First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Annual Report 1998

This large page contains essentially all of the 1998 report to the congregation presented on February 7, 1999. Complete copies can be obtained from the church office. The index contains bookmarks to the vatious parts of the report. To return to the home page, click on the link at the bottom of this page.


First Presbyterian Church

200 E. Boutz Road

Las Cruces, NM 88005

505-526-5559; FAX: 647-5910



Presented to the Congregation on February 7, 1999



Church Staff

John Poling, Pastor

Susan Spencer, Associate Pastor & Youth Minister

Jackie Poling, Director of Education

& Congregational Life

Bill McMillan, Director of Music

Howard Smolleck, Organist

David Sallee, Director of College Ministry

Tammy Prahl, Office Manager

Betsy Holt, Office Assistant

Kathy Tucker, Financial Secretary

Brian McPherson, Sexton

Karl VanWart, Custodian

Judi Ferguson, Nursery Attendant

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THE PASTOR’S REPORT: Church Leadership

As I write this report, I intend to cover a few areas that have to do with leadership. From the beginning of 1998, I have had reason to be thankful for church officers functioning well in leadership together. It has also been a period of learning the breadth of God’s provision for our congregational life together.

Conflict Resolution

In our form of representative government, the steady work of a Session provides a necessary correction to anxiety-driven panic. Steadiness and fairness was the approach the Session took in handling the conflict that erupted at our annual meeting last February. Through the weeks and months that followed, the Session led us in resolving difficulty and setting the course for the future. As detailed in letters and in subsequent meetings, numerous ways of addressing concerns raised in the meeting have been pursued. The Session moved to provide for real needs and to overcome the mistaken perception that our congregation was in travail. The vast majority of our congregation learned, through these efforts by elders working together and openly, what secret and divisive strategies could not comprehend: the life of this church is healthy and approaching remarkable opportunities for growth in ministry. Accurate information and balanced approaches to genuine needs and concerns have allowed us to move beyond the worry of some and the anger of others into renewed efforts to serve Christ in this place. In all of this, the elders of our Session performed faithfully those duties that are theirs constitutionally.

Music Staff Changes

Staffing issues, always important, provided changes this year. The departure of our music director and organist from our music staff in the spring came after several months of considering a request for a large increase in compensation by the organist. Deciding not to establish a half-time position for organist and being unable to promise expansion in salary in the amount desired, the Session regretfully accepted the resignations of both staff members. We knew we had enjoyed excellence in music from the dedicated contribution of both Mrs. Beth Borchert and Mrs. Janet Loman, so it was with determination to provide for its continuance that we proceeded in the search for new music staff.

Numerous individuals came forward to offer their skills for our worship services during the summer months. We enjoyed "Pressing On" (of THE BRIDGE, Presbyterian Campus Ministry) for two occasions and several other visiting musicians. The Music Staff Search Committee, under the able guidance of Dr. Warner Hutchison, organized and moved into high gear in June. Numerous interviews and the prayerful support of the congregation resulted in the provision of outstanding music leadership by September. The enthusiastic work of our choir in response to Dr. Bill McMillan’s teaching and direction has been thrilling. Dr. Howard Smolleck’s approach to service music and leading congregational singing through the organ has been effective and happily received. What at first was experienced as devastating loss has turned out to be an opening for a renaissance in worship music for our congregation.

Calling an Associate Pastor

Welcoming Sue Spencer to the staff in December has been a delightful result of the hard work of the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee. As the result of countless meetings and interviews,

the committee presented Sue to the congregation for its affirmative action in November. Sue’s

ordination in her home church in Colorado Springs and installation here have culminated a period of arduous preparation and brought her to effective service among us. Sue is specializing in the area of youth ministry, which involves about 70% of her time, but that is far from all! Sue is staff liaison with our Board of Deacons and shares various pastoral duties with me, including hospital and home visitation. Her worship leadership and preaching are the areas of which most people are aware and have appreciated. The prolonged efforts of the APNC and your prayers with theirs have brought us to this good beginning.

Leadership Beyond our Church

In the midst of many needs for capable and loving care, there has been a good response of elders and deacons to individuals within and beyond our congregation. In work ranging from meals for the hungry to medical care, from transportation to worship, to visitation of the home-bound, the ministry of Christ has able partners in service. A prime resource has been the generous contribution of time and effort by persons from the congregation under the direction of those whom God has called through the voice of this congregation to lead us in compassionate ministry.

Our congregation now provides leadership in multiple areas beyond our parish setting. Elder commissioners attend presbytery meetings and elders serve on committees related to the Presbytery of Sierra Blanca. These include Joel Tomlin on the budget committee, Ray Carter and Charlie Yaryan on the Camp Chimney Spring Board, and Barry Prahl on the presbytery’s Camping Committee. Elder Larry Cooper serves as one of 90 members of the General Assembly Council.

I have been involved with the Mountain States Wee Kirk Conferences sponsored by the General Assembly and Presbyterians for Renewal and will direct its conference for elders, pastors, and spouses in the spring of 2000. I will continue serving on the boards of The Presbyterian Forum and National Evangelical Network. My desire is to involve others in continuing some of these efforts to renew the life of our denomination.

Since early 1998, I have been representing Sierra Blanca Presbytery on the board of Pasos de Fe, the joint project of Sierra Blanca and Tres Rios Presbyteries and Presbiterio Noroccidental which completes the 2000 mile span of the Presbyterian Border Ministry from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. Serving on our presbytery’s Committee on Ministry continues to be an important and rewarding task beyond this congregation’s life, particularly working as COM Liaison with Pastor Nominating Committees in various locations - the most recent one being Northminster Presbyterian in Las Cruces, where Timothy Smith has just been called as Pastor.

The central organizational characteristic of Presbyterian church government is the work of elders, elected and ordained to care for the spiritual health and practical implementation of a congregation’s life. Working together with other elected officers and congregants and under the direction of God, they are functioning well and faithfully at First Presbyterian Church of Las Cruces - and beyond! Join me in thanking God for all of them and for our life as a congregation witnessing to Christ as Lord and Savior.

In anticipation of an exciting 1999 and beyond,

Yours in Christ,


John Clark Poling, Pastor

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Associate Pastor and Youth Minister’s Report

In Romans, Paul writes, "We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to God’s purpose."

These words have been quoted to me many times over the last few years. I must admit there were times I thought God’s purpose would never come to be. However, after many years of study and many months of searching, I am excited and thrilled to be here at First Presbyterian Church!

I have been welcomed by you all.

One does not have to look far to see God’s presence in the congregation of this church. God is present in the smile of each person who stops in to say hello. Each hug I receive is like being hugged by God. The nurture and faith I have found in this place have helped as I have left family and friends behind in Colorado. I have found a home and many new friends here in Las Cruces.

In the last two months of 1998, I have been privileged to work with Barry and Tammy Prahl and Randy Farmer in leading the mid-school youth. We have had dinners and fellowship as well as study and worship. I look forward to continuing these relationships in the coming year.

The senior high youth had a great fall retreat where we looked at ways the youth could be more involved in the leadership of the church. I look forward to helping the youth implement some of their ideas. I have had the wonderful opportunity of getting to know and work with Howard and Linda Daniels and Matt and Betsy Holt as we plan a well-rounded list of activities for this year.

Paul’s words are hard to hear when we are waiting for new and exciting things to happen in our lives. But it is good to know these words ring true. I am anxious to see how God will continue to have "all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to God’s purpose."

May God continue to work in and through each of us this year.

In Christ’s Name,


Susan Spencer

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Christian Education: Continuing a Good Thing

As in other years, 1998 provided a continual round of activities and events that enhanced our life and ministry together in this congregation. There were conferences, retreats, Easter and Christmas plays, a confirmation class, new member classes and dinners, mission visitors and suppers, and the annual Vacation Bible School.

In our Sunday School and Salt & Light Co. education classes, The Disciples’ Avenue, our Workshop/Rotation Model for education, has been a tremendous success! The classes that were transformed into the Cinema, Temple, Playhouse, Art Gallery, Sidewalk Cafe, and other "businesses" have continued to evolve and expand, providing an exciting, stimulating learning environment. Teaching units are 2-4 weeks in length, broadly graded, and encourage use of all "seven intelligences" available for learning. The kids all love it - and so do the many teachers who have been teaching! The kids are learning and retaining the knowledge better - and it is much easier to get teachers, which provides a variety of people sharing their gifts and talents with our kids.

The two classes of Kerygma: Discovering the Bible, taught by Marc Burr, Nancy French and John Poling, continued to flourish throughout the spring and ended in late June. There were classes with videos by Dr. Ken Bailey during the summer. Another adult class taught by Dick Dale finished its study of Isaiah and began a thorough look at Hebrews. In September, a class began the study of Philip Yancey’s book and video series, The Jesus I Never Knew, led by Nancy French and Marsha Topley, which has provided new insight and theological challenge. The Rev. Al Kissling has been teaching a course on Kerygma: The Bible in Depth on Thursday afternoons to a growing and enthusiastic class of adults. During October, John Poling taught a Sunday evening course on The Great Ends of the Church. He also taught several sessions of Inquirers’ Classes throughout the year. The Thursday morning Bible class that meets in the Melgaard home and all the various studies done by the women’s circles and guilds have continued to provide a well-rounded education program for adults.

Under the dedicated leadership of Gary Gemoets, Nora Yaryan, Linda and Howard Daniels, Barry and Tammy Prahl, Susan Sullivan, Kathi Becker, Randy Farmer, and John Poling, the youth in Sunday School and Salt & Light Co. classes continued to learn more about the Bible and personal discipleship. They were taught and challenged in their faith in creative ways throughout the year.

In many ways, this past year was a year of "continuations" rather than a year of "new beginnings". Through steady perseverance in prayer and study, many people got to know Jesus better (or for the first time!) and came to understand more fully his call upon their lives. The year ahead promises new avenues for growth and learning and the Christian Education Committee invites you to join others on this spiritual journey.

Serving Christ with you,


 Jackie Poling,

Director of Education and Congregational Life

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Youth Groups: Another Good Year

Lay people in a congregation can accomplish amazing tasks - and the past year’s events for the mid-school and senior high youth groups are proof! 1998 was another good year for these fellowship groups with growth in faith and discipleship of individual participants, as well as growth in numbers and community building. The tremendous support of this congregation by prayer, words of encouragement, time and energy, and moneys once again provided a strong youth ministry and outreach.

The year began with a winter retreat for 15 senior high youth in January and for 9 mid-school youth in February at Lone Tree Ranch. Pastor John Poling worked with Youth Sponsors Howard and Linda Daniels and Tammy and Barry Prahl in providing leadership for these events. During these same months, there were several fundraising activities where all the kids worked well together.

After more fundraising, last June was very busy month for the senior high youth. They taught Vacation Bible School here the first week. On the following Sunday, 12 left on a mission workteam to Ciudad Juarez where they built a house for a young family - under the direction of Casas por Cristo and the leadership of John Poling, George Rawson, the Daniels and Jacque Parks. Jim Parks and Tommy Matkin worked on electrical wiring at our host church and installed an air conditioner. The youth were home for only a week before 7 of them went to their second Montreat-West Youth Conference in Fort Collins, CO under the leadership of the Daniels. In July, Karen Carter and Elisa Poling were delegates with others from Sierra Blanca Presbytery to the National Presbyterian Church (USA) Youth Triennium at Purdue University - along with 6,600 other young people!

The mid-school youth also had a busy summer - and year! They had several fundraisers to support their winter and summer activities as well as enjoying monthly fellowship events planned and led by Tammy and Barry Prahl. In late June, 10 kids went with the Prahls to Great Escape in the Rockies in Gunnison, Colorado. This conference with about 800 youth is sponsored by Presbyterians for Renewal.

Our Presbytery’s Camp Chimney Spring near Cloudcroft had another good summer. Several elementary, mid-school and high school youth were able to attend the various camps and we also furnished counselors from this congregation. Continuing our contributions to the camp as a covenant member congregation and having Ray Carter and Charlie Yaryan on the Board of Directors and Barry Prahl on the Camping Committee has been a boost for us and the camp. Several cabins were "winterized" and are now able to be open all year round. And the quality of the summer programs offered keeps improving!

The foundation for our program with youth continues to be a strong commitment to serving the kids who come into our faith community. Much of this work is done through our weekly Salt & Light Co., our mid-week Logos Associates program. The regular attendance by the kids registered leads to increased participation in other church and youth activities and, in turn, to a deeper personal faith in Jesus Christ. Special thanks go to the Daniels, the Prahls, Gary Gemoets, Matt and Betsy Holt, Susan Sullivan, Nora Yaryan, and the many parents and others who make these programs possible!

In a very busy and productive year, November provided the biggest event of all! Our congregation called The Rev. Susan Spencer as Associate Pastor and Youth Minister!

Everyone was so excited! She was even "on board" in time to accompany the senior high youth on their fall retreat to Camp Chimney Spring! It has been great fun welcoming Sue into our faith community and already we see her at work building relationships as well as leading in the programming areas of our youth ministry. Please continue to keep Sue and all of the lay youth sponsors in your prayers this year. Thanks again for the generous support and encouragement given to our youth! The weekly activities, the service and mission projects, the camps, and the conferences are all important in the faith development of these kids!

Glad to relinquish the reins,


Jackie Poling,

Interim Youth Director

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Presbyterian Campus Ministry - NMSU at the BRIDGE


Renewal: New Officers, New Board, New Partners, and a New Year....

David Sallee, Director of Campus Ministry

With one of the strongest groups of student officers that the campus ministry has ever enjoyed, this new year is an exciting time of change. In their November meeting, the Executive Committee and the Board of campus ministries at The BRIDGE approved Articles of Understanding. First Presbyterian’s Session approved the agreement in December.

1. Our partners in ministry include:

A. Our Las Cruces Churches

B. Our PCUSA Connection

C. Our Christian/Disciples of Christ Connection

D. Our Partners and Friends

2. BRIDGE Student Officer Election Outcomes (Experience & New Perspectives)

In October, The BRIDGE held student officer elections. Enough people wanted

to serve, so there was more than one candidate for each position!

President:            Chris Nail              (senior from Albuquerque),

Vice President:    Wendy Sattler          (senior from Albuquerque).

Treasurer:            David Rakowczvk (senior from Las Cruces),

Asst. Treasurer:     Josh Bryant          (freshmen from Clovis),

Secretary:              Erika Ives              (senior from Las Cruces),

Member-at-Large: Amy Sack         (junior from Albuquerque).

The experience and many new ideas brought by these new officers will help lead the campus ministry through our 25th year as the Presbyterian Campus Ministry at NMSU and our third year as The BRIDGE.

3. Individual Giving Meets 1998 Goal

In addition to the support we receive from our Presbytery, Synod, the Disciples Area, and our extra commitment churches, we are dependent on giving from our BRIDGE board members, friends, students, alumni, and parents for our programs to continue to grow. $11,066 in donations has been received from over 75 different special friends in the last year. We are proud and excited that many of our current students and our alumni are among our strong supporters. THANK YOU !!! Our needs are increasing by $7,000 this year, so keep those BRIDGE donation envelopes coming.

4. Our Mission Activity

On October 31, The BRIDGE and the Wesley Center held our Third Annual Cans for Christ. Wearing costumes, we visited Las Cruces residential areas asking for canned goods. Our neighbors were quite generous with over 700 lb. of canned goods donated for Casa de Peregrinos Food Bank.

V. 5. 1998 Summer and Fall Statistics (We keep yearly stats from June through May)

Participants at the BRIDGE              65

Student follow-up contacts              100+

(personal, phone or email)

Counseling                                  15

Habitat for Humanity volunteers     04

Student Interns                              07

Alumni follow-up                          120

Sub - Total thru November         311

Audiences for Presentations         1,665

Compeer for Kids                      370

GRAND TOTAL                      2,346

Respectfully submitted,

David Sallee, Campus Minister

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A. MEMBERSHIP January 1, 1998 465


Received on Profession of Faith 4

Received by Church Letter        5

Received by Reaffirmation of Faith 4

Restored to Active Roll                9                       +22



Transferred by Letter                 11

Removed due to Death                    7

Transferred to Inactive Roll        29

Removed from the Active Roll         0                       -47

MEMBERSHIP DECEMBER 31, 1998                 440





B. Stated Congregational Meetings: Two

Called Congregational Meetings: Two

Stated Session Meetings: Eleven

Called Session Meetings: Ten

Joint Meeting of Elders and Deacons: One




Class of 1998 Class of 1999 Class of 2000

Alex Burr            Nancy French Matt Holt

Art Garcia Jerry Grandle Evelyn Horst

Fred Lemon Jeff Kramer Donald Rubart

Tommy Matkin John Tomlin Hank Stephenson

Maureen Patton Patricia Tomlin

Stan Smith Marsha Topley




Clerk of Session Administration Buildings & Grounds

Evelyn Horst        Matt Holt         Jerry Grandle
                                Stan Smith Tommy Matkin


Christian Education Congregational Life Evangelism

Patricia Tomlin        Nancy French         Art Garcia

Marsha Topley        Fred Lemon         Don Rubart


Missions                Personnel                Worship & Music

Hank Stephenson Jerry Grandle        Jeff Kramer

Alex Burr                 Marsha Topley        Maureen Patton

Return to index




1. Members of the Board of Deacons were:

Class of 1998 Class of 1999 Class of 2000

Carol Peterson Al Johnson * Robert Aikin

Rusty Smith John LaVerne David Curtiss *

Daniel Topley Mel Parish Betty Gallaher

Harry Topley Mary Ruoff Shirley McDowell

Peggy White Dutch Matkin * Emma Walker

Fred Yanker Cindy Watkins * Betsy Holt

* (Four deacons resigned during 1997: Cindy Watkins, replaced by Alice Cooper;

Dutch Matkin; David Curtiss; and Al Johnson.)

2. 1998 Officers and Committee Members were:

A. Officers:

Moderator: Carol Peterson

Secretary: Emma Walker/Alice Cooper

Treasurer: Mel Parish

B. Deacon Committees:

Benevolence & Concerns -

Mel Parish, Chair

Robert Aikin

Soup Kitchen - Peggy White, Chair

John LaVerne

Homebound Visitation -

Betty Gallaher, Chair

Dutch Matkin

Hospital Visitation -

Emma Walker, Chair

Mary Ruoff

David Curtiss

Shirley McDowell

Agape Caregivers -

Carol Peterson, Coordinator

Betty Gallaher

Guest Visitation - Robert Aikin, Chair

Shirley McDowell

Ushering - Peggy White, Chair

(all deacons usher)

John LaVerne

Greeting - Betsy Holt, Chair

Alice Cooper

Transportation - Harry Topley, Chair

Rusty Smith

Transient Meals - John LaVerne, Chair

Fred Yanker

Harry Topley

Tape Duplicating - Daniel Topley, Chair

Betsy Holt

Special Events - Rusty Smith, Chair

(all deacons serve on this committee)

John LaVerne


C. Representatives to Session Committees:

Administration - Mel Parish

Buildings and Grounds - Fred Yanker Al Johnson

Congregational Life - Rusty Smith

Evangelism - Mary Ruoff

Christian Education - Daniel Topley

Missions - Betty Gallaher Al Johnson

Worship - Betsy Holt

Nominating - Daniel Topley (elected)


3. Highlights of Board of Deacons’ activities:

A. Benevolence & Concerns: Disbursed cash gifts and donations to needy individuals and local charities as follows:

1.) Emergency Assistance             $3,063.79

2.) Sack Lunches                         244.76

3.) Family Aid                                 708.42

4.) El Caldito (soup kitchen)     1,211.11

5.) Christmas Hospice Outreach 362.28 *(all Hospice bills not received and

                                                                        $5,590.36 paid as of 12/18/98)

B. Soup Kitchen: Managed 3 teams of congregational members in support of the community soup kitchen (El Caldito) at the new facility, Mesilla Valley Community of Hope. The new facility opened in March after serving many years at St. Andrews Episcopal Church. Several members and church organizations gave generously of  their time on the 2nd Wednesday of every month and through monetary gifts.

C. Shut-In Visitation: Members of the congregation as well as deacons visited and assisted approximately 30 shut-in members during 1998. Also, this committee delivered Easter lilies at Easter and poinsettias at Christmas. Christmas cards were sent to each shut-in.

D. Hospital Visitation: Provided 70+ visits, cards, spiritual pamphlets, and approximately 60 flowers to hospitalized members of our congregation. Visits were made to 4 terminally ill in-patients at La Posada (Mesilla Valley Hospice) on Christmas morning, by the Rev. Sue Spencer and a deacon to offer prayers and scriptural material. In addition, a poinsettia was given to each patient. This was a new deacon outreach this year.

E. Agape Caregivers: Provided 42+ family units with spiritual books and pamphlets on grief and loss. Also, provided one-on-one visits with members and non-members requesting further bereavement counseling. Made referrals to local support agencies when requested. Five deacons, along with other members from our congregation, attended three local "loss and grief" seminars.

F. Ushering: Deacon teams served as ushers at all Sunday services and special services. At Pastor Poling’s request, ushers also served at funeral services. (All deacons are expected to usher.)

G. Greeting: This committee recruited and scheduled greeters each Sunday for the three Sanctuary doors. Every effort was made to involve as many congregational members as possible.

H. Transportation: Transportation was arranged for those who needed it to attend regular worship services. The church van, driven by deacons, made regularly scheduled pick-ups at Good Samaritan Village for Sunday worship and for specially scheduled services. Transportation was made available to the deacons’ All-Church Mountain Retreat Weekend at Camp Chimney Spring last August for Sunday worship and lunch for anyone not wanting or able to drive the distance.

I. Transient Meals: This committee prepared sack lunches for transient individuals or families who stopped by the church for meal assistance. On occasion, the deacons’ funds provided gas vouchers for people needing this assistance.

J. Tape Duplicating: A minimum of three cassette tapes were made of each regular and special church service throughout the year. These copies were available for hospitalized and shut-in church members. In addition, other church members were able to obtain copies upon request.

K. Special Events:

1.) The annual All-Church Mountain Retreat was held at Camp Chimney Spring, July 31- August 2. The theme for the weekend, led by the Rev. Al Kissling, was "God is Calling, Are We Listening?" 55 people stayed overnight in cabins, individual camping units, trailers, and tents. 66 people attended the Sunday worship service. Al Kissling led a Bible study on Saturday morning. Dividing into different groups, we discussed various Bible leaders and how they answered God’s call. Each group gave a short report at the Sunday worship service, followed by Al’s summation of Biblical responses to God’s call as reported by the groups. Other events included the annual repeat of fruit olympics, a potluck supper, singing around the campfire with Art Garcia, a pancake breakfast, and children’s arts and crafts led by Patricia Tomlin.

2.) The Deacons’ Hamburger Fry was held in October. This is the primary annual fund-raiser for deacons’ funds. The hamburgers were generously donated by a member in the congregation as were the onions and chili peppers. The event raised $1051.16. The weather was perfect with approximately 150 attending.

3.) The deacons provided the traditional luminarias for the Christmas Eve Service. Church youth, under the guidance of Sue Spencer and adult volunteers, helped with placing and lighting the luminarias.

4.) The 3rd Annual Christmas Hospice Outreach Program was again sponsored by the deacons. We adopted 10 families through Mesilla Valley Hospice. With the generosity of church members and friends we were able to provide Christmas dinner, food baskets filled to capacity with many pantry staples, Bibles, spiritual materials and presents to everyone in each household. Five families were given trees, some with lights and decorations. Mid-schoolers, under the guidance of Sue Spencer and other adult volunteers, went to Lincoln National Forest and cut down the trees needed for the Hospice families.

The Board of Deacons would like to thank the congregation for their continued support. Because of your generosity we were able to contribute more generously to local and international charities this year. Contributions were made to St. Andrews Church (appreciation for the 10 years of housing the Soup Kitchen), El Caldito, Desert Ministries, Hospice, Gospel Rescue Mission, Good Samaritan Chapel Fund, Crop Walk, Central American Flood Relief, and La Casa, in addition to the regular emergency assistance fund and family aid. We also were able to give 2 scholarships to Salt and Light Co. for children who needed assistance. Your continued interest and support of our projects, through prayer and monetary gifts make our work all the more successful. May you be blessed through your giving!!!

Submitted by Carol Peterson,

1998 Moderator of the Board of Deacons




January-November 1998


The First Presbyterian Church Board of Deacons receives funds from donations and special projects. The donations are from designated gifts, the communion offerings, and the loose change from Sunday offerings. The gifts designated for the Soup Kitchen (El Caldito) are reported separately. Three special projects are held each year. The deacons sponsor the All-Church Mountain Retreat at Camp Chimney Spring, the fall Hamburger fry, and the Christmas support for needy families in the Mesilla Valley Hospice program. For this eleven-month period, the donations to the Deacons’ Fund totaled $6047.00, to the Soup Kitchen totaled $969.00, and to Special Projects totaled $1715.32. The grand total of $8731.32 is summarized on the accompanying chart of donations.

For the purposes of this report, the expenses of the deacons are listed in five categories. The emergency assistance category is expanded to include expenses for family aid and the sack lunches provided to the needy and totaled $4016.97. Of that total, $3025 were regular monthly donations to the Samaritan Emergency Assistance Fund of Las Cruces, which serves as a clearing house for local churches providing for people in need, usually transients. The services category includes flowers provided to the ill or for certain special occasions, the taped church services, the Agape Caregivers materials, and miscellaneous expenses and totaled $869.07. The special projects expenses were $1377.47. Several direct donations were made to local charitable organizations serving the needs of the community and tallied $2750. An itemized list is provided in the accompanying table. The Soup Kitchen expenses consist of regular monthly donations of $75 to El Caldito plus reimbursement of First Presbyterian Church members’ out-of-pocket expenses while serving as team members. Soup Kitchen expenses totaled $1211.11 The grand total of expenses is $10,224.62 and is graphed on the accompanying chart.

Our beginning balance at the start of the year was $5552.93, so several local organizations were researched for need and for consistency with our scriptural mission. We gave $2750 to appropriate organizations and ended November with a balance of $4059.63. The Board Deacons wishes to thank the congregation for supporting our mission so generously. It seems that the more we give in the name of Jesus Christ, the more we receive.

Respectfully submitted,

Mel Parish, Treasurer

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Session Committee: ADMINISTRATION

Members: Matt Holt, Chairman, Elder; Stan Smith, Elder; John Tomlin, Elder; Mel Parish, Deacon.

The Administration Committee began the year under the leadership of Stan Smith. Having served his term, Stan turned in his spurs and handed the reins of the committee over to Matt Holt. The committee members going into the new fiscal year are John Tomlin, Jim Parks, and Mel Parish.

Throughout the year, the committee responded to many requests for the use of the church’s buildings. In order to allow for a uniform and quick response to these requests, the committee adopted policies and procedures concerning the use of the church’s buildings. Most requests for the use of the church buildings can now be handled by the staff.

The committee also proposed a change in the budget process to Session. This change will allow a budget for the church’s operational costs, and a separate budget for capital expenditures. Budgeting and tracking monies separately will allow for greater ease in comparing past expenses to current budgets, and will better allow us to anticipate future needs.

Between the Foundation and the church’s own accumulated funds there are monies which the Administration Committee suggest be used for capital improvements. The committee has proposed to Session a capital funds’ drive to raise the additional monies needed for a number of ambitious improvement projects, including repaving the parking lots, re-roofing the Sanctuary, and improving the Sanctuary lighting, installing a security system and updating the computers and phone systems used by staff.

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Holt, Chairman

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Members: Jerry Grandle, Chairman, Elder; Tommy Matkin, Elder; Fred Yanker, Deacon; Al Johnson, Deacon.

1998 has been a planning year for Building and Grounds. We have been working on projects to be completed in 1999. These projects include:

In the past year we also had a workday, added some final touches to the kitchen remodel, cleaned the parking lot, as well as attending to the week-to-week repairs and maintenance of the Sanctuary and grounds.

The facilities insurance was renegotiated thanks to the diligence of our office staff and a switch was made to Church Mutual to provide more comprehensive coverage and monetary savings. Between this and the first full year of using our new well and water pump, Buildings and Grounds was able to save approximately $6900.00 over what was budgeted and spent in the previous year.

Thanks go out to the many congregation members who helped on the work-day and many other projects, as well as those who supported the work of Buildings and Grounds through contributions.

We would like to extend a special thanks to Paul Rohe, who has been available to solve several small emergencies.

Respectfully submitted,

Jerry Grandle, Chairman

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Members: Patricia Tomlin, Chairperson, Elder; Marsha Topley, Elder; Daniel Topley, Deacon; Sue Carter, Joyce Gemoets, Margie Rankin, Jackie Poling, ex officio, Sue Spencer, ex officio.

The Christian Education Committee has sponsored a variety of programs for participation by the whole church. Here are some of the highlights of the 1998 year:

Our Sunday morning classes showed increased attendance in part due to wonderful adult classes including:

Inquirers’ (New Member) classes offered several times by John Poling

There was a very active and growing youth program in 1998. Both mid-school and senior high youth are participating in more leadership roles in the church in teaching, leading worship, and in 1999, on the Board of Deacons. A detailed report of youth activities is on page 5.

Vacation Bible School centered around the theme of David, the Shepherd King. The children who attended enjoyed participating during the first week in June.

The Workshop/Rotation Model used for our Disciples’ Avenue worked very well for our Sunday School and Salt and Light Co. The theme this year was "The Covenant". Thanks to all the teachers who participated in both programs!

Sue Spencer joined our church staff as Associate Pastor and Youth Minister in November. While serving the whole church, roughly 70% of her time will be devoted to youth ministry.

We can never mention every activity that occurred this past year, but we can thank everyone that helped make 1998 memorable. Together, as followers in Christ, we can use our talents and gifts to serve God. Whatever God has given each of us, we must be willing to use. Please join us as we study, work, play and worship together.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Tomlin, Chairperson

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Members: Elders: Nancy French, Fred Lemon

Deacon: Rusty Smith

Congregation-at-large: Nancy Cobble, Arnold and Cheri McMillan, JoAnn Miller, Ted and Mariann Novack, John and Maureen Patton, Marianne Day-Watson

The committee furnished supplies and with the help of many church members served beverages (coffee, tea, lemonade) and cookies for the fellowship hour after worship for 50 Sundays. The committee wishes to thank all those people who helped with this very important church activity to welcome visitors and provide a place for members to visit with each other.

The committee also provided support, supplies and assistance as needed for fund-raisers presented by the youth groups, the Deacons’ Hamburger Fry, congregational potluck dinners and summer picnics.

This committee organized and served the receptions for the stated meeting of Sierra Blanca Presbytery at our church in April and Sue Spencer’s installation in December.

The committee sponsored the Third Annual All-Church Holiday Progressive Dinner Party which was attended by many people and enjoyed by all.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy French, Chairperson

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Session Committee: EVANGELISM

Members: Art Garcia, Chairperson, Elder; Don Rubart, Elder; Mary Ruoff, Deacon; Sue Kramer, and Sunny Parish, members-at-large.

The Evangelism committee accomplished the following tasks during 1998:

In addition to the advertising used this year, the committee set some objectives for next year’s work, including:

I would like to thank the committee members for their hard work and support during the past year.

Respectfully submitted,

Art Garcia, Chairperson

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Session Committee: MISSIONS

The Great Commission from Matthew 28:18: And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Amen.

Members: Hank Stephenson, Chairman, Elder; Alex Burr, Elder; Betty Gallaher, Deacon; Gordon Hoff, Al Johnson, Secretary, Charlie Stone, Bob Taylor.

Missionaries and Missions Supported under the Mission Budget

Haspels - PCUSA (Ethiopia)

Reasoner - PCUSA (Brazil)

Soldwisch - PCUSA (Mexico)

Patton - Campus Crusade for Christ (Tucson)

Barron - Campus Crusade for Christ (Latin America)

Diebold - Mexico

Evans - Wycliffe Bible Translators (Philippines)

Trudell - Wycliffe Bible Translators (Kenya)

Pickering - Navigators (Mongolia)

Stephens - Navigators (Japan and U.S.)

Priscilla Bible School - Mexico

Waguespack - Latin American Mission (Mexico)

Pontier - African Inland Mission (Kenya)

Prasad - PCUSA (India)

Synod of the Southwest Missions


Logos Program Associates

1998 Missionary Visits to our Church

God’s work in this church in support of missions is much more than the efforts of the Missions Committee. The many people involved in this effort have made an easier job for the committee. But because there is more to do in missions support than there are present resources with which to do it, we, as a congregation, must remain alert to opportunities to serve as many missionaries in the field as possible.

The committee made a major effort in 1998 to give more information to the congregation about our missionary support by providing details about the background and status of the particular missionaries and/or organizations we directly support. Articles in The Lantern, the Las Cruces Sun News, the weekly worship bulletins and Focus on Mission announcements were instigated by committee members, especially Bob Taylor, and also by staff members. Our church’s web page provides complete copies of our church publications, the church schedule and up-to-date information about our missionaries in the field. Alex Burr has provided this fine work and the archival portions of this web page are very helpful.

 Another major effort by the committee was to keep in better direct communication with our missionaries in the field and each committee member took responsibility for several of the efforts listed in our "line item" budget. Personal letters returned from the missionaries become a costly burden to them in time and money, so most communication returned comes through their regular newsletters. Increased efforts will be given to these communications in 1999.

A special blessing for the committee and the congregation has been the personal visits with several of our missionaries during 1998! We have heard some remarkable stories and we have had a good congregational response at these presentations. The missionaries reported feeling "strongly supported by prayer, interest, and financial resources".

There have also been efforts to become better informed about our local mission opportunities. Two meetings were conducted at The BRIDGE, our ministry to students at NMSU, where we learned more about their needs and how our congregation can be better connected. Charlie Stone continued his dedicated work of collecting the cans at each entrance of the Sanctuary and delivering them to Casa de Peregrinos each week. Betty Gallaher is working to further this effort in 1999. Amy Poling, a college student from our congregation, participated as a Global Mission Intern with the Presbyterian Church (USA) in Malawi, Africa during the summer of 1998 and worked as a teacher in a church-sponsored school for girls. As seen in other reports in this Annual Report, significant mission work is being done by other individuals and organizations in our congregation. Blessings on all of you!

The response to our "Special Offerings" in 1998 exceeded previous years. These offerings, One Great Hour of Sharing and the Christmas Joy Offering, as well as the mission dollars we send to the General Assembly, Synod, and Presbytery levels, have proven again that this congregation "opened your hearts and your purses". When urgent and long-term needs are presented to you, you respond. Below is a listing of the extraordinary budgeted, non-budgeted, and "over and above regular" giving done by this congregation! Then rejoice in this work done in the name of Jesus!

As always, the Missions Committee remains open to new ideas and suggestions for mission activity and support. You are invited to attend any monthly meeting. The resources of time, money, talents, energy, and prayer in our congregation are vast and just beginning to be tapped. It is important that we remember The Great Commission and pray that we, the congregation of First Presbyterian, continue to respond to this call.

It has been an honor for the Missions Committee to serve the church this past year and we look forward to our work in 1999 as we serve alongside the many other individuals and organizations in our mission efforts. This brief report provides only a sketchy outline of the great mission endeavor by First Presbyterian Church and, hopefully, will serve as an encouragement for greater dedication, giving, and service in the coming years.

Respectfully submitted,

Hank Stephenson, Chairperson

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Session Committee: NOMINATING

The nominating committee initially met with the pastor to prayerfully consider the needs of the church and to establish the procedures to be used. Subsequent meetings in person and over the telephone resulted in the following nominations being made.


For Elder

Class of 2001 Class of 2000

Alex Burr        Dorris Hamilton

John Hansaker Evelyn Horst

Gary Gemoets Mell Peterson

Fred Lemon

Jim Parks

Charlie Yaryan

For Deacon

Class of 2001 Class of 1999

Phil Faircloth        Alice Cooper

Brian McPherson Ann Miller

Doris Silva                Elisa Poling

Rusty Smith

Kathlene Walker

Fred Yanker

For Nominating Committee

Lyn Ames

Sue Carter

Jacque Parks

Kathy Tucker

The members of the 1998 Nominating Committee were as follows:

Alex Burr, Chairperson

Barbara Aikin

Ray Carter

Dorris Hamilton

Ralph Miller

Hank Stephenson

Daniel Topley

The chairman would particularly like to thank the committee members for their efforts on behalf of the church. Meetings were easily called on very short notice and all committee members undertook their assigned tasks with unusual promptness and initiative.

Respectfully submitted,

Alex. F. Burr, Chair

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Session Committee: WORSHIP and MUSIC

Members: Jeff Kramer, Chairman, Elder; Bill McMillan and Howard Smolleck, staff; Betsy Holt, Deacon; Arnold McMillan, Donna Mathis, Bob Taylor, Mariann Novack, Jean O’Neill, and

John Poling, ex officio.

Our biggest change for 1998 was new music staff. We gained a new director of music,

Bill McMillan, and a new organist, Howard Smolleck. Both are wonderful additions to our staff! We feel blessed that God sent them our way. Bill is the Director of Choral Activities, including voice, conducting, and music education at the University of Texas-El Paso. Howard, is a Professor in Electrical Engineering at NMSU. He has been employed as an organist in several different churches since he was in high school. In September, John Pleasant volunteered to serve as director of the Illuminate! youth choir. Jackie Poling continues to volunteer as the children’s choir director.

Communion was served once a month. For 1998, we shifted from always serving Communion on the first Sunday of the month to a monthly schedule which allowed for special events and holiday weekends. The Lantern and the church office have the schedule. World Communion Sunday, October 4, was celebrated with our second annual flag processional recognizing the various locations throughout the world where our congregation supports missionaries. 1998 saw the addition of a locked cabinet in Jones Hall to store communion supplies.

The committee would like to thank all the persons who served as liturgists, those that helped prepare and serve communion, sound system operators, organists, music directors, choir members (all age groups), guest musicians, and especially you the worshipers. After all, worship is the reason we gather, the rest is merely embellishment.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff Kramer, Chairman

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(Elected by the congregation)

On November 3, 1996, at a called Congregational meeting the following members of First Presbyterian Church were nominated and elected to serve on the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC):

Joel Tomlin, Chairperson, Ruth Ford, Lyn Ames, Norm Lownds, Larry Cooper, Margie Rankin, Linda Daniels, Nicole Rawson

The committee first met on November 10, 1996, at which time Larry Cooper was selected to serve as Chairman, Ruth Ford as Recording Secretary, and Margie Rankin as Corresponding Secretary. On January 1, 1997, Larry resigned due to his commitments on General Assembly Council and Norm Lownds was selected as chairman. He resigned on June 4, 1997, due to his move to Michigan, and Joel Tomlin was selected as chairman.

The committee was challenged along the lines of dedication, seriousness, promptness, confidentiality and commitment to the task. There was much paper work at first in order to get a Church Information Form prepared and a plan of search implemented, as per the requirements of the Committee on Ministry of Sierra Blanca Presbytery and the denomination.

After all our forms were submitted, Personal Information Forms (P.I.F.’s) began coming in, were duplicated and given to each committee member to read and evaluate. Many, many meetings were held to go over these forms. Some in early mornings, some in late afternoons and some at night. A number of conference calls were made as preliminary interviews with prospective candidates. Many candidates were either not interested in the primary call of working with youth, or wished to serve as a solo pastor, or could not see themselves living in the Southwest.

The committee did bring to our church two candidates, each at a different time, who spent time with the committee and preached in area neutral churches. Another prospective candidate declined, at the last minute, an invitation to come for an interview. Sometimes the committee would be quite discouraged, but with fervent prayer and more P.I.F.’s coming in, we were encouraged and strengthened and would press forward. Rev. John Poling was always a present help to the committee.

Then came a P.I.F. from Susan Spencer in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Her desires to minister to youth as well as serving as an Associate Pastor matched our criteria. A conference call was made and the committee was excited for the candidate to come for a personal interview. She, likewise, preached in an area church and before she left town, the committee offered her the position, upon the approval of the Session of the offered contract. After returning to her home church and much thoughtful prayer, Sue accepted the offer.

On October 2, Susan Spencer formally accepted a call to First Presbyterian Church! On

October 4, the Session of First Presbyterian Church voted in favor of calling Susan Spencer as Associate Pastor. She returned to Las Cruces on October 23, to candidate - she met with the APNC, and on Sunday, October 25, took part in the Reformation Service, preached a sermon, and sang the benediction. There was a Called Congregational Meeting after worship and the vote was unanimous to call Susan Spencer to be Associate Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Susan Spencer was examined by Sierra Blanca Presbytery on Saturday, November 7, in Ruidoso, ordained in her home church, Mountain View Presbyterian, Pueblo Presbytery, in Colorado Springs, on November 22, and installed here at First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, New Mexico, on December 6.

Two years and three days after the APNC was first elected, our prayers were answered and the committee truly felt God had sent Susan Spencer to First Presbyterian Church, for which they give thanks for God’s guidance and answer to their prayers.

This finished our work and this report.

On behalf of the committee,

Ruth Ford, Recording Secretary

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The Vine and Branches is a fellowship group of parents and young couples that meets monthly for great fun and eating together. We were involved with many activities including a St. Patrick’s Day potluck, a swim party, attended a Diablos baseball game, and the All-Church Mountain Retreat at Camp Chimney Spring, a camp-out at City of Rocks and attended an Aggie football game. We had our first service project together when we walked in the city-wide CROP Walk in November. Childcare is always provided for events that kids do not attend. You are encouraged to join the fun and fellowship we enjoy every month.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Tomlin

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The In-Betweeners is a fellowship group of "empty nesters" that meets the 4th Friday of each month and going-out-to lunch-after-worship on the 3rd Sunday of each month. During 1998 our activities included attending community theater productions, a dinner-theater at church, a tailgate party before an Aggie football game, decorating the church for Christmas, potluck suppers, 4th of July weekend in the mountains, and a Christmas party. We met at the church, restaurant, homes and had lots of fun, food and good Christian fellowship. Please join us in 1999 for our regular meetings.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim and Jacque Parks

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The Desert Cruisers met on the 4th Mondays of January through June, the 3rd Monday in May and the 4th Mondays of September through November 1998. Attendance varied between 22 & 30 members. The officers for 1998 were: Skippers - Carl and Frances Shuster; First Mates - Earl and Ann Jacobi; Loggers - Harriet and Al Johnson; Pursers - Maurice and Jean Hiers. Each meeting followed a potluck luncheon at 12:00 PM. A devotional was given by one of the members, and a program usually provided by an outside speaker. Officers for the coming year will be: Skippers - Marcus and Maggie Burr; First Mate - Bernice Wright; Logger - Jean Hiers; Purser - Maurice Hiers. Year-end financial gifts were made of $100.00 to John Hyson School in Chimayo, NM, and $75.00 to the Mesilla Valley Hospice. Membership is open to all interested couples and singles.

Respectfully submitted,

Carl and Frances, Co-Skippers

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Membership in Presbyterian Women is open to all women. Presbyterian Women in the congregation, presbytery, synod and churchwide support the mission of the church at home and around the world. Through participation and leadership in local circles, guilds, and gatherings, women are able to have direct ministry and study.

Our Circles and Guilds meet monthly to nurture faith through prayer, Bible study, and lively discussion. Monthly Gatherings for all women in our congregation are planned by the Coordinating Team. Gathering programs are diverse in nature to represent the many needs and interests of Presbyterian Women.




Moderator - Beverly Briggs Treasurer - Kathy Tucker

Vice Moderator - Sue Carter Ex-Officio - Caroline Darr

Secretary - Alice Cooper Jackie Poling




Search - Rayma Claessen Receptions - Eveyln Horst Studies - Jackie Poling

Mission - Sue Kramer Retreat - Sue Carter Flowers - Frances Shuster

Fellowship - Sunny Parish Student Aid - Sunny Parish Historian - Joan Lemon

Finance - Kathy Tucker Kitchen - Lois Welles Scrapbook - Jean Wertz

Program - Janet McPherson



Grace Circle - Alice Cooper

Circles II - Mary Downing

Circles I & III - Miriam Walstad

Morning Circle - Charlotte McKinney

Mary-Martha Circle - Mary Beckett

Westminster Guild II - Jacque Parks

Respectfully submitted,

Beverly Briggs, Moderator


The annual retreat was held February 21, with Bonnie DeLong, a Christian Educator from Brighton, Colorado, as the speaker and dramatist. Her monologues portraying Noah’s wife and a woman of Samaria gave us refreshing perspectives on the theme "Doing What You Have the Power to Do." Nora Yaryan served as Mistress of Ceremonies. Lennie Rainwater, soloist, and Joann Kersting, pianist both from Las Cruces, provided inspirational music.

Ticket sales totaled 127. Lunch was served in Watkins Hall, under the direction of Jacque Parks. Many people working together made the retreat a successful day. I am thankful to all who helped.

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Carter, Coordinator




Balance as of 12/31/97 $1203.90


Income 3403.90

Expenses 1946.55


Balance 12/31/98 2661.25

Respectfully submitted,

Janet L. McPherson, Treasurer


The first manse for First Presbyterian Church was built by funds raised by the first Ladie’s Aid Society about 1935. Eventually it was sold and the $2000 was turned over to the College Circle. In 1969, the Menual Student Aid Fund was established with the provision that the principal would remain intact and only the interest used for college scholarship aid. Through the years the principal has increased through memorial donations and funds transferred from Presbyterian Women. Currently, the funds are invested in The Presbyterian Church (USA) Foundation.

The only requirement for receiving a scholarship from the Memorial Student Aid Fund is that the student be a member of First Presbyterian Church of Las Cruces.

Until the spring of 1998, we were giving scholarships to only one or two students each year - 46 scholarships have been given over the years. In the spring of 1998, the committee and with the approval of Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team decided our thirteen college students needed to know that we truly care about them. So, Valentine cards were sent containing financial gifts for each student.

Respectfully submitted by the Committee:

Sunny Parish, Coordinator

Sue Carter, Secretary

Kathy Tucker, Treasurer

Lynda Garcia, Advisor

Louise Whitlock, Advisor

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A Midweek Ministry for Children and Youth

This is a mid-week youth program which we started in January 1992. The Salt and Light Company is our name for the LOGOS program held here on Wednesday afternoons and evenings. This dynamic program currently has more than 60 children and youth enrolled, and their attendance is usually in the 90% range. We are mission members of LOGOS Associates, an international, interdenominational program of youth ministry. The elementary and Illuminate! choirs with volunteer directors, John Pleasant and Jackie Poling, take part regularly in the worship service.

Many adult volunteers from the congregation make this program happen. They serve as table parents, team members on kitchen crews, Bible study teachers, arts and crafts helpers, recreation helpers and board members. Cindy Farmer had served as our treasurer and registrar since the beginning and we accepted her resignation from the board last August with regret and many thanks.

Members of the congregation are always welcome to visit on Wednesdays and find out for themselves what goes on from 4:00-8:00 P.M. They are also very welcome to help with an area of the program that interests them!

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Carter, Director

Board Members:

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Our Foundation here at First Presbyterian Church is a tax exempt corporation that was established to provide long-term financial support for our church, while allowing members to take advantage of the tax benefits that are possible through donations to the Foundation. The Foundation can accept gifts of marketable securities (stock, bonds, etc.), real estate, or other appreciated property with significant tax advantages to the donor.

At their June 23, 1998, meeting, the Session reappointed Lynford Ames (president), James Parks (secretary), and Joel Tomlin as the members of the Board of Directors of the Foundation. At this same meeting the Session voted to place other memorial funds and designated gifts that had been previously received under the management of the Foundation. The eventual expenditure of all of these transferred funds will continue to reflect the wishes of the original donors. The Church Financial Secretary keeps a record of the designated gifts in the Foundation. An investment account for the Foundation was established with Charles Schwab in June with a much better return on these assets.

During the past year the Foundation has received the following pieces of real property: Two lots in Deming for which there is currently not much of a market. A home in Las Cruces, which is currently being rented, that will be mortgaged at less than one-half its market value to provide funds to pave the east parking lot. A commercial property on the downtown mall that will soon be put on the market.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynford Ames, President

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Members who passed away in 1997:

(Revised List)


Bessie Christopher

Ula Garret

Beryl (Peggy) Haas

Robert Heckler

Jack Merrill

Betty Powell

Roderick Shannon

Frances Stuckey

Marjorie Wilsky

Fred Vickers



Members who passed away in 1998:


Hanford Fairchild

Herb Goodloe

Olive Poling

Lloyd Graham

Mildred Phillips

Louise Tyson


"For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

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