First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Deacons Minutes

October 16, 2014

Attendance: Ernie Armendariz, Bea Connor, Pat Felhauer, Mike Bartholomew, Bill Marlowe, Bill Haynes, Dutch Matkin, Brian Otto; Barbara Sauter, Carol Goss; Cindy Tafoya, Jacque Parks, Anna Suggs, Collette Walz.

Absent: Scott Burns, Eddie Armendariz, Nancy Cowan

Excused: Don Behnke

Bill Haynes opened the meeting with a prayer at 7pm.

The minutes of September were approved with an amendment.

Pastor’s Remarks: Pastor Story stated that we have a work day scheduled for this Saturday, Oct. 18.

The Iglesia members will be worshipping with us this Sunday, and again November 2nd and 9th Please make them feel welcome. They will have a Spanish worship at 3pm on Oct. 26th .

 Several people from Deming will be coming to the hamburger fry on Sunday as there is a scheduled cluster meeting at 2 pm.  Deacons are welcome to attend the meeting.

Our goal is to make contact four times a year with those on our shepherd’s lists and let Pastor Story know we have made contact. We need to focus on those people that are on the “fringe”.  Rev. John Himes and Janet Loman are coordinating communion for the shut-ins.

Moderator’s Remarks: Bill Haynes reported that Clyde Treat will only have 2 band members for the hamburger fry instead of 3.  He also reminded everyone of the work day Saturday from 8-12.

Correspondence:  Bill Haynes reported that we have received thank you letters from the soup kitchen and Casa de Peregrinos (food bank).

Treasure’s Report: Discussed with no questions.

Local Missions: Don Behnke reported by e-mail to Bill Haynes that everything is the same as last month.

Visitation: Carol Goss reported visitation remains ongoing. If you are doing any visitation, please report to her, Rev. Himes, or Janet Loman so that we have a complete list.

Soup Kitchen: Jacque Parks reported many were served, but she did not have an exact number.

Transient Meals: Bea Connor reported that about 20 meal bags have been given by the office staff.

Transportation: Mike Bartholomew reported all is going well. There was nothing new to report.

Building and Grounds:  Bill Haynes reported that there are only 4 people left on this committee. If they don’t get more volunteers, they may have to hire for specific jobs.

Congregational Life: Brian Otto stated that plans are coming along for Trunk or Treat Oct. 31st. Kathy Story is obtaining bibles to give away at Trunk or Treat. A game day and lunch is scheduled for Nov. 16th.

Christian Education: Carol Goss and Ernie Armendariz reported that the junk room in Branigan Hall was cleaned.

Missions: Collette Walz reported that they are working on details for the Harvey’s visit in November.

Music and Worship: Jacque Parks reported that we have 3 large print hymnals now. They are black instead of the regular purple. There will be one in the last pew rack at each entrance. Ushers can offer them to members. After the service, they should be returned to the last pew racks.  Seven more have been ordered. Janette Williams is going to do the flowers in the church. Poinsettias will be ordered.

Administration.  Bill Marlowe and Barbara Sauter advised they are getting ready for the pledge drive. Letters will be going out in both English and Spanish. Someone will be speaking the three Sundays prior to pledge Sunday. Thanks to all committees for keeping within budgets.

New and continuing Business:

The November ushering schedule was completed. Bill Haynes asked that everyone please respond when e-mails are sent regarding changes in ushering schedules or help needed

Hamburger Fry: scheduled for October 19th was discussed in detail. Jacque Parks is coordinating and buying all the food.  Ernie Armendariz will be bringing the green chiles. Austin Breck will cook. We will set up for 150 people. Paper plates and cups will be used to minimize dish washing. Ernie will get the baskets and envelopes for contributions and Barbara Sauter and Bill Marlowe from Admin committee will collect the money and check with Lynn Ames for deposit. Deacons need to be at Watkins 9 am through clean up. Bill Haynes and Ernie Armendariz will speak at the hamburger fry on the Deacons mission. Eddie Armendariz will translate in Spanish.  

Handbook Approvals: Bill Haynes reported that Steve Johnson is still finalizing and will e-mail him.

Emergency Assistance Criteria and Forms: Don Behnke and Steve Johnson still finalizing.

The next scheduled meeting will be November 20th..

            We adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Pat Felhauer




Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2014-11-05 21:12:22