Example of what dose what in Zelda64
  The numbers above correspond with the numbers below
 1.    The blue circle stands for the A button.  Both are that color blue so it will be easy when playing the game to tell what pressing A will do.  In this case the A button will make Link attack with the chosen item.  Which is the stick in the picture.

2.    The green circle shows what the B button will do.  Both the B button and the green cricle are the same color.  So it will be easy in the game to see what the B button will do.  In this case the B button will make Link jump.

3.  The yellow cricles show what the C buttons will do.  In this case; C< will make Link get out the stick, C> will make Link use the sling shot, and the Down C will amke Link use one of his Magic Nuts.  In the picture, Link is using the stick.  To do this he taped C< then hit the A button.

4.  The red target on the lizard shows that Link is using the Z-lock.

5.  The hearts at the top of the screen show Links health.  If link has know hearts, then he dies.  In the picture Link has only one heart left.

6.  The red dot is Navie.  When you use the Z-lock, she will turn red and hover over  the targgeted object.  In this case Navie is floting over the lizard.

7.  The odd shaped blue object is the map.  The blue areas are wher Link as explored.  The yellow dots are you and the lizard.

8.  Link is holding a sitck.  This is his item that he is using.  To get this he used the Z-lock on the lizard then hit C< then A to draw the stick, and then A to attack with it.

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