First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Deacons Minutes

May 21, 2015


Attendance:  Bill Marlowe, Bea Connor, Pat Felhauer, Barbara Sauter, Carol Goss; Jasey Loman, Gracia Class, Rusty Smith, Brian Otto, Nancy Cowan, Ivanna Izaguirre

Absent:  Alejandra Cisneros, Scott Burns, Karla Martinez,

Excused: Charlotte Anderson, Josephine Frietze, Dutch Matkin, Anna Suggs, Collette Walz

Bill Marlowe called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Pat Felhauer gave a reading and a prayer.

Pastor’s Remarks: Pastor Story stated that if you have not signed up for the Shepherd’s program, please contact him. Elder Kat Marlowe picked up the last 30 names so we could get the program up and running. It is expected that each deacon and elder take 2-5 names. The people on the shepherd’s list are those expected to be attending church on a regular basis. There are other lists for visitors and shut-ins, youth, and Iglesia. Pastor Story will ask for a shepherds report periodically.

Minutes: The minutes of the April meeting were approved with one exception. Barbara Sauter has not resigned effective May 30th.  Her resignation date is to be announced.

Moderator’s Remarks:

Bill Marlowe stated Charlotte Anderson will give the deacon’s “minute for mission” this Sunday.

Stephen Taylor advised Bill that the next deacon class responsible for fellowship can either volunteer for a Sunday, or one will be assigned.

Correspondence: Bill Marlowe stated the Deacons received a postcard from Casa de Peregrinos requesting financial help.

Treasure’s Report: Nancy Cowan passed out the current report and indicated we have a good balance. There was discussion regarding future projects the deacons might want to explore. Bill Marlowe will send an e-mail to absentee deacons for their input.  The treasure’s report was approved.

Committee Reports:

Deacon’s Committees: Rusty Smith reported that Team 3 for the Soup Kitchen needs more help June 17th. Please contact Don Rhodes if you are able to help.

Rusty Smith gave a report on the transportation statistics for the month of April: 8 people were taken by private vehicle; 40 were taken by bus (7 wheelchairs); 32 were returned by bus (7 wheelchairs). The bus was full 3 of the 4 weeks. Rusty further stated that they may need to take the van in addition to the bus. Gracia Class has indicated she would be interested in driving the van. Janet Green was a new bus driver last week and she did very well.


Session Committees:  (comments in addition to the published committee minutes)

Administration: Jasey Loman stated that our Bookkeeper, Vanessa is using her own personal credit card as needed, and then getting reimbursed. The Admin Committee is in the process of obtaining a debit card for office staff.  This committee is also looking into electronic giving options.

Buildings and Grounds: Rusty Smith indicated they are in the process of hiring a janitor and streamlining the work order process. He is looking for volunteers to be in a pool that could be e-mailed as work orders are received. Rusty and Barbara Sauter will review the new member sheets for those interested in helping with maintenance.

Christian Education: Nancy Cowen reported that VBS will be held July 6-10 and many volunteers needed.

Brian Otto reported that 60 people attended the “Woman’s Day” Saturday, May 9th.   Father’s Day will be celebrated with cake on June 21st. The Cookbook Committee has met.


New and continuing Business:

1) The June and July ushering schedules were sent around the table and there were several slots remaining to be filled. Pat Felhauer will send an e-mail to those absent tonight.

2) The deacons voted to have Casa de Peregrinos as the recipient of the proceeds from the sale of the cookbook. Brian Otto will take the recommendation back to Congregational Life Committee.

3) Planning for Socks and Undies program: Pat Felhauer will contact Gospel Rescue Mission for sizes of socks and undies. She will also provide the 3 boxes for each church entry with signs indicating “for Socks and Undies Deacon Program” as well as notifications in the bulletin beginning June 28th, newsletter, and Lantern. NOTE: The usher captain each Sunday in July will be responsible for taking the socks and undies to the office for Gospel Rescue Mission pick up.

Planning for Back to School Backpacks: The blessing of the backpacks is scheduled for August 9th.  Anna Suggs volunteered via e-mail to get the list of supplies. Bill Marlowe will ask Karla Martinez to obtain a list of La Iglesia children who need backpacks and Pastor Story for a list of First Presbyterian children who will need backpacks. He will obtain the 3 bins for collection and ask Linda Ramirez to place notice in bulletin beginning July 5th.  We will decide on a date to fill the backpacks at our July 16th meeting.

4) The deacons voted to cancel the June meeting.

5) Bill Marlowe stated that the session is looking for a deacon who can help input information about what we do on the new website. Gracia Class volunteered and will send a draft to Bill Marlowe when completed.

6) Jasey Loman volunteered for the devotion and opening prayer at the July meeting.

7) Rusty Smith stated there will be no June bill for the storage facility as it has been cleared out. Bill Marlowe will write a thank you letter to Joan Rawson for her support with the storage facility.

The next scheduled meeting will be July16th, 2015 at 7 pm.

            We adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Pat Felhauer



Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2015-05-30 21:16:44