First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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April 15, 2010

 The meeting was opened with prayer at 7:00 p.m.

 PRESENT: Moderator Rusty Smith, Paul Vaughan, Janice Sherman, Rosemary Maddox, Pat Felhauer, Bea Connor, Doris Silva, Rev. Norm Story, Mike Bartholomew, Mel Parish, Austin Breck, and David Medina

 EXCUSED: Sam Bartholomew, Ken Osborne, Marianne Maley, Theresa Armendariz, and Cindy Tafoya

 ABSENT: Ralph Miller and Debbie Austin

 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the March 18th meeting were approved as published.

 PASTOR'S REMARKS: Rev. Story asked that shepherds report to Session prolonged failure of attempts to contact sheep, as this is an indicator of people who possibly should be placed on the inactive roll. He encouraged deacons to identify and greet visitors, as studies show that people need to have seven contacts in the church before the church becomes part of their family.

 MODERATOR'S REMARKS: Rusty thanked the deacons for their email responses, which he said were fantastic.

 CORRESPONDENCE:  The only correspondence received was a brochure from Menaul School in Albuquerque.

  TREASURER'S REPORT: Janice reported that because of computer problems the financial secretary's information for March was provided just before the meeting. After separating out the income for the bus fund, income exceeded expenses by $40.00 last month.


Ushering:  Austin passed a sign-up sheet for May, and said that if a deacon signs up for an ushering position and cannot fulfill that obligation, that deacon, by email or other means, should find someone to fill in for them.

Transportation:  No report.

Special Events:   Austin asked how many people were expected for breakfast for the Presbytery meeting on April 24th; Rev. Story said between 30 and 40. Austin will set it up but has to leave soon after and needs someone to welcome people attending; Bea volunteered to do it. 

Soup Kitchen: Rosemary said over 200 people were served on Wednesday, April 13th, and all went well.

Transient Meals:   Bea said all is going well with this program.

Visitation:  Paul and Mike delivered flowers from the Easter Service to shut-ins.

Building and Grounds:   Rusty reported on repairs to the old van. Austin said the courtyard has now been planted with grass and turned over to the lawn company.

Congregational Life:   Pat spoke about upcoming bingo night and a hymn sing in May, and wedding vows renewal in June.

Christian Education:  Theresa Armendariz is circulating a sign-up sheet for workers for Vacation Bible School.

 Missions:   Topics discussed at a recent meeting included preparations for the Pentecost Offering on May 23rd, hosting Hospitality Hour on May 16th, and a visit from Rev. Amy Robinson, also on May 16th.

Music and Worship:  Paul will replace Jerry Grandle as Chief Sound Operator. Trainees are needed; Rev. Story recommended Ernie Armendariz, who he said wants to learn sound techniques. Paul said the choir is pleased with the speaker in the Narthex, and Music and Worship is working on putting a speaker outside the Narthex door.

Administration:  Mel said income exceeded expenses by about $11,000 during the period January through March. He said there are written policies and procedures covering people driving the van and people needed for special events; there are policies covering everything.


Request for Medical Assistance:   Rusty thanked the deacons for a quick response on the recent request for assistance. He went to Walmart to pay the prescription bill only to discover that the clerk had paid the bill; he reimbursed her.

Wheelchair Van Project:   Rusty reported that as of March 15th we had $10,145 in the fund, with more prospects. He suggested that the deacons put up money for a fence to secure the van ($1,300 to $1,400)  with money from the deacons fund account, to be repaid at a later date. Charlie Yaryan got a proposal to have a fenced area added to the east side of the garage, 16' x 30', with two 8-foot gates.

Rev. Story suggested that instead of loaning the money to do the fence, that it just be a gift from the deacons.

 It was MOVED by Austin Breck, and SECONDED by Pat Felhauer, THAT deacons donate up to $3,000 for the purpose of sheltering and securing the new van. THE MOTION CARRIED by unanimous vote of those deacons present.


 NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be on Thursday, May 20, at 7:00 p.m.

ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. with the recitation of the Mizpah Benediction.

 Submitted by Rosemary Maddox



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Last update 2010-05-01 20:54:43