First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Deacons Minutes

November 20, 2014

Attendance: Ernie Armendariz, Don Behnke, Bea Connor, Pat Felhauer, Mike Bartholomew, Bill Marlowe, Bill Haynes, Dutch Matkin, Brian Otto; Barbara Sauter, Carol Goss; Jacque Parks, Scott Burns, Nancy Cowan, Collette Walz, Jasey Loman, Josephine Frietze, Gracia Class, Karla Martinez.

Absent: , Eddie Armendariz, Anna Suggs, Cindy Tafoya

Excused: none

Scott Burns opened the meeting with a prayer at 7pm.

The minutes of October were approved.

Pastor’s Remarks: Pastor Story welcomed the new deacons elect to the meeting and stated it will be an exciting year to have members from Iglesia serving as deacons within our Christian community. Our priority is to make contact with those on our shepherd’s lists and not let people fall through the cracks.  Christmas is a difficult time for some, so let Rev. Story or John Himes know if they need to make contact with individuals in need. Rev. John Himes and Janet Loman are coordinating communion for the shut-ins. Iglesia members will worship with us the first and second Sundays of the month. They have a great pastor from Juarez coming up the remaining Sundays in the month. Rev. Story encouraged all of us to worship with Iglesia at times as they are also worshipping with us.

Moderator’s Remarks: Bill Haynes reported that he attended the last session meeting and deacons will most likely have the same budget as last year.

Correspondence:  Bill Haynes reported that we have received the usual thank you notes-nothing new.

Treasure’s Report:  Nancy Cowan presented the report which was discussed.

Local Missions: Don Behnke reported that 100 families were given food at the Mobile Food Pantry Monday, and they ran out. Since more people are starting to come in, he will request more food

Bill Marlowe reported on Eric’s friend, Rick. If any deacon wishes to make a donation, he will present the donations to Eric this weekend.

Visitation: Carol Goss reported visitation remains ongoing. All visitations should be reported to Rev. Himes as he is keeping track of everything.

Soup Kitchen: no report. However, it was noted a team leader is still needed. Barb Sauter will contact Helen and Jerry Moser to see if they are interested for the 2nd Wednesday during the months of Nov., Feb, May and August.

Transient Meals: Bea Connor reported that there are still plenty of sack lunches in the office.

Transportation: Mike Bartholomew reported the registration card in the bus was destroyed and they are looking to replace it.

Building and Grounds:  Bill Haynes reported that there are only 4 people remaining on this committee, and that this committee has many responsibilities and expenses.

Congregational Life: Brian Otto stated that Trunk or Treat was a success, but will begin at 6 pm next year (instead of 5 pm) as they ran out of food too early. The soup and game day Nov. 16th was also a success with 80 people attending. Some type of outreach is being planned for Advent.

Christian Education: Carol Goss and Ernie Armendariz reported that only one kind of devotional was ordered for Advent. CE will hand out Nov. 30th, and ushers will have with bulletins during December.

Missions: Mike Bartholomew reported that the Harvey’s will be here this weekend.

Music and Worship: Jacque Parks reported that Christmas decorating will begin Nov. 29th at 9:30 am. Everyone is encouraged to help and pizza and salad will be served at lunch. “Un-decorating” is scheduled for January 10th. Poinsettias should have been ordered, but she will review with Linda.

Administration.  Bill Marlowe indicated the Nov. meeting was postponed pending results of the pledges.

New and continuing Business:

The December ushering schedule was completed.

Handbook Approvals: Bill Haynes reported that Steve Johnson is still finalizing.

Emergency Assistance Criteria and Forms: Don Behnke and Steve Johnson are still finalizing.

Luminarias for Christmas Eve:  Ernie indicated the youth do these every year and that M&W buys the bags, and Lon Anderson brings the sand.  Scott Burns will call Lon to finalize.

Christmas Food Baskets:  Carol Goss will put up the money trees in each of the narthex Nov. 30th. Pat Felhauer will send Linda a note for the bulletins and for the newsletter. Although we have budgeted monies in the deacons fund, we still rely on donations. Bill Haynes will check with Vanessa regarding how much money was collected from the money trees last year.  Don Behnke stated we made 30-50 baskets last year.  We need to obtain lists from our church (Rev. Story) as well as Iglesia ( Karla Martinez), and Hospice (Pat and Bea) to see how many baskets are needed. Don indicated he has the list of foodstuffs and if we get it to Lowe’s, they will box for us. We will hand out or deliver the baskets on Dec. 20th. At least 4 of the deacons have trucks that can be used to deliver the baskets if they are not picked up.

The next scheduled meeting will be December 18th..

                We adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Pat Felhauer


Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2014-12-20 16:32:49