First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Deacons Minutes

April 16, 2015

Attendance:  Bill Marlowe, Bea Connor, Pat Felhauer, Barbara Sauter, Carol Goss; Jasey Loman, Gracia Class, Charlotte Anderson, Rusty Smith, Brian Otto, Josephine Frietze, Nancy Cowan, Karla Martinez, Dutch Matkin, Anna Suggs

Absent:  Alejandra Cisneros, Collette Walz

Excused: Scott Burns, Ivanna Izaguirre

Bill Marlowe called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm after the deacons enjoyed a half hour of social time.  Charlotte Anderson gave a reading and a prayer.

Pastor’s Remarks:  Pastor Story is on vacation

Minutes: The minutes of the March meeting were approved.

Moderator’s Remarks:

Bill Marlowe thanked the members of Team 1 for providing the food and soft drinks for the Deacons’ social as well as completing their quarter reviewing financial assistance requests. This will now be Team 2’s responsibility for April, May, and June.

Barbara Sauter and Charlotte Anderson advised the committee that they are resigning their positions effective May 30th.  Bill thanked them for their service.

Correspondence: Bill Marlowe passed around 4 “form” solicitation letters received.

Treasure’s Report: Nancy Cowan passed out the current report. There was some discussion about the emergency assistance total which was explained by Rusty.

Committee Reports:

Deacon’s Committees: Rusty Smith reported that we may need a van in addition to the transportation bus. Scott Burns has been trained and is ready to drive. Janet Green, the daughter of Alma Green, a wheelchair passenger, indicated she would like to drive. Gracia Class also stated the same.

Session Committees: Barbara Sauter stated the B&G committee is looking for people who might be proficient in specific areas to help around the church. This committee needs more people.

Anna Suggs and Nancy Cowan reported that VBS will be in the evening again and Christian Education is looking for volunteers and ideas

Brian Otto reported that CLO will host a hymn sing April 26th. They will also have an outreach to the community with a “Woman’s Day” Saturday, May 9th, and Mother’s Day fellowship May 10th and graduation fellowship May 17th.

Charlotte Anderson reported that the M&W committee had a “concepts” meeting April 14th discussing musical instruments in worship. Gracia Class stated that the decorating subcommittee is looking at ordering flowers earlier for both Easter and Christmas.

New and continuing Business:

1) The May ushering schedule was sent around the table and there were 2 slots remaining to be filled.  Pat Felhauer will send e-mail to those absent tonight.

2) The newly revised Deacon’s Handbook was discussed, voted on, and unanimously approved. The Deacons specifically approved adding a bullet paragraph under Emergency Assistance regarding $50 Church Office Staff discretionary funds.

3) The use of the off-site storage room was discussed. The $55 monthly payment was approved through May 2015, only. It will be discontinued after that. This was approved by acclamation. Rusty Smith will contact Joan Rawson and Don Behnke regarding this matter.

4) Brian Otto reported that more information about the church cookbook will be given on Sunday and that CLO is looking for more volunteers to help with this project. The plan is to complete the cookbook by September or October and sell at the Farmer’s Market. It was suggested that the proceeds be donated to a “food based” organization like Roadrunner food bank, Salt and Light, Transient Meals, or Soup Kitchen.

5) “Minute for Deacons” was discussed. Gracia Class volunteered to speak to the congregation quarterly on what we do as deacons.  Suggested topics included transportation, food bank, and emergency financial assistance.

6) Bill Marlowe stated that the sign-up sheet for the Shepherd’ Program is in the church office.  He encouraged the Deacons, if they have not done so already, to sign up to shepherd at least one church member.

7) Pat Felhauer volunteered for devotion/opening prayer for May meeting.

The next scheduled meeting will be May 21st, 2015 at 7 pm.

We adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Pat Felhauer



Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2015-04-24 03:30:12