Las Cruces Soccer Referee Association

Membership Meeting Agenda
7:00PM March 13, 2013
Gerald Thomas Hall, Room 200
Business Meeting

Call to order; 34 members present (101 certified referees)

Motion to approve February 13, 2013 minutes as posted to web page. Jean McKeever moved and Andy Bristol seconded passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report Balance in checking account $3,207.73, no transactions in last couple of months, Dues are due Adults $20 and individuals under the age of 24 dues are $10, Jean is available to accept payments.
Audit Committee Report
Total Deposits $8098.13 (checking $4891; CDs $3207.73)
Total Revenue $ 548 (dues $520; Interest $28)
Expenses $580

LCYSL Report. Board did not meet no quorum. Whole Enchilada Tournament 150 teams April 20 & 21. City Cup scheduled through Arbiter. It will be held third weekend in May (18 & 19). Possible 3v3 Tournament June 15 & 16- contact Ron Nestle.

MVSL Report. No report. Bill Lindemann mentioned looking for referees. If interested contact him.

Gary Manley has resigned as Director of Instruction. Bill Lindemann is the new Director.

Antonio Marufo FIFA Referee Guest speaker at our April meeting. Attendance encouraged.

State District Referee Report Tom Duttle reported there will be some State Cup games that will be held here and referees will be needed. Assessors will be here for the TWEF tourney assessing prospects

Youth Referee Report - None

Kevin Riedel Scholarship Report Lisa Willman $25,000 endowment held by the Southern NM Community foundation and indicated the award this year will be $643.20. She handed out applications to the student referees that qualify for the award. Deadline to submit application is March 29, 2013 and is fast approaching. Some effort will be required to fill out application.

Training - Bill. Mentors on the field are needed.
Tom Duttle spoke of good communication between the center and ARs. ARs need to be calling fouls that appear in front of them. Tom also mentioned the importance of ARs being in good position, mechanics, watching play, moving with the offside position and good signaling. Tom demonstrated lateral movement.
Bill reiterated importance of what Tom had said; communication between referees and being in good position. Be consistent to avoid accusation of favoring one team. Be respectful of players and coaches. Team representatives have complained about referee performance. New referees are coming along nicely. Mentioned Ryan Adragna (working on promotion to grade 6) and Armando Torres (promote and working up). 26 teams are in MVSL. Bill also spoke briefly of scheduling.
Game Scenario – Tom Duttle
Forward shoved keeper off the field. AR first signaled then lowered flag. Keeper came back on the field and punted ball. No call could escalate into confrontation between players. What should have been call.

Dominique Diosdado high school soccer deadline May 1. Fee for returning referees $50 and new referees $55. No middle school this year.

Door prize
Meeting adjured at 7:58PM

Lisa Willman