Eat Your Vegetables!


Some think it means basil; it does not. Actually it means mashed or ground, as in mortar and pestle. Basil is very often included because it's so good in pesto but you don't have to have basil. You do need a food processor if you really want to get it on. In this modern age of "Eat gobs more raw vegetables so you don't get cancer" this is a great way to get your fiber.

Here are a list of known good ingredients from our own experience. We grow most of them; you probably can, too.

Yum yum, eat 'em up -- on anything. pasta, pizza, polenta, rice, toast -- anything!!

Click here for "before and after" pictures.

(Too bad a word processor can't make delicious prose out of an assortment of words -- see "Ode to a Spell Checker".)

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