Romans 12:15



The two Greek words used in this phrase -- chairein and chaironton -- are both forms of the same Greek word: chairo. It means "to rejoice, be glad, full of joy." The first is a Present Active Infinitive, the second is a Present Active Participle (genitive case, masculine, plural). This word is related to charis which means "grace." Paul has already spoken of part of the basis for this rejoicing in vs. 12a --- see #9 in this study. This word appears 74 times in the pages of the New Testament writings.


I Corinthians 12:26 Philippians 2:17-18


"To 'rejoice with them that do rejoice' makes a greater demand on unselfish love than to 'weep with them that weep,' because envy is apt to creep in and mar the completeness of joy" (Maclaren, p. 285).

"Chrysostom remarks that it is easier to weep with those that weep, than to rejoice with those that rejoice; because nature itself prompts the former, but envy stands in the way of the latter" (Shedd, p. 369-70).

"This is no Stoic teaching, according to which an impassive detachment was essential to the good life" (Bruce, p. 229).

"It is, indeed, more difficult to congratulate another on his success, especially if his success involves disappointment to us, than it is to sympathize with his sorrow and his loss. It is only when self is dead that we can take as much joy in the success of others as in our own" (Barclay, p. 182).

"Not to regard with joy the happiness of a brother is envy; and not to grieve for his misfortunes is inhumanity" (Calvin, p. 469-70).

"The Christian does not exist in a state of isolation and indifference to the fate of others, but, like his holy Master, has compassion, being involved in and moved by the emotions of others, whether of joy or sorrow" (Coffman, p. 437).

"In this way happiness diffuses and multiplies itself. This command grows out of the doctrine stated in vs. 4-5, that the church is one" (Barnes, p. 286).

"Be nobly unselfish, and show a true, heart-felt interest in your brother's state, be it prosperous or adverse" (Lard, p. 392).

"Divided joy is doubled ..... divided sorrow is halved" (Lenski, p. 775).

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