LCSRA General Meeting
Gerald Thomas Hall, NMSU

Called to order at 7:00pm

Minutes from Jan, 2018: Motion to accept by Tim Pitts, 2nd by Raymond Burchfield. Motion passed.

Dominic: Stated that the youth league will start on March 9 due to City giving our fields to an El Paso club for their tournament on the first weekend in March.
LCSRA members are strongly encouraged to email their City Counselor and complain.

There will be a Grade 8 clinic on February 23. We need applicants for the Kevin Reidel Scholarship.

MVSL: Bill had all MV refs fill out the new agreement and conflict forms for the adult league.

President GboGbo discussed the retirement from refereeing of Andy Bristol.  Andy has been in this organization I believe from the beginning.
Dominic then requested permission from the membership to spend LCSRA funds to buy a tribute plaque to be awarded to Andy.
Bill Lindemann motioned to approve the expenditure, Tim Pitts seconded.  Motion passed. Bill then passed out Andy's old gear to the younger referees.

LCYSL: Juan Mena informed us that the youth league will have a mandatory training on March 2 @ NMSU intramural field.
These types of trainings will be held every 2 weeks this season. The youth league office has moved again. It is now located at 121 Wyatt Dr.

Training was divided this time: newer refs left with Bill and Xavier led the more experienced training.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Submitted by Raymond Burchfield
Secretary, LCSRA