LCSRA Meeting - Wednesday April 11, 2018

Gerald Thomas Hall, Room 200

1.       Call to Order at 7:00 pm by President GboGbo

2.       Some referees are experiencing little or total lack of youth games assignments and expressed their frustration in that respect.  The Association President has been asked to discuss the issue with the LCYSL assignor.


3.       Length of with the game per age group:  some referees apparently cut short the game times without consultation with coaches.

a.       U15/16:  40 Minutes half

b.      U17/18:  45 Minutes half

c.       U16 playing up:  you play the higher age group time.


4.       The assignments of too many youth games on the day of our monthly meeting is a major factor that contributed to the lower meeting attendance this season.  The LCSRA President was asked to write a letter to LCYSL board of Director stating that next season, the LCYSL should not assign any game on the second Wednesday of each month so that the referees can attend the monthly meeting.   The referees who come to the meeting should be the first to be assigned games.


5.       FC Grande, a local Semi professional team:  Bill Lindemann is the assignor for Las Cruces games, and Claudia Zamora is the assignor for El Paso games.



6.       MVSL – COED tournament-  The rules are posted on our site.


7.       MVSL rules:  follow the uniforms rules.  President GboGbo mentioned that MVSL needs to post on their web site a reminder about the enforcement of the rule after the third week of the season.


8.       Vice President Xavier Sanchez discussed the mentorship.


9.       Training by Bill Lindemann


10.   The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm