First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Missions Ministry Team Minutes

January 8, 2013

Present: Jacqui Jones, Mike Bartholomew, Richard Paul, Kate Puckett

Absent: Alex Burr

Opened with prayer by Kate at 7:00

Minutes of the December 11, 2012 meeting were approved.

Kate gave a brief mission update on the Trudells. The last e-mail from them will be sent to present committee members, as none are currently on the Trudell’s e-mail list.

The budget we constructed last month has been accepted by the admin committee. Our questions about the budget include: 1) Why is there still $4 left in the Haspels line? 2) Is the left over money from Cristo Rey going to be transferred to the Discretionary Fund in January? 3) Will the remaining funds from the Erdman Designated Fund be sent to the Priscilla School this month? Richard reported that we will know if the Campus Ministries request for funds from the Presbytery has been approved after January 26th.

In order to help Alex finish the new Mission book, it was suggested that we have a checklist or spreadsheet with specific tasks that need to be completed to help assign these tasks. If we know exactly what is needed then the most appropriate person can be assigned to complete each task.

We are hoping to get another Deacon or two for our committee, but no news yet as to who they might be.

We are working on the Planning Calendar, with the first task being to order materials for One Great Hour of Sharing.

The Emmaus Reunion Group will be meeting on Saturday, January 12 here at the church.

Kate will not be able to attend the February meeting. Richard will act as chair, or if he is not available, then Jacqui will act as chair.

Meeting adjourned with prayer by Jacqui at 7:35.



Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2013-01-11 20:00:22