First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Minutes of June 8, 2010, Meeting

 The meeting was opened with prayer at 7:05 p.m.

 PRESENT: Moderator Alex Burr, Lloyd Kirschenmann, Janice Sherman, Richard Paul, and Rosemary Maddox

 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the May 11th meeting were approved as published.

 DISTRIBUTION OF COMMUNICATIONS: Copies of "Mission Frontiers" were made available.

 PEACEMAKING SEMINAR (October): Alex reported difficulty in making contact with the local mosque. He will redouble his efforts.

 MISSION BOOKLET: Much progress has been made since last month. The context is properly formatted with 12 point type, and the table of contents has been prepared. Alex asked team members to keep an eye out for appropriate pictures and maps, 2" high and 3" wide, to go at the top of the pages.

 PEACEKEEPING SPECIAL OFFERING: This will take place on Worldwide Communion Sunday, the first Sunday in October. Alex will check to see that we have enough offering envelopes.

 PENTECOST OFFERING: Alex said that $957 has been received, 40% of which will stay here to be used for children at risk. He proposed that we give it to the Spanish Congregation, as we did last year, because they have many children who are in need. The team was in agreement with this proposal.

 MISSION QUILT: The quilted world map showing the location of missions and missionaries supported by First Presbyterian Church has been completed and is being kept in the office. Opportunities for displaying the quilt were discussed.

 FELLOWSHIP: The Mission Team was scheduled to host Fellowship on July 11th, but now the plan is that the Women's Association will be in charge on that date. We will be assigned a later date.

 NEWS OF SUPPORTED MISSION EFFORTS: No news reported. The proposed pages of the Mission Booklet will be made available to the subjects for their approval where it is deemed appropriate.

 ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned with prayer at 7:28 p.m.


Submitted by Rosemary Maddox


ACTION ITEM FOR SESSION: The Mission Team requests approval of the proposal to give 40% of the Pentecost Offering to the Spanish Congregation for the benefit of its children.





Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2010-06-11 20:42:04