In this book (my third), I have sought to share with the reader my own journey of discovery with respect to the doctrine and practice of baptism. I confess that my views have changed dramatically over the years as I have studied God's Word on this key act of faith that is a central tenet of Christendom. My understandings as I began this spiritual journey are not entirely my convictions today, which has led some to wonder how I arrived at my present perceptions. This book is the answer to that often asked question. To those who are willing to have their convictions challenged and to reflect upon them with eyes focused on God's grace, and who are not afraid of change, I humbly submit this record of one disciple's reflective journey of discovery.

Dr. Barry Perryman, an author and university professor, who wrote the Foreword for this new book, declared: "Al Maxey has honestly offered a progression of his thoughts on baptism that have been formed, revised, and expanded over the last decade. This work is a shining example of a disciple of Christ who openly, honestly, and bravely reviews what he believes and is convicted about. He is not afraid to ask himself if he has embraced error. He does not study the Scriptures to reinforce what he has already become comfortable with. Seldom do we have a written record that chronologically records one's progression of thought on a single subject that is so core to Christendom. To Al's credit, the scholarship within the individual chapters of this book is impeccable. And so I charge you the reader: Do not be fearful as you read and study this work, but rather be thoughtful, be honest, pray for understanding, and endeavor to know the freedom found in Christ Jesus."

A Few of the Reviews found on AMAZON.COM: #1 - "I really enjoyed this book and it has lots of good insights and perspectives about baptism. It is apparent that the author has actually been out there doing the work, such as helping people get saved on their death beds who are physically unable to be baptised, and it would seem that when this is not a hypothetical but actually happening, one really comes face to face with what baptism is and what it's for. Many perspectives are represented in this book, as well as any and all questions that go along with them. I liked that the author didn't seem 'perfect,' or think that he was; rather, it seems he went on a long journey to come to his current beliefs. For me, this book brought several things to light that I had never really considered before, so quite possibly this will not just be for other readers as well a book of things you already know. I recommend this book for anyone that wants to have a deeper understanding of baptism." ... #2 - "A very good read that is easy to understand. Gives new insight to a legalistic view that many people have about the Bible. Al is a Church of Christ member that has many views that traditional CofC adherents would not agree with. Yet, he presents nothing but the Truth: truths many may never have heard from their church leaders. Al does a great job at focusing on unity within the church. I love reading his free publication titled Reflections." ... #3 - "As long as you are concerned about legalism's dark legacy within many Churches of Christ, this book is a clear articulation of the place of God's grace and love in Christian baptism. One of the many helpful insights Al Maxey offers is that in a practical sense legalists within Churches of Christ actually treat baptism as a sacrament. Of course, they would never use such terminology. Al Maxey's clear reasoning, knowlege of Scripture, and understanding of the American Restoration Movement brings an enriching appreciation to the place and purpose of biblical baptism. This book will also be a great blessing to many Baptists, at least those who were raised theologically with a legalistic approach to interpreting Scripture."

It is my hope and prayer that you will be edified and encouraged by this study, and that you will freely and widely recommend it to those you know. Please keep this book in your prayers that it may touch many people's hearts and lives, and that it may help the Lord's children, as they go forth into the world proclaiming the Good News, to share a message of love and grace, rather than law and works.

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