Experience has proven that the simplest method of securing a silent weapon and gaining control of the public is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of basic systems and principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand.

This is achieved by: (1) disengaging their minds, sabotaging their mental activities, by providing a low quality program of public education in mathematics, logic, systems design, and economics, and by discouraging technical creativity. (2) engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities, by: (a) unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and emotional rape) by way of a constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media - especially the T.V. and the newspapers. (b) giving them what they desire - in excess -- `junk food for thought' -- and depriving them of what they really need. (3) rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation, thus being able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly fabricated outside priorities.

These preclude their interest in and discovery of the silent weapons of social automation technology. The general rule is that there is profit in confusion; the more confusion, the more profit. Therefore, the best approach is to create problems and then offer the solutions.


MEDIA: keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.

SCHOOLS: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and real history.

ENTERTAINMENT: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth grade level.

WORK: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.


A silent weapon system operates upon data obtained from a docile public by legal (but not always lawful) force. Much information is made available to silent weapons systems programers through the Internal Revenue Service. (See studies in the structure of the American Economy for an I.R.S. source list.) This information consists of the enforced delivery of well organized data contained in the federal and state tax forms collected, assembled, and submitted by slave labor provided by taxpayers and employers. Furthermore, the number of such forms submitted to the IRS is a useful indicator of public consent, an important factor in strategic decision making. Other data sources are given in the Short list of inputs. Consent Coefficients -- numerical feedback indicating victory status. Psychological basis: When the government is able to collect tax and seize private property without just compensation, it is an indication that the public is ripe for surrender and is consenting to enslavement and legal encroachment. A good indicator of harvest time is the number of public citizens who pay income tax despite an obvious lack of reciprocal or honest service from government.

From: Silent Weapons For Silent Wars