First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Moderator Reverend Norm Story convened the meeting at 7:00 PM and Austin Breck of the Administration Ministry Team opened it with a meditation and prayer.

Elders present: Lyn Ames, Lon Anderson, Corina Armendariz, Austin Breck, Brad Class,

Blaine Goss, Janet Loman, Kate Puckett, Roger Sellers, Greg Sherman, Stephen Taylor, and Dennis Thomas.

Elders Absent: Jacqui Jones, Lloyd Kirschenmann, Richard Paul, Winnie Quinzi and Nora Yaryan.

Guests: Rev. Carrol Blevins, Deacon Moderator Don Behnke, and Deacon Irene Kouna.

Establish Quorum: The Clerk of Session established that a quorum was present.

Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as published.

Book of Order Training: Moderator Rev. Story tabled this training due to the length of his Pastor’s report.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Story thanked all of the Elders who attended the Elder Retreat on Saturday, Feb. 16th and said that the work they did would be useful to him during his July Sabbatical. He plans to use the time to read and focus on developing a plan that will allow our church to use the resources we have (members, financial support, church facilities, location, community connections, etc.) to grow our ministries and move us forward over the next 5 to 10 years. He asked the Elders, and will also ask the Deacons at their next meeting, to email their lists of “what they think that our church has going for us” so that he can incorporate everyone’s perspectives in his plan.

He asked the Elders to consider reducing the size of the Session from 18 Elders to 14 Elders. This change will make it much easier for the Nominating Committee to find members willing to serve on Session. Under this change, the Administration and the Music & Worship Ministry Teams would continue to have 3 Elders each on their Teams. The Buildings & Grounds, Christian Education, Congregational Life & Outreach, and the Missions Ministry Teams would move towards a composition of 2 Elders on each of their teams. It was felt that the complexity and the number of unique details and requirements associated with the Administration and the Music & Worship Ministry Team Elders need a 2 year training period in order for their Moderators to successfully learn all of the duties and responsibilities of their jobs. The learning curve for the Moderators on the other 4 Ministry Teams is probably not nearly as rigorous. A change in the number of Elders on Session will require a change to our By-Laws that has been approved by the Session and then by the congregation. The discussion about this change to our By-Laws will be announced to the congregation at the next Congregational meeting on Sunday Feb. 24, and if approved by the Session it will be voted on at the following Congregational meeting.

Pastor Story reminded everyone that we are hosting a “Meet & Greet” meeting of the churches in our Southwestern Cluster of our Presbytery on Saturday morning, February 23rd from 10 AM and is expected to run about an hour. It will give us a chance to meet and get acquainted with leaders from the Deming and Santa Theresa Churches. He invited anyone interested in attending the meeting to join us in the Jones Hall Library at 10 AM.

Rev. Story advised the Session that we have been approached about a 10 week seminary intern from Columbia Seminary. The prospective Intern is from South Carolina and is the daughter of a Minister friend of his. She speaks Spanish and is very interested in working with Rev. Hawkins and his Iglesia del Pueblo Spanish speaking congregation. She would also work with Rev. Blevins and her visitation ministry as well as help us with our vacation Bible School and other summer children’s programs. The cost of supporting her would be approximately $3,000 plus providing her with food and lodging at some member’s home. The Session voted to provide up to $3,000 in financial support for the Summer Intern.

Clerk’s Report: The Clerk’s Report was as written in the meeting agenda. The Clerk requested permission to remove Janelle Woodward (#4480), David Henderson (#4740), Thomas Todsen (#1333), Rena Schell (#4677), and Mary Kammann (#4626) from our rolls for the reasons listed in the agenda. The request for a motion to do so was made, seconded, and approved by acclamation. The Clerk reported the results of Session email votes on 2 motions that required Session action before the regularly scheduled meeting on February 19th. The motions and the results of the resulting actions are:

· After the Presbytery meeting in Alamogordo on January 25th & 26th it was suggested that we host an informal "meet and greet" gathering for the churches in our Southwestern Cluster on Saturday, February 23, from 10 AM to approximately 1 PM. In order to plan for this gathering, the Elders on Session were contacted by email and asked for a Motion, Second, and their votes in favor of hosting this meeting. A quorum of the Session discussed which Ministry Team would host the gathering, serve refreshments, and pay for the refreshments, but after clarification of the low number of people expected to attend, and the refreshments being defined as “coffee and donuts”; the motion was approved.

· The Congregational Life and Outreach Ministry Team emailed their Motion and Second requesting the Session Approve their request to ask for Free Will donations at their Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper to be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2013. The donations will be used to defray costs of the supper and any remaining proceeds will be used for Easter and/or banners. The Elders on Session were contacted by email and asked for their votes to approve this Motion. A quorum of the Session voted to approve the Motion.

· The B&G Elders on Session met in committee and Made & Seconded the following Motion: “In order to fund the replacement of the dead or dying Plum trees on the Southwest side of our property (along the irrigation canal), fund the redesign and upgrade of the water irrigation system for these replacement trees, as well as the trees in the church courtyard and the pine trees along the North property line; we request approval to establish a Memorial Tree Fund and request approval to solicit Donations to this fund. All monies donated to the Memorial Tree Fund will be restricted to the removal of the dead or dying trees along the canal and the planting of suitable “Memorial” trees. Individual or family donations of $500 increments to the Memorial Tree Fund will enable the donor(s) to designate 1 or more of the “Memorial” Trees in honor of a person or family of their choice, depending on the donation amount. Monies donated to the Memorial Tree Fund will also be used to fund the redesign and installation of upgrades to the courtyard irrigation system; as well as the irrigation system upgrade redesign and installation for the pine trees along the Church’s North property line and the Youth fire pit on the Northwest corner of our property. Any remaining monies will be used to improve other area of our property landscape”. The Elders on Session were contacted by email and asked for their votes to approve this Motion. A quorum of the Session discussed the funding of the improvements proposed in the Motion and after agreement that all improvements in the Motion would be funded by the donations received in the new Memorial Tree Fund, they voted to approve the Motion.

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the January 15, 2013 Stated Session meeting as written with the following corrections: The next to last sentence in the Deacon’s Report was changed from “He said that it costs us $250 per month to purchase the 500 lbs of food that is broken down into 50 lb packages that we distribute.” to “He said that it costs us $250 per month to purchase the 5000 lbs of food that is broken down into 50 lb packages that we distribute.”. The corrected minutes were approved by acclamation.

Deacon’s Report: The Deacon’s Moderator Don Behnke reported that the Roadrunner Food Bank distribution occurs on the 3rd Monday of each month. Members of Rev. Hawkins Iglesia del Pueblo church distribute 50 lbs of food per family on a “first come, first served” basis to 100 families registered to receive Food Bank assistance. The Food Bank has 250 families in their database who are qualified to receive food from it. He said that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) data reports that 55% of all recipients of their debit cards (previously food stamps) are under 18 years old or over 65 years old.

He said that the Deacon’s mattress and bedding ministry program received 7 carts (4 x 4 x 4 each) of bedding that a church attendee had arranged for Memorial Medical Center (MMC) to donate to us. Although the bedding was no longer suitable for Hospital use, it was still serviceable for distribution to poor and needy families in need of bedding. After just 2 bedding distributions, we only have about 1/2 of all the bedding donations we received left to distribute.

Committee Reports:

Administration: Written with no action items. The Administration Team pointed out that our January financial report showed that we spent $2,684.69 more than we received in income. The Administration Team will try to provide this monthly financial data in both the Good News and the Lantern in the future in order to keep all our members informed of our income and expenses. They will also monitor our expenses very closely in case we have to make changes to our approved budgets. Moderator Story turned the meeting over to the Clerk and requested himself so that the Administration Moderator could present his Terms of Call to the Session for their review and approval. After a brief discussion a motion was made and seconded to present Rev. Story’s Terms of Call to the Congregation at the Annual Congregational meeting on February 24th, with the Session’s recommendation for approval. The motion was approved by acclamation and Pastor Story returned to the meeting as Moderator.

Buildings and Grounds: Written with no action items. The Buildings and Grounds Team thanked the Session for approving their motion to establish a Memorial Tree Fund and solicit donations for the Fund and the much needed irrigation system upgrades. They spent their entire Feb. 12th meeting prioritizing the work list for the members and youth who show up for the Congregational Work Day at 8 AM on Sat. March 9th.

Christian Education: Written with 3 action items. The Christian Education Team recommended the Session approve the use of church facilities for youth movie nights on the 3rd Friday of every month, the use of church van to travel to Capitan for a High School Presbytery Retreat on March 1-3, and approval for a Youth garage sale on March 16th. Their recommendations were approved by acclamation. Elder Blaine Goss volunteered to ask for donations of members “slightly used” sofas for the youth room in Reeves/Watkins during a Sunday Minute for Missions. If members donate a good used sofa, then they will have a good reason to buy the new one that they have been looking at in the furniture store.

Congregational Life and Outreach: Written with no action items The Congregational Life Team reminded everyone of their St. Patrick’s Day Pot Luck on Sunday March 17th. They described it as a “Meet and Eat” for new members to meet the congregation, and vice versa.

Missions: Written with no action items. The Missions Team continues to update the Missions Book.

Music and Worship: Written with no action items. The Music & Worship Team reported that the Maundy Thursday service on March 28th will serve Communion by intinction and the March 31st Easter services will be preceded by our traditional Easter morning breakfast

Foundation: No meeting, therefore no report.

Financial Report for Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2013

Jan. (Actual) Jan. (Budgeted) YTD (Actual) YTD (Budgeted)

Income     $31,725.25     $31,725.25

Expense     $34,409.94     $34,409.94

Omnibus Motion to receive all Committee Reports and accept Financial Report: Approved by consent.

Old Business: The Session discussed the Duties and Responsibilities of the Congregational Life and Outreach Ministry Team and approved it after the addition several duties or responsibilities that were not included in the Team’s initial list. The approved list of the Team’s Duties and Responsibilities is shown as Attachment 1 to these minutes.

New Business: No new business was brought to the Session.

The next Stated Session Meeting will be Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 7:00 PM. The Christian Education Ministry Committee will be responsible for opening prayer and meditation.

Adjournment: Reverend Story adjourned the meeting with prayer at 8:00 PM.

_____________________ ______________________ _____________

Carlton Connor Norm Story Date Approved

Clerk of Session Moderator


to the Minutes of the February 19, 2013 Stated SESSION Meeting



Congregational Life and Outreach Ministry Team

Areas of responsibility include, but are not limited to:

· Inreach activities

Pictorial Church Directory

Hymn sing and picnic

Coordinate Fellowship hour

Coordinate large-scale changes to the church website

Men’s Easter Breakfast

Easter egg hunt

Graduation recognition

Mother’s Day recognition

Ice cream social

New member welcome potlucks

Coordinate and/or host large church meetings

Coordinate and/or host small group meetings

· Outreach activities

Coordinate large-scale changes to the church website

Trunk or Treat

Special outreach events (e.g. The Gospel of John)

Women's and men's retreats liaison

Welcome bags for visitors

· Publicity

Bulletin and Las Cruces Sun News free announcements

Bulletin Worship Guide ad

Metro Maps ad

Yellow pages ad"

Special events publicity (e.g. Holy Week services, Christmas services, First Presbyterian Cookbook)

Note: The divisions between the three categories are somewhat arbitrary and malleable.



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Last update 2013-03-19 15:24:35