First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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JULY 18, 2010

The called session meeting met in Rev. Story’s office on Sunday, July 11, 2010 immediately after service. The meeting was called to receive Ms. Margery “Marge” Fetters, Mr. Neil and Mrs. Eunjeon Moe into the membership of the First Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Las Cruces, NM.

 Elders present were Bill, Brady, Gena Breck, Alex Burr, Carl Connor, Blaine Goss, Florence Hamilton, Wayne Maley, Martha Mitchell, Jim Parks, Richard Paul, Greg Temple, and Charlie Yaryan.

 The Clerk of Session opened the meeting at 11:40 AM with prayer and then asked the elders to introduce themselves and give a brief statement on why they joined this Church and what it has meant to them personally. Then Ms. Fetters and Mr. and Mrs. Moe shared their personal experiences. Ms. Fetters said she would be joining by letter of transfer from Knox Presbyterian Church, Naperville, Illinois, and Mr. and Mrs. Moe said they would be joining by letters of transfer from Korean Presbyterian Church of Minnesota, Brooklyn Center, Minnesota.  Elder Richard Paul read Section G-5.0102, Membership as Ministry from the Book of Order. The elders voted to receive and welcome Ms. Fetters and Mr. and Mrs. Moe into the Church’s membership. It was suggested and then agreed that our newest members would be presented to the congregation when Rev. Story was available.

 The meeting was adjourned with prayer by Elder Carl Connor at 12:00 noon.

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Last update 2010-07-20 17:06:37