First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Missions Committee Minutes

November 10, 2015



Present: Collete Walz, Jean O’Neill, Carol Goss, Alex Burr, Blaine Goss

After an opening prayer, we began the meeting by discussing the recent missionary visit with Donna Evans in October. All expenses have been paid. Next we turned to the monthly expense report. Everything was in order.

The bulk of the meeting was devoted to setting a new budget for 2016, using as a target, the proposed total budget amount recommended by the Administration Committee. We went over each line item (each ministry) and made adjustments so that our long standing missionaries who have kept in touch with us could have increases in their allocations.  In recent years, these ministries have received less money from us because of overall local church budget cuts.  The new allocations for 2016 make up for the prior reductions. One budget line was eliminated due to a retirement, and two others were reduced.  The committee approved all changes.

The meeting was closed in prayer by Blaine.








Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2015-11-12 22:21:00