First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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The Moderator convened the meeting at 7:00 PM and the Music and Worship Ministry Moderator Florence Hamilton opened it with a meditation and prayer.


Elders present: Gene Christensen, Blaine Goss, Jerry Grandle, Brian Griffith, Florence Hamilton, Tom Morehart, Jim Parks, Richard Paul, Kate Puckett, Joan Rawson, Stephen Taylor, Greg Temple, and Nora Yaryan.


Elder excused:  Larry Felhauer, Lloyd Kirschenmann, and Martha Mitchell.


Guest: Newly elected Elders Lon Anderson, Corina Armendariz, Austin Breck, Janet Loman, Jacqui Jones, and Roger Sellers.


Establish Quorum: The Moderator established that a quorum was present. 


Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as submitted.


Introduction and examination of newly elected Elders:  Six of the newly elected Elders were present and the three not previously introduced to the Session, were introduced.  The Session voted by acclimation to extend all newly elected Elders the privilege of the floor.  Pastor Story asked the current Elders to briefly state what they have learned while serving.  Their answers ranged from: Do the best you can every day you come in here, remember what you are called to do, it’s more than you think it is, breathe deeply and often, hold yourself and other Elders accountable, be pleasantly surprise, it’s all going to come together in the end, Lord give me patience, things move at their own pace, and don’t be afraid to ask.


The newly elected Elders were asked: “What do you want to do in your new position?”  Their answers ranged from: They want to improve the Sanctuary, learn more about the church, and to leave things better than they were when they started.  


A motion to sustain the examination was seconded and approved by acclimation.


Pastor’s Report: Rev. Story advised the Elders that Communion Sunday was scheduled for the January 8, the second Sunday instead of the normal 1st Sunday of the month.  He said that the best date for the Annual Congregational Meeting was Sunday, February 26, 2012.  A motion was made and seconded to schedule it on this date.  The motion was approved by acclimation.  He proposed an Elders Training Retreat for Saturday, March 17, 2012 at the church from 8 AM to approximately 3 PM.  The primary focus of the retreat will be the reorganization of the church in accordance with the new Book of Order.  The Elders agreed on this date and time.  He advised the Session that member Larry Cooper, a long time member and a previous Clerk of Session, had passed away on December 19.  A memorial service for Larry will be scheduled for late in January 2012.


Reverend Story introduced the Session to the language of the Book of Order, Section G2:10, Commissioning Ruling Elders to Particular Pastoral Service.  While the commissioning is authorized by the Presbytery, it is done in consultation with the Session, and the duties of the Commissioned Ruling Elder include moderating Session meetings.  The commissioning may not exceed 3 years, but may be renewed by the Presbytery.  Elder Janet Loman has expressed her desire and commitment to being Commissioned to Particular Pastoral Service.  She described the process she plans to follow, including going to seminary for some specific courses related to the expected duties in the church or Presbytery; and the reasons for her commitment to follow this path of service.  The responses from the Session members were all positive and a motion for the Session to endorse her journey to commissioning was approved by acclimation.


Reverend Story advised the Session that he would be traveling to Orlando, FL for The Fellowship of Presbyterians Orlando Covenanting Conference from January 17 through 23 which will have over 2,000 pastors focused on where the PC USA is and/or should be going.  This will take him out of the pulpit for both the Faith and Fellowship service on Saturday the 21st and the regular church service on Sunday the 22nd.  He proposed that Elder Gina Breck conduct the Saturday service and Elder Janet Loman conduct the Sunday service.  The Session approved this by acclimation.


Clerk’s Report:  The clerk reported the receipt of the Presbytery Annual Report forms that are due back to the Presbytery on January 12, January 20, and February 22, 2012.  The January 12 deadline includes the 2012 General Mission Pledge detailing what the Session has approved for the Presbytery.  This deadline will not be met as the annual budget process is still in work.  We expect a 2012 budget to be presented to the Session at the January 17, 2012 meeting.


Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the Stated Session Meeting on November 15, 2011 were approved without any changes or corrections.


Deacons Report:  Austin Breck, the outgoing Deacon’s moderator reported that their annual Christmas Gift Basket program was very successful and the baskets were well received and appreciated.  The Deacons sponsored the Las Cruces Cares event on Saturday, December 12 in Watkins Hall where participating local outreach organizations could explain their individual missions to potential donors.  The church collected all donations, processed them, and passed them along to the designated recipients.  The event experienced mixed success, as not many people came to the event, but it did generate a lot of revenue for the participating organizations.  One of the factors that may have contributed to the low attendance was that it occurred during the Christmas Holiday season.  The Deacons will review all the comments they receive prior to scheduling a similar event in 2012.  


Committee Reports:


Administration: Written with no action items. 

Buildings and Grounds: No meeting in December due to the lack of a quorum. The Session was requested to provide additional guidance for the use and funding for the late model Ford van with a handicapped lift that was donated to the church.  The cost of the vehicle license is $65.00 and 1 year of insurance costs $500.00; and the father of a handicapped member is sending a $700.00 check to cover these start-up costs.  Buildings and Grounds recommended a motion to accept the donation and use it to place the van in services as previously approved.  The motion was approved by acclimation.

Christian Education: Written with 2 action items listed in their Minutes.  The action items are the day trip to ski at Apache Mountain in Ruidoso on January 7; and the youth service trip at the Gospel Rescue Mission in Las Cruces on January 27.  Both trips are off campus and require the use of church vans for transportation.  Both trips were approved by acclimation.

Congregational Life and Outreach: Written with the addendum action item.  The church has received 40 copies of the New Mexico Centennial books produced by the Las Cruces Bulletin as the result of a member’s donation of $2,000.00 that allowed the church to place a full page layout with pictures, about the history of the First Presbyterian Church in the book.  The Bulletin has started advertising these books for $60.00 each + tax.  The Ministry Team recommends that we sell the books at $50.00 each and that the funds received from the book sales be donated to the Christian Education Adult Education programs.  The recommendation was approved by acclimation.

Missions: Written with no action items.  They wanted it noted that the Las Cruces Cares event started in the Missions committee.

Music and Worship: Written with 1 action item, the approval of Gina Breck and Janet Loman to fill the pulpit on January 21 & 22.  This was approved during the Pastor’s Report.

Foundation: No report.


Financial Report for November 1- November 30, 2011


     Nov (Actual)     Nov (Budgeted)        YTD (Actual)      YTD (Budgeted)

Income       $31,652.64                                      $400,756.61

Expense     $36,586.22                                      $411,899.10


Omnibus Motion to receive all Committee Reports and accept Financial Report: Approved by consent.


Old Business: Several members have raised questions about the behavior of an individual who attends Sunday services fairly regularly, but whose behavior in church and at the after church social is erratic and might be considered disruptive.  Reverend Story has had private discussions with the individual and has counseled the individual about what is acceptable, what is unacceptable behavior, and what cannot be tolerated in the way of behavior at church, on church property, and in church vehicles. The session discussed the situation in great detail, recognizing the church’s mission of outreach and ministry to those in need of Christian fellowship, as well as our obligations to provide for the safety and wellbeing of our members and all who worship with us at First Presbyterian Church.  After much discussion the Session voted to authorize a committee of 3, Pastor Norm Story, Elder Brian Griffith, and Elder Kate Puckett, to meet with the individual and reiterate what is acceptable, what is unacceptable behavior, and what cannot be tolerated in the way of behavior at church, on church property, and in church vehicles.  The Session agreed that the church would not provide transportation assistance to the individual during January 2012, and we would monitor the individual’s behavior during future church attendance.


New Business: None.


The next Stated Session Meeting will be Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 7:00 PM. The Administration Ministry Committee will be responsible for opening prayer and meditation.


Adjournment: Rev. Story adjourned the meeting with prayer at 8:25 PM.





______________________        ______________________                   _____________      

Carlton Connor                                   Rev. Norm Story                            Date Approved

Clerk of Session                                 Moderator



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Last update 2012-04-17 16:16:27