Las Cruces Soccer Referee Association General Meeting


Location: NMSU Gerald Thomas Rm. 302

Date:        3-9-2005

Call To Order at 7:00 PM hours


Approval of “previous month” Minutes:

Motioned (                    ) Second (                     )


Treasure Report Submitted By Lisa Willman:


Income HNSL                      $4776.00

Interest                               $0,000.00

Donations                              $125.00

Total Income                       $4901.00



Raffle {Prizes}                     $0,000.00

Office Supplies                     $0,000.00

Referees                               $0,000.00

Scheduling                            $0,000.00

Training                               $0,000.00

Treasurer                             $0,000.00

Total Expanses                    $4620.89

Net Income                              280.11


HNSL Report:  (Allen Jackson)- After 3V3 tournament field conditions are not good.  High Noon #7 will be shut down for a while.  Rain delayed games will be made up in April.


MVLS Report: (Andy Bristol) – All men’s open games will be played at 3:00 PM on Sundays.


Assignor Report: (Andy Bristol)- No games have been missed so far.  When filling out game reports please write in comment section good points, send offs, field conditions, and injuries.  Do not write commitments about other refs.


SDR Remarks:  (Gary Manley) – None


Assessors Remarks: (Jose Diosdado) – None


High School Report: (Tom Duttle) –Meeting for HS refs after regular LCSRA meeting.

Youth Rep—Advised the younger refs to keep noise down that there are classes going on.


Old Business


1.        No report given on Kevin Riddel Scholarship. Lisa and Nigel are fine tuning the requirements with HNSL.



New Business

Topics:  Game pay for refs at City tournament.  HNSL has asked if we would take a reduced pay for tournament All games will be $15.00 and ARs $10.00




                1.Lisa- Adopt pay schedule for City Tournament at $15.00 for centers and ARs $10.00.  Troy Second the motion



Raffle Winner is Lindsey Short.