Regular Meeting



Vice President Xavier Chavez called to order.

Minutes for June/July motion by Tim Pitts, second by Robert Gage, motion passed.


The LCYSL has approved a new pay scale for youth games. Tom Duttle discussed the particulars

about what referees need to do to receive the higher pay rates. This includes a D & G assessment

for Grade 8 Referees, or an upgrade to a 7 or higher level. The goal is to get referees to train, improve,

and move to higher levels. Meeting attendance is one of the requirements.

Treasurer: No changes

MVSL: No checks; going through a financial audit.

State Ref: Trying to schedule a Grade 8 clinic for Aug 26.


Training conducted by Bill Lindemann; Zero tolerance policy, what to do for safety, field checks, the ball.

Adjourned at 8:06pm.


Minutes submitted by Raymond Burchfield, Secretary, LCSRA