dick Dale from the web page committee.  The team indicated the desire for a more artistic, promotional, up front web page format with “people pictures” dominate.  Separate music and worship links were suggested. No team member indicated competency in creating a design.  However, each is asked to suggest content possibilities to web page committee by October 28.  Music Director Klement is in position to help with updates once a format is offered.    


Youth Ringers bell choir met last Sunday with twelve ringers participating. Major organ repair contract calls for extensive cleaning to begin October 25.  It may take two weeks to complete all new parts installation, however organ may be used for services.  The team supports the request by the Guild of Organists to present a concert Sunday, December 5, 2010.  Also the use of our Sanctuary, choir room and halls for their Pedals, Pipes and Pizza event on February 19-21. This will include a Sunday afternoon concert on February 20, 2011. 


During Rev Norm’s educational leave, pulpit supply will be Rev Richard Schlater on November 7 and Elder Blaine Goss on November 14.   Supply ministers will be secured during Rev Story’s absence on January 10 and April 10, 2011. 


While Esther Smolleck is gone the next two weeks, Bea Conner will be monitoring the children’s activity bags.  Team members are asked to identify other helpers for this project.


Paul will bring to the team costs for the two wireless, rechargeable microphones that are desired for the sanctuary. These are expected to exceed the amount currently budgeted.   He is proceeding with Sound/AV Operator training.


Announcements about flowers for Christmas are ready for our publications. For the November 27 sanctuary decoration, Wayne was asked to discuss with the In Betweeners making it a “bring a younger friend to help” event.


It was decided to make our Trunk or Treat Festival activity a “Pumpkin Carol Sing.”  Jim will arrange for a treat to be available for each child (person) who joins in singing or playing one of the rhythm instruments available at our Team’s tailgate on October 31


Upcoming team responsibilities:   Trunk or Treat, October 31;   Communion, November 7;   Fellowship Hour host, Thanksgiving Sunday, November 21.


Next M&W Ministry Team meeting will be October 12.

The meeting was closed with prayer at 8:30 PM


                                                                                                                                               WAMaley 09–13  





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Last update 2010-10-23 23:27:59