First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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September 16, 2010


The meeting was opened with prayer at 7:00 p.m.

 PRESENT: Moderator Rusty Smith, David Medina, Marianne Maley, Pat Felhauer, Corina Armendariz, Ralph Miller, Bea Connor, Paul Vaughan, Janice Sherman, Mel Parish, Ken Osborne, Mike Bartholomew, and Rev. Norm Story

 EXCUSED: Theresa Armendariz

 ABSENT: Debbie Austin, Cindy Tafoya, and Doris Silva

 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was noted that the August 19th minutes were incorrectly dated as August 18th.The minutes were approved subject to correction of the date.

 PASTOR'S REMARKS: Rev. Story reported that Steve Hardin is in the hospital with a broken hip. When he is released, Ronni could use help in transporting him from their home in Radium Springs to rehab. Paul and Mel said they will be available to help.

 CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received from the Gospel Rescue Mission Clothing Room which states "First Presbyterian assisted us greatly in providing much needed socks and underwear for every child that came to our event. Thank you for your assistance in our mission of helping those in need."

 TREASURER'S REPORT: Janice had not received current reports from the office.


Ushers: Austin passed a sign-up sheet for October. He said being Deacon Captain is actually easier than ushering, and offered to instruct anyone who has not yet served as Captain. Pat reminded people helping with the potluck and the hamburger fry that there might be a conflict with ushering on those dates.

Transportation: Rusty said the bus is in the garage now. Building and Grounds is technically responsible for the bus, but Charlie Yaryan has indicated they want the Deacons to manage it. Rev. Story said occasionally Hospice has to transport a patient to a hospital, and Hospice personnel asked if our bus was available. After discussion it was decided that this would depend on insurance requirements and the availability of a qualified driver. Rev. Story will meet with Hospice to find out the details of their request, and the discussion will be tabled pending his report.

Special Events: The hamburger fry will be discussed under Old Business. The next special event will be Christmas baskets for Hospice, which will be an agenda item later this year.

Soup Kitchen: Peggy White's team served 254 people the second Wednesday in September. The sandwiches ran out but there was plenty of everything else and nobody went away hungry.

Casa de Peregrinos: Food donations were down slightly during the Socks and Undies Project, but they are up again. Lots of much-needed cereal continues to show up in the donation boxes.

Transient Meals: The shelves are full.

Visitation:  Marianne reported that she, Doris Silva, Austin Breck, Janice Sherman, and Ralph Miller's wife Ann have visited Jean Thomas. She and Mel Parish has made some other visits.

Building & Grounds:  The door opener for the bus garage has been installed, as has the interior lighting. A City inspection has been requested.

Congregational Life: The International Potluck will be on the 10th of October, Trunk or Treat on October 31st, and the Thanksgiving dinner on November 14th. Larry Felhauer will make flyers so that members of the congregation who have contacts at the University can pass them out. An email was received from Larry stating that Committees who are interested can have tables at Trunk or Treat.

Christian Education: There will be a presentation of Bibles on September 26th. We have a new Salt & Light Coordinator, Kristine Lambert.

Missions:  There will be a Peacemaking Offering on October 3rd. Rev. Amy Robinson of Pasos de Fe is tentatively scheduled to visit on October 31.

Music and Worship: The suggestion has been made that flowers left over from weddings and funerals be delivered to Hospice, Good Samaritan, Golden Mesa, or a similar facility, and that such deliveries would be a Deacons' obligation. No action was taken on the suggestion. Wayne Maley and John Daniels have installed shelves in the closet in the Deacons' room.

Administration:  Mike reported that the budget looks really good. The $8,000 for repairs to the organ will come from the Music and Worship Budget, and the person doing the repairs needs half the money up front for parts.


Request For Help No.1: A man came to church and requested $385 to pay his rent; he said a drastic increase in child support has left him without money for living expenses. Ken agreed to call his landlord to ask if he would accept half of that sum.

Request for Help No. 2:  A man who has been helped before has made a second request for financial assistance. After discussion it was

MOVED by Mel and SECONDED by Austin, THAT WE DECLINE THIS REQUEST ON THE ONE-TIME ASSISTANCE BASIS. The motion carried by unanimous vote of those present.

Hamburger Fry:  Rusty will do the shopping for the hamburger fry; Ralph will donate the Chile, and Pat and Larry will donate a sheet cake in honor of their wedding anniversary. Other Deacons will bake cupcakes. Rev. Story said paper plates and plastic utensils left over from another event are available. The hamburger fry will be held outside, weather permitting.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be Thursday, October 21st.

 ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned with the recitation of the Mizpah Benediction at 8:05 p.m.

 Submitted by Rosemary Maddox                  NO ACTION ITEMS FOR SESSION



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Last update 2010-09-30 17:40:43