Las Cruces Soccer Referee Association General and Board Meetings
November 14, 2012

Board Meeting

Board Meeting Minutes November 13, 2013
Gerald Thomas Hall, Room 200


Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM by Ray Burchfield
Attendance Ray Burchfield, Paige Ramsey, Jose Briones, Jean McKeever, Elliott Willman, Bill Lindeman

Absent Tom Duttle, Lisa Willman, Andy Bristol


New Business
Las Cruces Youth Soccer League (LCYSL) Meeting Report Ray attended the November 12, 2013 meeting.


• The LCYSL board concerned games not covered, lack of referees. Jason McClure (LCYSL President) under impression two $1000 checks were given to the referee association for recruitment. (Jean convinced this not the case but will check. Advertising on NMSU campus and in the Las Cruces Sun sign-up sheet would be minimal cost or free). The League requests a grade 9 clinic be held (will be offered on line). The LCYSL will begin managing not only U6 but also U8 games next fall.
• Proper check in of players to prevent player that is not on roster from playing.
• Many missing game reports, 90. All game reports due by November 30 if referees want to be paid for those games (will see if that is in our contract)
• Registration deadline for next season January 30, 2014.
• Spring Tournament: Border Cup will be replaced by Striker Cup.
• Crowd control. Jason wanted referees to do more (Bill said that is not our job. As referees we should talk to coach and it is coach’s responsibility to keep their fans under control).


Road construction, Bruins Lane and Tashiro Drive has begun. Only access to the fields may be through Motel Blvd.


Meeting adjourned at 7:00PM
Submitted by
Elliott Willman

General Meeting

Minutes for General meeting on 11/13/2013
Called to order at 7:03pm by President Ray Burchfield.

Minutes September and October - Tabled

Treasury report: Members were reminded to pay dues. Verbal report $3,000 in account, money is used to pay for door prizes and travel reimbursement. Indicated no money was received from youth league for promotion of training clinics

LCYSL report: Ray attended LCYSL board meeting on November 12, 2013
1. Construction project underway on Bruins Road, only access to High Noon fields is from Motel Boulevard, the only parking available is on east side of field of dreams
2. Care in game reports is important, need to include Jersey Number, Name and Time of goals or penalties
3. Missing 90 game reports, 30 of which had referees.
4. Check player cards more carefully
5. League Registration ends on January 30 for spring season
6. League plans on having a tournament in the spring, no date set (Striker Cup)
Jason McClure, President of LCYSL spoke. His remarks included the following comments
1. Want to hold a joint meeting between LCYSL and LCSRA, no date set
2. Please do not allow players not registered on the team scheduled to play
3. League needs more help
4. Referees are important to the league
5. Wants referees to police coaches and stop games in abusive situations
6. Trying to identify and eliminate insolent and bullying coaches
7. Fall season had too many games without referees
8. League will provide field marshals in the spring
9. Considering having referees file game reports on the field, no longer through Arbiter
10. League employees referees, referees are independent contractors
11. League wants to provide support for referees
12. Write bad behavior of coaches in game reports
13. Disciplinary committee is addressing 2 coaches who have played players in games which were not registered on the teams scheduled
14. Appreciate the help received in the fall
15. Do not file game reports for games you did not referee
16. Report any problem parents in game reports
17. Will not pay for games with no game reports filed
18. No referee contracts were signed this year
19. Thinking of using an assignor
20. Will see if coaches can start printing league issued rosters
21. Control games more, put coaches on spot, require coaches to control parents
22. Report any cussing by coaches in report
23. U-8 is going to parent game managers(referees) in the fall
24. Only 38 referees called games in the fall season (2013).
25. League appreciates referees
26. Talked about changing to bi-weekly payment to the referees on the field
27. Remember we are all about the kids
28. Need more volunteers on the LCYSL board
29. Holding a coaches meeting in January to emphasis training level
30. Interested in offering pay raises

State District Referee Report: No report

MVSL Report: Bill Lindemann Scolded referees for not showing up, no men’s game this week.

Assessor’s Remarks: No report

Youth Representative: Paige Ramsey stated “be confident and try not to make mistakes”

Training provided by Bill Lindemann and Tom Scott – appropriate jerseys Law 4 slogans and dives reviewed process to log into arbiter in order to review master schedule including everyone scheduled on games

Adjourned at 8:55 PM

Checks were then distributed.

Submitted by Lisa Willman, Secretary, LCSRA