First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Deacons Minutes

February 20, 2014


Attendance:   Steve Johnson, Don Behnke, Eddie Armendariz, Ernie Armendariz, Carol Blevins, Bea Connor, Nancy Cowan, Pat Felhauer, Carol Goss, Bill Haynes, Dutch Matkin, Brian Otto, Jacque Parks, Barbara Sauter, Collette Walz, Rev. Story.

Absent:   Cindy Tafoya

Excused: Scott Burns, Mike Bartholomew, Bill Marlowe, Anna Suggs

Steve Johnson opened the meeting with a prayer at 7:00 pm

The minutes of the meeting on January 16, 2014 were accepted as written.

Pastor’s Remarks:

Four new members will be received in worship this Sunday. They will be at the West door after the service so that everyone can greet them. As church officers, we should all help to bring new members into the church.

Reminder, that the annual meeting is this Sunday, followed by the Enchilada dinner which is a fund raiser for the youth mission trip. It is important that we support the youth.

Moderator’s Remarks: Steve thanked everyone again for their help. He is trying to get a data base established on the communal computer in the church office so that everyone can access information on a timely basis without having to make phone calls for updates.

Correspondence:  A thank you note was received from the Community of Hope along with a financial statement with our giving this past year.

Treasure’s Report: Nancy Cowan provided the report of January 2014 with an ending balance of $4,4321.31.  Any requests for reimbursements need to be in by Wednesdays so checks can be given on Fridays.

Deacon’s Committees and Teams: Steve requested that if Deacons have not already signed up for committees to do so and e-mail Linda Ramirez.

Local Missions: Don Behnke reported that 6000 pounds of food were distributed by the Mobile Food Bank and 100 sheets and 50 blankets were delivered to Alameda School in February. Also, at the Cluster Meeting this month at our church, 100 sheets and 50 blankets were given to the Deming cluster.

Visitation: Carol Goss and Rev. Carol Blevins are still reviewing.

Soup Kitchen: Steve Johnson obtained the list of volunteers from Rosemary Maddox. Rusty Smith’s position as team leader is still open and needs to be filled. The position involves serving 4 times a year, assigning jobs the Wednesday scheduled, and buying the bread, cheese, and mayo for sandwiches. Since there were no Deacon volunteers, Pat Felhauer will put a notice in the weekly newsletter to see if someone from the congregation will come forward.

Transient Meals: Bea Connor and Pat Felhauer purchased items and filled bags which should last several weeks.

Transportation: Bill Haynes reported that there are several new people riding the bus. There still is no decal for the bus to identify it as First Presbyterian Church. Bea Connor asked if the bus would go as far as Mesilla Park to pick up a member. Bill will check on that and will have the drivers poll riders the next 2 Sundays to see if rides are needed for Ash Wednesday

Session Committees:

Building and Grounds: Steve Johnson and Eddie Armendariz reported that work continues on the playground and shade for the Columbarium. There is also a problem with tiles in Watkins and Reeves halls that will be checked.

Congregational Life: Brian Otto and Dutch Matkin reported that the soup and bread luncheon after church on Feb.9th was a success. There are several upcoming events planned including an international potluck March 16th to greet new members, an Easter egg hunt, and Mother’s Day and graduation event May 11th.  

Christian Education: Carol Goss reported that planning has begun for VBS which will be held this year the week of June 9-13.

Missions: Collette Walz reported that some of the Mission Booklets are missing from the pews and need to be replaced.  Eddie Armendariz and Dutch Matkin will work on replacing the booklets Sunday. Collette also reported that Doug Barron will make a Sunday school presentation and do a minute for missions March 9.

Music and Worship: Pat Felhauer reported that the new hymnals will be distributed March 9th if the remaining monies can be obtained by that time.  The request was made to the deacons that if any ushers see stuff piled on the chairs in the brides room to clear it so people could sit on the chairs if needed. Greg Sherman and Wayne Maley are still looking for a carpenter to help with racks for the banners in Reeves hall.  Steve Johnson said he would help with that project.

Administration: Don Behnke indicated he will continue to work with the new bookkeeper, Vanessa Medina. 

Old Business: Deacon’s Retreat was tabled at this time since the meeting was running long. The Nominating Committee is looking for an appointee from the Deacons.  Collette Walz volunteered.

New Business:  The March ushering schedule was passed around with slots remaining to be filled. Steve will e-mail those Deacons who were absent to help in filling the slots.

Missions Booklets:  already discussed

Raising Soup Kitchen Interest:  already discussed

Further Committee Assignments:  already discussed.

Financial Aid Guidelines: Steve Johnson is looking for more details and will e-mail Deacons for their input.  It was decided that a quorum to make a decision should be 1 more than one half current deacons. Don Behnke volunteered to be the contact for people asking for financial aid on Mondays as he is already working in the office.

Back up plans:  Steve asked if someone could be a backup for him if he is out ill.  Don Behnke volunteered. There was also discussion regarding better communication amongst deacons.

The next meeting will be March 20, 2014.

We adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction at 8:30 pm.








Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2014-03-10 20:45:36