First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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August 18, 2010


The meeting was opened with prayer by Ralph Miller at 7:00 p.m.


PRESENT: Moderator Rusty Smith, David Medina, Marianne Maley, Bea Connor, Pat Felhauer, Janice Sherman, Ralph Miller, Ken Osborne, Mel Parish, Paul Vaughan, Cindy Tafoya, Rosemary Maddox, Corina Armendariz, Austin Breck, Rev. Norm Story, and one visitor, Dave Anderson.


EXCUSED: Mike Bartholomew and Theresa Armendariz, Theresa has advised Rusty that due to a change in employment duties she will be unable to attend meetings in the foreseeable future.


ABSENT: Debbie Austin and Doris Silva


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the June 17th meeting were approved as published.


PASTOR'S REMARKS: Rev. Story thanked the Deacons for their faithful service and encouraged them to maintain contact with their sheep. Any shepherd who after numerous attempts has failed to make meaningful contact should let the office know about the situation.


MODERATOR'S REMARKS:  Rusty thanked the Deacons for their prompt email responses to requests for assistance.


CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence included a thank-you note from Gospel Rescue Mission, a request for funds from the Salvation Army, and a brochure concerning ministering to the needs of grieving people. No action was taken.


TREASURER'S REPORT: Janice reported income of $664.25 and expenses of $603.99 for the month of July in the Deacons' Fund, and a total of $1,765.62 in the bus fund. Rusty commented that the overhead door has not yet been paid for.



Ushers:  Austin pointed out that there are three doors at the south entrance which should all be closed at the appropriate time. Doors should be opened for the gentleman in the wheelchair who leaves early.

Transportation:  There are usually five bus riders each  Sunday, and all is going well.

Special Events:  At the recent Blessing of the Backpacks, several Hispanic children came expecting to receive school supplies.  Austin suggested that Socks and Undies be moved to June and a second project, School Supplies, be established for the month of July. He is willing to be the lead person on the new project. Rev. Story said school supplies were presented later to the children.

Soup Kitchen:   Two hundred fifty-two people were served last week and all went well.

Transient Meals:  The program is running smoothly.

Visitation:  Marianne has made several hospital visits only to find that the patient has been discharged. She will make an effort to visit sooner.

Building & Grounds:  The focus at the present is on getting the garage door installed, then the interior lighting will be undertaken.

Congregational Life:  Planned events include the International Potluck on October 10th, the Thanksgiving Dinner for the college students on November 14th, and a possible hike along the Rio Grande.

Christian Education:  Salt and Light kickoff date is September 8th. A new Salt and Light Director and volunteers are being sought.

Missions:  Doug Barron, Latin American Campus Crusade, is temporarily out of a job due to reorganization, but hopes to be relocated to another position in the organization. The Mission Booklet is nearing completion.  

Music & Worship:  Plans are underway to have the organ refurbished. Training sessions will be held for people who want to become sound operators. An article about the training sessions will appear in The Good News.

Administration:  Ken said the budget is in pretty good shape, but estimates for repair of the organ run from $8,000 to $10,000. Stewardship Sunday will be on November 14th.



Requests for Help:   A recently widowed woman requested payment of her electric bill; the bill has been paid. The matter of travel vouchers was opened for discussion. The question was raised as to why the Community of Hope does not comply with this type of request with the money we donate to them. Rev. Story said the Community of Hope receives donations from many area churches, but they are inundated with requests for assistance and their money only lasts about two weeks into each month. They do not provide travel vouchers, choosing to assist needy people in the area.


It was MOVED  by Austin and SECONDED by David, THAT we do not entertain travel voucher requests. THE MOTION CARRIED by unanimous vote of those present.


Regarding other requests for assistance, it was suggested that persons requesting assistance be instructed to show up at church on Sunday, introduce themselves to the usher at the entrance, and state that they need assistance. The usher would seat the applicant and tell him or her to remain until the ushers have completed their after-services duties. Then the applicant would tell the three ushers, and possibly others, what assistance was being requested and why. The ushers would take the request under consideration and make arrangements for the next contact to be by telephone.  

Socks and Undies:  Rosemary reported that the response to the Socks and Undies Campaign was tremendous. A total of 1,154 items were delivered to the Gospel Rescue Mission Clothing Room, 24 more than the 1,130 items donated last year.

Hamburger Fry: It was noted that the traditional date for the Hamburger  Fry, the second Sunday on October, has been designated by Congregational Life for the International Potluck Dinner. It was suggested that this date be put on the church calendar so that in the future it would be reserved for the Hamburger Fry, but no action was taken. It was agreed that the event will take place on October 24th this year.

Fellowship Hour:    The Deacons will host Fellowship Hour on September 5th. Help is needed to set up, serve and clean up.



Transportation Assistance:  Nora Yaryan needs assistance in getting Bruce Griffith to doctors' appointment. She says this would entail just driving and not lifting. If you might be able to help, call Nora (527-0528).


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. by recitation of the Mizpah Benediction.


Submitted by Rosemary Maddox




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