First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Moderator Reverend Dr. Norm Story convened the meeting at 7:01 PM and Elder Nancy Johnson of the Administration Ministry Team opened it with a prayer.


Elders Present:  Lyn Ames, Lon Anderson, Brad Class, Blaine Goss, Susan Grandle, Nancy Johnson, Jacqui Jones, Bill Kuyper, Greg Sherman, Stephen Taylor, and Dennis Thomas.


Elders Excused Absence:  Corina Armendariz, Winnie Quinzi, and Roger Sellers.


Guest:  Deacon Moderator Steve Johnson and Rev. Wayne Hawkins.


Establish Quorum: The Clerk of Session established that a quorum was present. 


Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as published.


Pastor’s Report:  Pastor Dr. Story advised the Session that we were eligible to elect two (2) additional Alternate Commissioners to Presbytery, and that Bruce Carlson and Susan Grandle had volunteered to serve in that capacity.  He asked the Session to consider these members to fill these vacancies.  A motion was made and seconded to elect Bruce Carlson and Susan Grandle as our 3rd and 4th Alternate Commissioners to Presbytery.  The motion was approved by acclamation.


He told the Session that the sudden death of Rev. Carrol Blevins was a huge loss for both our church and him personally.  Her work visiting the sick and shut-in members will have to be picked up by the Elders and Deacons as part of their Shepherd duties.  He said that each shepherd to contact their sheep at least 4 times a year, and email him with their contact information data shortly after each contact occurs.  He said that he is building a database that will track each shepherd’s activities and help keep them on track.


Rev. Dr. Story wants to provide Communion to our shut-in members twice a year, and to help achieve this goal he has contacted the Presbytery Commission on Ministry (COM) requesting approval to conduct a class on how to serve Communion that will be offered to all Elders who are willing to help provide Communion to our shut-in members and the sister churches in our Cluster.  Any Elder, both past and current, who wants to take the Communion class that will lead to being authorized to serve Communion for up to 1 year, should email Pastor Dr. Story about their interest in taking the class.


Pastor Dr. Story advised the Session that he will be going on the Youth Retreat in October and that CRE Janet Loman will be filling the pulpit in his absence.  He advised the Session that the Deming Church will be hosting the April 2015 meeting of the Presbytery, and that he will encourage the members of our Church and Session to plan on attending, as it will allow them to see our Presbytery at work, up close and in our Cluster.


Rev. Dr. Story recommended that the Session call a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, October 26th after regular Church services to:  a)  receive the report of the 2014 Nominating Committee, and b)  to ratify the decision of the Session after their February19, 2013 and December 17, 2013 meetings to change Article IV.2 of our By-Laws from:  2.  The Session shall normally consist of eighteen duly elected elders, 1/3 of whom shall be elected each year, with a moderator as specified in the Book of Order.  TO:  2.  The Session shall normally consist of fourteen duly elected elders, 6 of whom shall be elected for 3 year terms and 8 of whom shall be elected for 2 year terms, with a moderator as specified in the Book of Order.


Rev. Dr. Story announced that Rev. Wayne Hawkins was moving to California after World Communion Sunday (October 5th) due to pressing family assistance needs.  He asked Rev. Hawkins if he would like to address the Session.


Rev. Hawkins thanked Rev. Dr. Story for opening our church facilities to his Iglesia del Pueblo ministry in 2005.  Our support of his ministry has saved at least 7 families in his congregation.  He said that 99.9% of his congregation wants to stay with, and become members of our church family.  They have created an organizational structure that matches our church structure and they are ready to join our church as members and worship with us.


He said that there are 7 Presbyterian churches in Juarez, Mexico who are providing Spanish speaking ministers to churches on El Paso, Texas.  He and Rev. Dr. Story have been looking into the possibility of getting support from one or more of these ministers.  He said that our church has provided the facilities that support the monthly distribution of Roadrunner Food Bank supplies, and members who meet monthly to address border immigration issues.  He concluded by thanking the Session and left the meeting.


Rev. Dr. Story advised the Session about some of the issues he is working on to address the integration of Rev. Hawkins’ Spanish speaking congregation into the English speaking First Presbyterian Church congregation.  These issues are:  1)  A church Membership Data form in Spanish that can be filled out and turned in to Rev. Hawkins & Rev. Dr. Story by September 25th.  2)   A Membership Commission meeting with the 30 to 40 members of the Iglesia del Pueblo congregation who want to join the First Presbyterian Church on Communion Sunday (October 5th).  3)  Developing an effective shepherding program that works for both our English and Spanish speaking members.  4)  Continuing the monthly Roadrunner Food Bank distribution system that is in place and working so effectively.  5)  Conducting a Communicants class this Fall.  6)  Ensuring that the Spanish speaking members and church attendees have people ready to put a liturgy together when they are meeting separately from the English speaking members.  7)  Some funding options for this ministry will be discussed in the future.


Rev. Dr. Story asked the Elders to help identify members who speak Spanish and might assist the Membership Commission and himself to meet the needs of the Iglesia del Pueblo congregation.


Clerk’s Report:  The Clerk’s Report was as written in the meeting agenda and was on the CONSENT DOCKET.

a. The inspection of our church record books is on hold pending additional guidance from the Stated Clerk of our Presbytery.

b. The Clerk was advised that Dr. Janet Loman CRE has resigned as Commissioner to Presbytery effective August 31, 2014.  Elder Nancy Tasker Johnson was nominated to be our new Commissioner to Presbytery; and the Clerk conducted an email survey of the Session to determine if the Elders would second her nomination and vote either for or against her election as our Commissioner.  A Quorum of Elders responded by seconding her nomination and she was elected unanimously.

c. The Membership Commission meeting on September 14, 2014 welcomed new members Penelope Printz and Audra Jones.  They will be introduced to the Congregation on Sunday, September 21, 2014.

d. The Clerk received an email message on September 5, 2014 from the Presbytery Stated Clerk advising us that the new address for the Synod of the Southwest was changed effective July 2014.  The new address is:  Synod of the Southwest;  1830 E, Broadway Blvd. #124-185;  Tucson, AZ 85719;  Phone # 521-791-9600 (office);  520-791-9603 (Fax).


Approval of Minutes:   The Clerk’s Report and the approval of the Minutes of the STATED SESSION MEETING on August 26, 2014 and the MEMBERSHIP COMMISSION MEETING ON September 14, 2014 were on the Agenda Consent Docket and were APPROVED BY CONSENT.


Deacon’s Report:  Outgoing Deacon Moderator Steve Johnson reported that the Deacon’s Report was written and he had no additional information.  The Clerk handed him at letter of appreciation from the Session for his service and contributions to the church.  We wished him well on his relocation to Massachusetts to care for his mother and reminded him that he was always welcome to return back to his church family in Las Cruces.


Committee Reports:


Administration:  No formal meeting was held, but they are working on the annual Stewardship Campaign.


Buildings and Grounds:  Verbal report that they are painting our FPC identification of the new folding chairs that were recently purchased.  They are working to clean & replace fallen brick, but have more work than available workers.  The Annual Church Work Day is scheduled for Saturday, October 18th and they urged everyone to bring friends and show up for work.


Christian Education:  Written with one recommendation.  The committee recommended that the use of Church Vans to transport approximately 30 to 40 Mid and High School youth on a Fall retreat at Camp Bonita on October 8 through 11 be approved.  Their recommendation was approved by Consent.


Congregational Life and Outreach Support: Written with no action items.  The committee announced that their hike to Achenbach Canyon in the Organ Mountains was cancelled when bad weather kept everyone away.  They focused most of their efforts on preparing for their Trunk or Treat Halloween program on October 31st.


Missions: No written report and therefore with no action items.


Music and Worship: Written with no action items.


Foundation:  No meeting, therefore no report.


Financial Report for Aug 1 - Aug 31, 2014


                   Aug (Actual)    Aug (Budgeted)       YTD (Actual)      YTD (Budgeted)

Income       $29,675.74                                         $251,135.78

Expense     $32,515.36                                         $243,277.10


The Consent Motion to receive all Committee Reports and accept the Financial Report was approved.


Old Business:  Due to the numerous issues covered in the Pastor’s Report, The Session deferred the discussion about how we can get more church-wide participation and involvement in Church activities like Adult Sunday School classes; fellowship and leadership activities; Stewardship; and recruitment of new members of all ages until the October 21 meeting.


New Business:


a.       The discussion about the future of the Iglesia del Pueblo congregation by Rev. Wayne Hawkins was addressed above in the Pastor’s Report..

b.      Debbi Caldwell was unable to meet with the Session and make her Presentation about leasing part of Branigan Hall for use as a Day Care facility because she was waiting for a parent to pick up his child from her home.  We will schedule her presentation at a later date.


The next Stated Session Meeting will be Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM. The Buildings & Grounds Ministry Team will be responsible for opening prayer and meditation.


Adjournment: Reverend Story adjourned the meeting with prayer at 8:27 PM.




______________________                ______________________                   _____________      

Carlton Connor                             Rev. Dr. Norm Story                        Date Approved

          Clerk of Session                                   Moderator








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Last update 2014-12-20 11:57:49