First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Deacon Minutes

February 16, 2012

Attendance: Don Behnke, Mike Bartholomew, Jacque Parks, Norm Story, Bruce Pearson, Mel Parish, Bea Connor, Cindy Tafoya, Eddie Armendariz, Harry Topley, David Medina, Rusty Smith, Winnie Quinzi

Excused: Donna Mathis, Dennis Thomas, Anna Suggs

Meeting was opened with prayer by Mel Parish.

January minutes were approved.

Pastor’s Remarks:

Discussion about Presbytery Conference held at FPC, February 18.

Norm reminded the group that it is important that we keep faithful to our commitments to our community.

Moderator's Remarks:

Ushering duties were reviewed. Ushers should check with bulletin before the service to see when offering will be taken, as this varies from week to week. Shepherd duties were discussed. Please make at least 4 contacts with families, perhaps by sending birthday cards, inviting to special events, chatting now and then after services.

Old Business:

Assistance for those needing help: The general rule is to give assistance only once, but for church members a second time will be considered.

New Business:

1. Ushers are needed for the Presbytery service on February 17, and help with dinner and refreshments.

2. Make sure building doors are locked after meetings.

3. Soup kitchen is serving an average of 300 people per day. Deacons voted to increase reimbursement for those buying items for the soup kitchen meals an amount not exceeding $50 per month.

4. Two sub-committees are an important addition to the Board of Deacons. Local missions, and visitation.

5. Don suggested that when families call the church for financial assistance that they be told about food assistance programs in our community. Don will send a list of food resources to deacons and church office.

Local Missions:

Discussion of ways to involve and inform the congregation in Las Cruces Cares:

Tables with information about the missions and charities supported could be part of after worship fellowship hour. The committee will consider different dates for the LCC donation day other than December. Deacons were asked to think of new ideas to support our involvement with local missions.

Next subcommittee meeting was scheduled for February 28, 7:00 pm.

Meeting was adjourned with the Mizpah benediction.

Next meeting of Board of Deacons will be held on March 15, 7:00 pm.

Submitted by Winnie Quinzi



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Last update 2012-06-19 16:10:53