First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Moderator Reverend Dr. Norm Story convened the meeting at 7:00 PM and Elder Roger Sellers of the Buildings & Grounds Ministry Team opened it with a prayer.


Elders Present:  Lyn Ames, Lon Anderson, Brad Class, Blaine Goss, Susan Grandle, Nancy Johnson, Jacqui Jones, Bill Kuyper, Winnie Quinzi,  Roger Sellers, Greg Sherman, and Stephen Taylor.


Elders Excused Absence:  Corina Armendariz and Dennis Thomas.


Guests:  Deacon Moderator Bill Haynes and Presbytery of Sierra Blanca Commission on Ministry (COM) Representatives Teresa Ogden & Rev. Gene Harbaugh


Establish Quorum: The Clerk of Session established that a quorum was present. 


Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as published.


Pastor Dr. Story introduced Presbytery COM Representatives Teresa Ogden & Rev. Gene Harbaugh and advised the Session that they were here to meet with the Session on behalf of the Presbytery and that he would excuse himself while they discussed several items with the Session.  He also advised the Session that all discussions were to be considered private and that no notes or minutes would be taken of their discussions.  The meeting was part of a regular meeting conducted by representatives of the COM with each Session in the Presbytery about once every 2 to 4 years.  Teresa Ogden thanked the Session for their responses to her questions and closed the meeting at approximately 8 PM.


Pastor Dr. Story was invited back to the meeting and resumed as Moderator.


Pastor’s Report:  Pastor Dr. Story advised the Session that the passing of Rev. Carrol Blevins had created a major void in our visitation ministry to our sick and shut-in members.  His friend, Rev. John Himes had offered to help him with our visitation ministry and to help with arranging and serving Communion to shut-ins.  He said that he had discussed the role of a Parish Associate with Rev. Himes and about serving in that capacity.  After a brief discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and approved by acclamation to invite Rev. John Himes to serve as Parish Associate.  Rev. Himes will be offered reimbursement for his travel expenses associated with his Parish Associate ministry.


Rev. Dr. Story advised the Session that we have a second group of individuals from the Iglesia del Pueblo congregation who have submitted their Membership Data Forms so they can join our church family.  He said that all membership applications will be passed along to the Membership Commission for processing.  He said that their Worship Committee meets on Tuesday evenings and that he is working with them by texting in both English and Spanish, as well as taking a Spanish course on-line. 


He told the Session that the Presbytery at the Stated Meeting on September 26-27, 2014 in Lovington, NM had voted to hire a Transitional Shepherd for a term of no more than 2 years.  A committee was assigned to draft a position description and conduct a job search to select the best applicant for the position.  He said that he hoped the individual selected for the job is someone who is committed to completing the task in a year or less.  He asked all Elders to provide him with an updated status of their contacts with their sheep.  He advised the Session that he would be taking off the 28th of December, the 4th and 11th of January.  The pulpit will be filled by CRE Janet Loman on Dec. 28th and Rev. John Himes on Jan. 4th.  He also explained that our college ministry would like to lead worship on January 11, and that Catie Brewer would like to preach that day.  He said that he has been invited to officiate at his niece’s wedding after Easter in North Carolina, and would will be away on April 12th, but it is too early to identify who will fill the pulpit in his absence


Rev. Dr. Story advised the Session that the negotiations with Debbie Caldwell about leasing part of Branigan Hall for her Day Care business were currently ongoing.



Clerk’s Report:  The Clerk’s Report was as written in the meeting agenda and was on the CONSENT DOCKET.

a. The inspection of our church record books is on hold pending additional guidance from the Stated Clerk of our Presbytery.

b. . The Clerk received a motion by email to call a Special Session meeting for after Church services on Sunday. 9-28-14. The purpose of this special meeting is to meet Debbi Caldwell and hear her presentation about leasing part of Branigan Hall for her use as a Day Care facility.  Seconds and votes to call the Special Session Meeting were received from a Quorum of the Elders on Session and the Motion was approved by acclamation.

c. Membership Commission meeting on September 28, 2014 welcomed new members Jesus Agustin, Antonia Borjas, Antonio Alonzo, Martha Alonzo, Alfredo Cadena, Ramelia Cadena, Gustavo Gomez, Karla Martinez, Marcos Puentes, Martha Puentes, Graciano Renteria, Maria Ceniceros, Orlando Sanchez, Claudia Sanchez, Juana Suarez, Patricia Tovar, Socorro Tovar, Carlos Gomez, Madelourdes Vazquez, Fernando Fuentes, Domitila Prospero, Ivan Cadena, Esperanza Carrillo, Juan Lee, Leslie Ortiz, and Lilia Rivera.  They were introduced to the Congregation on World Communion Sunday, October 5, 2014.

d. During the preparation of the Minutes of the September 16, 2014 Session meeting, the Clerk was unable to find any record of a formal vote to change Article IV.2 of the Church By-Laws FROM2.  The Session shall normally consist of eighteen duly elected elders, 1/3 of whom shall be elected each year, with a moderator as specified in the Book of OrderTO2.  The Session shall normally consist of fourteen duly elected elders, 6 of whom shall be elected for 3 year terms and 8 of whom shall be elected for 2 year terms, with a moderator as specified in the Book of Order.   The Session Minutes of the February19, 2013 meeting reflect their discussion and the December 17, 2013 meeting minutes reflect their decision to implement the change.  The Clerk requested a motion to:  “change Article IV.2 of our By-Laws from:  2.  The Session shall normally consist of eighteen duly elected elders, 1/3 of whom shall be elected each year, with a moderator as specified in the Book of Order.  TO:  2.  The Session shall normally consist of fourteen duly elected elders, 6 of whom shall be elected for 3 year terms and 8 of whom shall be elected for 2 year terms, with a moderator as specified in the Book of Order.”  A Motion was Made, Seconded, and Approved by acclamation to approval this By-Laws change and to present this approved change to the Congregation for their approval at the Called Congregational Meeting on Sunday, October 26, 2014.


Approval of Minutes:   The Clerk’s Report and the approval of the Minutes of the STATED SESSION MEETING on September 16, 2014 and the MEMBERSHIP COMMISSION MEETING on September 28, 2014 were on the Agenda Consent Docket and were APPROVED BY CONSENT.


Deacon’s Report:  Deacon Moderator Bill Haynes reported that the Deacon’s Report was written and he had no additional information except the results of Deacon’s Hamburger Fry.  They served 174 people at a food cost of $391.00; and so far their income was over $2,000.00.


Committee Reports:


Administration:  Written with no action items.


Buildings and Grounds:  Written with no action items.  It was noted that several of our new members from the Iglesia del Pueblo congregation were in attendance during the annual church work day on Saturday, October 18th and they contributed a lot to the work accomplished.


Christian Education:  Written with no action items.


Congregational Life and Outreach Support: Written with no action items.  The committee announced that they had received a gift of $3,000 for outreach and remained focused on preparing for their Trunk or Treat Halloween program on October 31st.


Missions: Written with no action items.  They announced that they were expecting a visit from some of the Missionaries we support on November 22nd & 23rd.


Music and Worship: Written with no action items.


Foundation:  No meeting, therefore no report.


Financial Report for Sept 1 - Sept 30, 2014


                   Sept (Actual)    Sept (Budgeted)      YTD (Actual)      YTD (Budgeted)

Income       $36,795.59                                         $287,931.37

Expense     $30,443.69                                          $273,720.79


The Consent Motion to receive all Committee Reports and accept the Financial Report was approved.


Old Business:  Due to the numerous length of time spent in discussions with the Presbytery COM representatives, the Session deferred the discussion about how we can get more church-wide participation and involvement in Church activities like Adult Sunday School classes; fellowship and leadership activities; Stewardship; and recruitment of new members of all ages until the October 21 meeting.


New Business:  Pastor Dr. Story reminded the Elders that our sister church in Deming was hosting the Presbytery meeting on April 24 & 25, 2015.  This would be a great opportunity to see a Presbytery meeting in action without driving to meeting sites like Roswell, Corona, or Lovington.


The next Stated Session Meeting will be Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 7:00 PM. The Christian Education Ministry team will be responsible for opening prayer and meditation.


Adjournment: Reverend Story adjourned the meeting with prayer at 8:35 PM.




______________________   ______________________           _____________      

Carlton Connor                 Rev. Dr. Norm Story                Date Approved

          Clerk of Session                        Moderator








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Last update 2014-12-20 12:22:17