First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2013


Moderator Reverend Norm Story convened the meeting at 7:00 PM and Kate Puckett of the Missions Ministry Team opened it with a meditation and prayer.


Elders present:  Lon Anderson, Corina Armendariz, Austin Breck, Brad Class, Blaine Goss, Lloyd Kirschenmann, Janet Loman, Kate Puckett, Roger Sellers, Greg Sherman, Stephen Taylor, Dennis Thomas, and Nora Yaryan.

Elders Absent:  Lyn Ames, Jacqui Jones, Richard Paul, and Winnie Quinzi.


Guests:  Geviene (Gigi) M. King, Joseph Newton’ Supervised Ministry Intern, Erin Gaston, Rev. Carrol Blevins and Deacon Moderator Don Behnke.


Establish Quorum: The Clerk of Session established that a quorum was present. 


Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as published.


Introduction of New Member Applicants: Geviene (Gigi) M. King was introduced as a new member applicant joining by Letter of Transfer from St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Tucson, AZ and Joseph Newton as a new member applicant joining by reaffirmation of faith.  The Elders introduced themselves, briefly described their role as a church officer and how they all viewed this church as a significant part of their immediate family.  Gigi King introduced herself and stated that although her parents were “Swedish Lutherans”, she has been a Presbyterian all of her life.  She is retired and taught school in Alamogordo for several years many years ago when her husband worked at Holloman AFB, but left the area when he moved to a new job.  Joseph Newton described his experiences as a homeless person in Las Cruces, when he followed the woman he plans to marry later this year.   He is currently involved with a local prison ministry organization here in Las Cruces.  The Session voted to welcome Geviene (Gigi) M. King and Joseph Newton into the membership of our church family, and they will be presented to the congregation on Sunday, May 26, 2013.


Pastor’s Report:  Pastor Story introduced our Supervised Ministry Intern, Erin Gaston, to the Session and reiterated that she will be working with Rev. Carrol Blevins, Rev. Wayne Hawkins, as well as with himself.  He said that in addition to all of her ministerial assignments, and working with our Vacation Bible School program she will be a fresh set of eyes that can look at our church facilities, programs, and staff objectively.  He has asked her to tell us what she sees that we have and do that attracts visitors, and what may turn them off.  This information from an impartial observer will be used to help us grow our programs and membership.


Rev. Story briefed the Session on a proposal that he wants to present to the Presbytery at the next scheduled meeting in Clovis on September 27 & 28.  The proposal would allocate up to approximately $40,000 of the Grant funds remaining from the Synod-provided Mission Partnership Funds to churches with less than 60 members.  Those small churches could apply for a 3-year grant from the Presbytery for a local transitional or mission project or program.  The churches approved for these grants would receive $3k the first year, then $2k the second, and $1k the final year.   The funds remaining from the Synod Grant, approximately $40,000 could be used to hire a transitional Presbytery leader, or added to the funds for the Stated Clerk, who would assume the duties of a transitional leader.  Support for a Transitional Leader is conditional, requiring that those wanting to join Santa Fe Presbytery agree that during the year with the transitional leader in place, to make an honest and all-out effort to implement the cluster-structure, to develop our clusters as building blocks toward a more stable, effective and sustainable Presbytery.  We are requesting a fair attempt to implement the cluster-structure without interference and allow that year to provide opportunity to test and determine if this is a viable organizational model or not.  After some discussion, the motion to approve the proposal was approved by a majority vote.


Rev. Story announced that Kristine Lambert, our Salt & Light & Vacation Bible School Coordinator, is resigning after the end of VBS in mid June.  A committee is working on the Job Description of a new position that will combine her duties with those of Youth Specialist Mark Hellman, who resigned effective May 12th. The timeline to complete the new job description, advertise the position, review the applicant resumes, select and hire the applicant that best fits our needs is focused on completing the process before Salt & Light resumes in early September.


Clerk’s Report:  The Clerk’s Report was as written in the meeting agenda.  1.  The Clerk reported that Elder Janet Loman was elected by a special email election to serve as our Special Alternate Commissioner to Presbytery for the regular Presbytery meeting in Carlsbad on Friday & Saturday, April 26 & 27th".   The Clerk notified Harold Armstrong, Stated Clerk of the Presbytery on April 23rd that the Session had elected Elder Loman as our Special Alternate Commissioner to Presbytery for the April 26th & 27th meeting.

2.  Rev. Carrol Blevins reported that she and Deacon Don Behnke had served Communion to 6 persons at Golden Mesa on Sunday, May 5th.

3.  The Clerk reported the receipt of a questionnaire from the Presbytery Leadership Team on 14 May  2013 requesting that the Session complete it, and provide a “Sense of the Session” about our current Presbytery Cluster structure.  Some of the questions included: 1. Should we resume any attempt to join with the Presbytery of Santa Fe; 2. Should we have paid Presbytery personnel, and if so, how much should we pay them; and 3. Where would we get the funds to pay them.  Discussion of the questionnaire was deferred for later discussion under New Business.


Approval of Minutes:   A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the April 19, 2013 Stated Session meeting as written.  The minutes were approved by acclamation.

Deacon’s Report:  Deacon Moderator Don Behnke reported the distribution of “slightly” used bedding to 26 families of students at Alameda Elementary School.  Deacon Behnke said that food bank had distributed 5000 lbs of food to 101 families on May 20th.


Committee Reports:

The Music & Worship Team reminded us that our Iglesia del Pueblo congregation is hosting the next meeting of our Presbytery Cluster on Sunday, June 2nd.


Administration:  Written with no action items.  The Administration Team reported that our April financial report showed that to date, we have spent $9,080 more than we have received. It appears that we need to hold down our spending a little more, particularly as we get into the summer vacation months.  They discussed the employee evaluations coming up in June and the need for updated Job Descriptions.  They discussed the financial handling procedures that must be followed in handling and counting all church offerings.  They also discussed the need to update specific portions of our church Policy & Procedures manual.

Buildings and Grounds:  Written with no action items.  The Buildings & Grounds Team began removing the burned playground equipment and wood chips from the playground.  Before proceeding, the committee will ascertain the relevant building and safety codes with the appropriate city officials to determine whether the playground renovation would be feasible.

The well and watering system continues to have problems with the amperage of the motor and repairs of the water lines. The well service vender has been contacted and our handyman, Marc Ortiz is working to repair/replace water pipes.  The Team continued their discussion about what to do about the aging sound panels in Reeves Hall.   New panels would be prohibitively expensive.   Draperies would be more cost-effective but would be subject to soiling and damage by children who use the area for meals and other activities.   No definite decision about the best way to solve this problem has been made at this time.  The Columbarium Committee Chairman informed us that his Committee wishes to provide a shade structure for the area in front of the Columbarium..  Funding for all materials and labor will be donated.  While the B & G Team will approve/disapprove the final plans, we will have no involvement with the funding or construction of the project if approved.


Christian Education:  Written with no action items.  The Christian Education Team announced that Greg & Kelly Temple have graciously volunteered to take over some of the tasks left vacant by the resignation of Mark Hellman, until a Youth Minister is found, they are however accepting any volunteers in assisting them.  Pastor Story & Gena Breck will be taking the mid-school youth on their mission trip, and Greg & Kelly Temple will be taking the high-school youth on their mission trip.  Nancy Cowan has also kindly taken on leading the Sunday school youth.


Congregational Life and Outreach: Written with 1 action item.  The Team has scheduled a salad luncheon and Hymn sing on Sunday, June 2nd after church.  Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 10th through the 14th and an ice cream social is scheduled for July 21st after church.  The annual “Blessings of the Backpacks” is scheduled for August 11th and will be followed by a Pot Luck luncheon.  The Team recommended the Session approve their request to change the beneficiary from the sale of their Presbyterian Cookbook, so that revenues from sales will go towards replacing the playground equipment.  After a brief discussion the recommendation was amended to read ”that if the way be clear, revenues from sales will go towards replacing the playground equipment”. The amended recommendation was approved by acclamation.


Missions: Written with no action items.  The committee discussed the preparation for Bob Waguespack’s visit in June and what we learned from the Pontiers’ visit in May.  They will make sure that all invitations to a meal are made well in advance.  They agreed to coordinate with Blaine (who will be preaching that day) to decide what to invite Bob to do, and will try to publicize the visit through an e-mailed invitation using the church mailing list.  Richard Paul will organize and Jean O’Neil will assist in accomplishing these tasks.


Music and Worship: Written with no action items.  The Team discussed the Pulpit supply while Rev Story is with the mid school mission trip and on study leave.  On June 23 it will be Blaine Goss, on June 30 Intern Erin Gaston, on July 7 Rev Wayne Hawkins (Joint service with Iglesia del Pueblo congregation), on July 14 & 28 Janet Loman, and on July 21 Rev Carol Blevins. Gena Breck will lead the Faith and Fellowship services during this time.  Their schedule also noted that our Iglesia del Pueblo congregation is hosting the next meeting of our Presbytery Cluster on Sunday, June 2nd.


Foundation:  No meeting, therefore no report.

Columbarium:  The Columbarium Committee met on May 12, 2013 to discuss the feasibility of presenting a proposal to the Buildings & Grounds Ministry Team for building a Pergola style shade cover in front of the Columbarium.  After a brief discussion the Committee voted to present the proposal concept to the Ministry Team at their regular meeting on May 14th.

Financial Report for Apr. 1 - Apr. 30, 2013

                   Apr. (Actual)   Apr. (Budgeted)     YTD (Actual)      YTD (Budgeted)

Income       $25,876.29                                         $130,930.26

Expense     $35,282.56                                         $140,010.24

Omnibus Motion to receive all Committee Reports and accept Financial Report:  Approved by consent.

Old Business:  The Session discussion of the Duties and Responsibilities of the Music and Worship Ministry Team scheduled for this meeting was tabled.  It will be discussed at the June meeting.

New Business:  1.  A motion was made and seconded to cancel the regular Session meeting in July.   During the discussion, it was pointed out that Rev. Blevins and/or Rev. Hawkins will be available to assist and moderate the Session in the event that some unexpected events require their action.  The motion was approved by acclamation.

2.  The Presbytery questionnaire was briefly discussed and it was quickly decided that the Clerk should email the questionnaire to all of the Elders on Session so they could review it and send their individual responses to the Presbytery, with copies to the Clerk.  The Clerk & Pastor Story will incorporate all of the responses they receive into a “Sense of the Session” that will be sent to the Presbytery as the Session’s formal response.


The next Stated Session Meeting will be Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 7:00 PM. The Music and Worship Ministry Team will be responsible for opening prayer and meditation.

Adjournment: Reverend Story adjourned the meeting with prayer at 8:13 PM.


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