First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Calendar of Events

On this page you will find several ways to link to all the events scheduled with the church office. For a page emphasizing next week's events and other major events, click here.

There are five other views which sort the events in different ways.  Select the one you want. Use your back button to return to this page.

Current Month's Calendar View
From the calendar view you can go to different months and search for events in a number of different ways.

The list views have many useful functions. If you click on an event, you may get some details about the event. You will also get forms which permit you to send an invitation to the event to a friend. You can even send yourself an e-mail reminder of the event.

Current Month's List View

Current Week's List View

Current Day's List View

Below is a scrollable list of all officially scheduled events for the next 14 days. For the specific location use one of the above lists or call the church office at 526-5559


Return to home page

Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send email to aburr @
Technical assistance and net access provided by .
Last update 2008-03-26 19:59:01