First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Deacons Minutes

September 11, 2014

Attendance:  Steve Johnson, Don Behnke, Eddie Armendariz, Ernie Armendariz, Bea Connor, Nancy Cowan, Pat Felhauer, Bill Marlowe, Bill Haynes, Dutch Matkin, Brian Otto, Barbara Sauter, Carol Goss, Collette Walz.

Absent: Cindy Tafoya, Scott Burns, Jacque Parks, Anna Suggs

Excused: Mike Bartholomew

Steve Johnson opened the meeting with a prayer at 7pm.

The minutes of August were approved with an amendment by Steve.

Pastor’s Remarks: Pastor Story stated that we have a severe risk of having some church members fall through the cracks with the loss of Rev. Carrol Blevins. He asked that if we know of anyone in the hospital to please let him or Linda Ramirez know. He is going to try and put together a data base for shut-ins and those hospitalized. Carol Goss volunteered to work with Pastor Story on this. Our goal is to make contact four times a year with shut-ins as well as those on our shepherd’s lists and let Pastor Story know we have made contact. We would also like to have shut-ins receive communion twice a year.  Let Pastor Story know if you have been an elder and would like to help with communion.

Pastor Story also informed us that Rev. Wayne Hawkins is leaving after the October 5th Communion Sunday. He is trying to work with the Iglesia congregation to structure and support that ministry through five categories: Food Bank: (let Pastor Story or Don Behnke know if you are interested in working on this project); Salt and Light; Youth Group; Communicants; and pastoral care.  We cannot hire someone to replace Wayne.

Pastor Story also advised that his door is always open for whoever takes over as moderator.

Moderator’s Remarks: Steve Johnson apologized for not getting out the information regarding his leaving Las Cruces sooner. His mother is very ill and he is going to Massachusetts to take care of her.

Correspondence:  none to report.

Treasure’s Report:  Nancy Cowan reviewed the Deacon Income/expense report through August, 2014. It was noted that we are in the red for August, but hamburger fry coming up should remedy that...

Local Missions: Don Behnke reported that the mobile food pantry meets every third Monday of the month. Thirty volunteers are needed to make this work.  With Rev. Hawkins leaving, we may lose volunteers and the program could die. Usually the food pantry serves 100-105 people per month with 6000 pounds of food.

Visitation: Carol Goss reported visitation is ongoing.

Soup Kitchen: Nancy Cowan reported that they are still trying to fill Rusty Smith’s leadership position.

Transient Meals: Bea Connor reported that there are enough meal bags in the office.

Transportation: Bill Haynes and Bill Marlowe reported that we have 4 wheelchair members, but not all come at the same time. The van can only handle a maximum of three. The possibility of using 2 vans with 2 drivers was discussed. Bea advised the committee of a member who lives a long distance away.

Building and Grounds:  Steve Johnson reported they are finished tiling and grouting Watkins. White boards are going up in the library. The van with a dead battery was fixed. They are working on correcting a problem in the kitchen causing flooding.

Congregational Life: Brian Otto stated the committee is scheduling a hike this Saturday and that Trunk or Treat will be Oct. 31st.

Christian Education: Nancy Cowan stated the outdated computers in the computer room are gone and if anyone wants a desk, they are giving them away. Carol Goss stated Bibles for 3rd and 6th graders will be distributed Sept. 14th.

Missions: Collette Walz reported on several of the missionaries and that the committee will try to get a speaker soon. They have a discretionary fund that they may use for Rev. Hawkins group. It was noted that the Lomans have funding through a national Presbyterian group for college youth.

Music and Worship: Pat Felhauer advised that large print hymnals should be available to those who want them. The deacons are willing to keep them in the deacon’s room for anyone who asks for them. They should somehow be marked so they can be picked up after the service, and an announcement in the bulletin should indicate they are available by an usher.

Administration: Bill Marlowe indicated the committee did not meet this week, but that their focus will now be on stewardship.

New and continuing Business:

The October ushering schedule was completed.

Steve requested three ushers for Rev. Blevins memorial on 9/21. Bill Haynes, Ernie and Eddie Armendariz, and Steve will be available.

Interim Moderator:  after discussion of responsibilities, Bill Haynes and Ernie Armendariz will work with Steve and Rev. Story for a smooth transition. 

Hamburger Fry: scheduled for October 19th. It was decided that no subcommittee would be needed as Jacque will advise what is needed and when. Pat Felhauer volunteered to handle publicity with bulletin and newsletter.

Handbook Approvals: Discussed and Steve will go through one more time to finalize and send out via e-mail for approval.  Please watch the page numbers to be sure you have a complete copy.

Emergency Assistance Criteria and Forms: Don Behnke advised applicants will need to complete this new form. The form will clearly state for Las Cruces residents only unless they are a church member. Assistance will only be given for utilities and rent – no cash.  Applicant must sign form.

The next scheduled meeting will be October 16th.

            We adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Pat Felhauer




Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2014-09-17 21:56:14