Location:  NMSU Gerald Thomas Hall, Rm. 200

Call to order at 7PM by Pres. Lindeman.

The minutes from the April meeting were complete but not posted to the LCSRA website, but would be posted by the next meeting.


Andrew Wong and Malynda Chizek were named as recipients of the Kevin Reidel Scholarship.


Youth referees recognized for their continuing efforts to excel were announced.  Awards went to Kelley Krouse, Ramon Carrillo, and Marissa Salazar.


Gary Manley gave the treasurer’s report.  Motion was made by Joe Fleming and seconded by Cathy Short to approve the treasurer’s report.


Gary also gave the assignors report stating that the majority of game reports were submitted on time and was generally a good season.  He also announced a girl’s soccer tournament in Ruidoso on June26-27 and he would be the assignor for this tournament.  Any interested officials should send him an email with availability.


No report from HNSL or the MVSL.


Robert Gage announced that referees interested in working high school games need to register with NMAA.  The deadline for returning officials was May 1, and anyone submitting their registration late would be assessed a late fee by NMAA.  Organizational meetings will be heal in August.


Tom Duttle gave remarks concerning assessing, noting some of the incidents that happened during the state cup playoffs and things that the assessors were looking for from soccer referees.  Officials dress and appearance were just as important as their ability to referee the level of game they were assigned to work. 

Tom Duttle also gave the training for the evening focusing on sideline game management and bench behavior.  All game reports must be submitted promptly and correctly stating  facts only, not opinion.


The meeting was adjourned at 8PM.