First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Deacons Minutes

June 19, 2014

Attendance:   Steve Johnson, Don Behnke, Ernie Armendariz, Carrol Blevins, Bea Connor, Nancy Cowan, Pat Felhauer,  Bill Haynes, Bill Marlowe; Dutch Matkin; Brian Otto; Barbara Sauter, Collette Walz, Mike Bartholomew.

Absent: Scott Burns, Cindy Tafoya; Jacque Parks;

Excused: Eddie Armendariz; Carol Goss; Anna Suggs

Steve Johnson opened the meeting with a prayer at 7pm.

The minutes of May 2014 were approved as written.

Pastor’s Remarks: Pastor Story on vacation.

Moderator’s Remarks: none

Correspondence:  none

Treasure’s Report:  Nancy Cowan reviewed the Deacon Income/expense report through May, 2014. Don Behnke stated we need to look at our budget before end of the year in preparation for the Christmas baskets.  We had spent $2200 for low income families last year.

Local Missions: Don Behnke reported that the mobile food pantry distributed 6000 pounds of food last month to 125 families. The bed ministry delivered one washer and 2 dryers to families living in poverty and will deliver another dryer June 20th.

Visitation: Carrol Blevins stated that she made a hospital visit and gave devotions at Good Sam

Soup Kitchen: no report.

Transient Meals: Bea Connor reported that there are 20 bags left in the office. $35.92 was spent on supplies and she has been reimbursed.

Transportation: Mike Bartholomew reported that the van is fixed. Steven Johnson recommended they track the number of people using the van on a weekly basis, and Mike stated that is being done.

Building and Grounds:  Steve Johnson reported this committee had a phone meeting. Seals were replaced on the refrigerator and cabinet hung in Vanessa’s office.

Congregational Life: Brian Otto stated the committee did not meet in June and reminded everyone of the Hymn Sing Sunday, June 22nd.  Barbara Sauter recommended the Deacons be divided into 3 groups according to the class year because there are too many to prepare for fellowship, and with other committees sometimes you are preparing fellowship several weeks in a row.  Steve Johnson will take this back to Steven Taylor/Lon Anderson for possible future scheduling.

Christian Education:   Nancy Cowan reminded everyone again about VBS July 7-11 .There will also be a prayer vigil Monday through Friday from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm in one half hour blocks for a total of 30 slots. Participants are asked to pray for all those attending VBS including the volunteers, children and adults.  Contact Nancy to sign up.

Missions: no meeting in June.

Music and Worship: no meeting in June.

Administration. No meeting in June.

Old Business: none

New Business:

The July ushering schedule was completed.

Deacon’s Handbook Updates:  discussed briefly, but not everyone had read the updates, so Steve tabled until all could read and then a vote will be taken.

Sonoma Springs Covenant Church Hope and Care Ministry Luncheon Update:  Steve Johnson reported that First Presbyterian was the only church in attendance besides Sonoma Springs. Don Behnke had submitted a detailed report of what we are doing and it was noted Sonoma Springs is duplicating some of the same. We are only serving 3-4 of the 15-20 schools in the area with bedding, so that can be expanded.  La Casa clients should be eligible for Food pantry and Don will give the Executive Director the forms for these people. Some employees at Good Sam are only making minimum wage and would also be eligible. The recommendation was to have another meeting and enlist at least one other church.

The next project will be Children’s Underwear and Socks collection.  Steve contacted the Gospel Rescue Mission and they will be accepting these items again. They are especially in need of socks and undies for children 12 and under (but no girls size 10 as too many last year).  Steve will get this information to the newsletter, bulletin, and Lantern.  Gospel Rescue Mission needs items by August 4th.  Don Behnke will bring boxes to the church and Pat Felhauer volunteered to decorate them.

Back to School Backpacks:  Steve Johnson is waiting for a response from Anna Suggs regarding needed materials for the backpacks as the LCPS website is outdated. Last year we filled 30-32 backpacks, mostly to the Iglesia congregation. Steve will speak with Rev. Hawkins about their needs this year and will ask Christian Education about the needs in our church.

Pray for Youth Mission trip:  Ernie Armendariz asked for prayers for this group going to San Antonio.

The Deacons will NOT be a meeting in July. The next scheduled meeting will be August 21st.

            We adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction at 8:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Pat Felhauer



Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2014-07-02 20:48:07