First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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February 18, 2010


The meeting was opened with prayer by Ken Osborne at 7:00 p.m.


PRESENT: Moderator Rusty Smith, Paul Vaughan, Bea Connor, Pat Felhauer, Ralph Miller, Ken Osborne, Rosemary Maddox, David Medina, Marianne Maley, Mike Bartholomew, and Austin Breck.


EXCUSED: Theresa Armendariz, Janice Sherman, Mel Parish, Cindy Tafoya, and Sam Bartholomew


ABSENT: Doris Silva, Debbie Austin, and Mark Geiger.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the January 21, 2010 meeting were approved as published.


PASTOR'S REMARKS: The pastor was not able to attend the meeting.


MODERATOR'S REMARKS: Rusty thanked the deacons for everything they are doing, especially for responding by email to matters that come up between meetings.


CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received from Casa de Peregrinos thanking First Presbyterian for its generous contributions of food during the month of January. Also received was La Casa's winter newsletter.


TREASURER'S REPORT: The Deacons income/expenditure statement had not been received by meeting time.



Ushering:  Rusty mentioned a comment from the Elders Retreat that having the ushers outside the south door while the choir is in the Narthex works well; the choir should also maintain an aisle. He said training in effective greeting is needed for ushers and deacons. 

Transportation:  Things are going well.

Soup Kitchen:   Last Wednesday 248 people were served. Some of the food ran low, but thanks to the money the Deacons donate to the project, there were plenty of tortillas and bread for sandwiches.

Visitation:   Marianne visited three people since the January meeting.

Building and Grounds:  Austin reported that grass will be planted in the courtyard next month and there should be grass there by June.  Marianne spoke about the need for additional lighting at the east entrance to Jones Hall.

Congregational Life:  Pat said the deacons are in charge of the fellowship hour on March 14th. Donations of cookies and snacks, bought or homemade, are encouraged.

Christian Education:  No report.

Music and Worship:  Marianne reported that attendance at the Sunday, Febraury 14th concert was good, and the Choir Director has indicated he would like to do three or more concerts each year. At the recent meeting comments were made that some of the hymns on Sunday morning are too difficult. Pat suggested the Choir Director might ask the choir to sing the first verse of unfamiliar hymns.    

Administration:   Mike reported that the Administration Committee has completed the church bylaws, which will be presented at the next congregational meeting for a vote. They also are changing the format of the department budget report to present current year-to-date information.  



Request for Help:   A woman had requested money for gas; Rusty informed her that we use Community of Hope in such cases because they are better equipped to evaluate requests, and her request was denied on that basis. Mel Parish has been asked to contact the Community of Hope to ascertain what they are doing with the money we give them monthly, which is $150 for gas vouchers and $250 for emergency assistance. Rusty will check with Michelle to ensure that the checks to CoH are so designated on the memo.

Wheelchair Van Proposal:  The fundraiser letters were mailed out on Friday, February 12th. Rusty explained that funds coming in will go into the General Fund, designated for deacons. If the required amount, $12,000, is not received within the designated time period, the next 11 months, Rusty will approach Session with a revised plan. If that is not accepted, the money will be refunded.


Paul suggested that the church might rent a wheel-chair accessible van from Southern New Mexico Rehabilitation Center. He passes by there on Sunday and sees their vans sitting idle. Rusty agreed that this might be an interim solution, and Paul will investigate and report at the March meeting. 



Inactive Deacon:  Deacon Mark Geiger, Class of 2011, has not attended a deacons' meeting since April 16, 2009, nor has he taken part in any other deacon activities.  Mel Parish checked the Book of Order and provided the following analysis: "The Book of Order, section G-14.0210, covers Dissolution of Relationship. One particular sentence appears to cover this situation well, and I quote it below. 'On ceasing to be an active member of a particular church, an elder or deacon ceases to be a member of its session or board.' " After due discussion, it was

            MOVED by Marianne Maley and SECONDED by Austin Breck, THAT Mark Geiger be declared inactive as a member of the Board of Deacons. The MOTION CARRIED by unanimous vote of those present. It was then

            MOVED by Marianne Maley and SECONDED by Austin Breck, THAT the Nominating Committee be requested to nominate a new deacon to finish Mark Geiger's term.THE MOTION CARRIED by unanimous vote of those present.


Rusty pointed out that the deacons need a representative on the Nominating Committee. Paul Vaughan volunteered to serve in that capacity.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. by recitation of the Mizpah Benediction.


Submitted by Rosemary Maddox


ACTION ITEM FOR SESSION: The deacons request that the Nominating Committe nominate a new deacon to fill Mark Geiger's term.




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Last update 2010-03-16 08:51:00