First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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May 20, 2010

The meeting was opened with prayer at 7:00 p.m.

 PRESENT: Moderator Rusty Smith, Paul Vaughan, Bea Connor, David Medina, Austin Breck, Mike Bartholomew, Rosemary Maddox, Pat Felhauer, Mel Parish, Ralph Miller, Theresa  Armendariz, Sam Bartholomew, Marianne Maley, and Rev. Norm Story.

 EXCUSED: Janice Sherman and Ken Osborne.

 ABSENT: Debbie Austin, Doris Silva, and Cindy Tafoya.

 APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  The minutes of the April 15th meeting were approved as published.

 PASTOR'S REMARKS:  Rev. Story encouraged deacons to greet visitors and help them get connected to our church. He discussed welcoming methods used by other churches with emphasis on what seems to work and what doesn't.

 CORRESPONDENCE: A thank-you note was received from the Gospel Rescue Mission.

 TREASURER'S REPORT: The report was sent to all deacons prior to the meeting. Rusty commented it is good to see that we are in the black.


Ushering:  There was a discussion about offering checks that have not cleared the bank after ample time has passed. Rusty will look into this.

Transportation:  Rusty said the new bus can now take three wheelchairs and up to 12 ambulatory passengers. Bea reported that the permit has been received.

Special Events:  The Socks and Undies Project will get underway the first week of July.

Soup Kitchen:  Don Rhodes has advised that he will retire from his position as soupmaker for Teams 2 and 3 in early fall. A volunteer is needed to work with Don and be prepared to take over the job.

Transient Meals:  A request has been received for sack lunches containing food suitable for a diabetic. After discussion it was decided that the requested food (fresh fruit and vegetables and frozen fish) would be impossible to provide within our transient meals system, and that there are organizations which provide services for diabetics. It was suggested that Meals on Wheels might be of help here.

Visitations:  Marianne visited John Laverne this month.

Building and Grounds:  The newly seeded lawn seems to be responding to fertilization and the new watering schedule. Work day is scheduled for June 5th, and there will be jobs for everyone. Marianne repeated her request for a light right outside the office.

Congregational Life:  Pat reported there were 25 people for bingo and 75 people for the hymn sing/picnic. There will be cake and punch for the upcoming graduation celebration, and a renewal of vows on June 26th.

Christian Education:  Theresa said during Vacation Bible School, June 14-18, there will be more separation of age groups than in the past. During Fellowship on August 8th the achievements of the Discipleship Project will be celebrated. Help is needed in the library.

Rev. Story asked that all church officers "poke their heads in" during Vacation Bible School to see what is going on.

Missions: No report.

Music and Worship:  It was decided that communion will be given on July 4th, even though it is a holiday and attendance may be low, due to the fact that Rev. Story will be absent the other three Sundays in July. A home electric organ was offered to the church; the Spanish Congregation could not find room for it, and it was recommended to the donor that he look further for a smaller church which could use it.

Administration:  Mike said the financial situation of the church is good in that the income currently exceeds the expenditures. A consultant is needed for advice on getting a machine information system and upgrading computers.


Request for Help, Community of Hope:  A request was received by Linda Ramirez for a bus ticket, which request had previously been made to and denied by the Community of Hope. The request was denied by Rusty due to lack of positive response the deacons. A letter from Pamela Angell, the Director of the Community of Hope, to which we give $200 a month for emergency assistance, outlined their procedure with respect to such requests. Rev. Story recommended due to the depressed economy that (1) discretionary power be given to Linda to spend up to $50 per month for emergency assistance, or (2) that the deacons increase the amount donated each month to the Community of Hope.

 After discussion, it was

            MOVED by Austin Breck and SECONDED by Mel Parish, THAT a sum not to exceed $50.00 per month be set aside over which Linda Ramirez would have discretionary power to respond to requests for emergency assistance, subject to pastoral approval. THE MOTION CARRIED by unanimous vote of those deacons present.

 WHEELCHAIR VAN PROJECT:  Last month the deacons voted to give $3,000 toward a shelter for the new van. The Session declined to make a decision because no concrete plan was submitted. Building and Grounds then considered a pole barn structure, and Session subsequently discussed a garage-type structure which would cost $7,000, which would necessitate the borrowing of $3,000 from the church.  What the structure will be has not yet been determined.


Pat reported a recommendation that ushers be trained in CPR and that the church purchase a defibrillator. Different sources for training and costs were discussed. It was suggested that training could be opened to the entire church, and that classes be held on a Saturday. Rusty said if he can get a video and a dummy, he is willing to give the classes free of charge.

 BENEDICTION:  The meeting was closed at 8:05 p.m. with recitation of the Mizpah Benediction.

 Submitted by Rosemary Maddox



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Last update 2010-05-26 22:20:45