Maxey - Broking Discussion
A Critical Review and Defense of
Down, But Not Out

Tuesday, August 8, 2000

Comments by Darrell Broking
On Chapter Four of Maxey's Book

The Maxey-Broking Discussion, focusing on Al Maxey's book Down, But Not Out, has been an interesting discussion covering several areas of division existing in the church today, besides division existing in regard to marriage, divorce and remarriage. Answering each of the quibbles that are offered by this writer's opponent is counter-productive at this point in the Maxey-Broking Discussion. Comments will be given in answer to Al Maxey's rebuttal of this writer's assessment of chapter 3 in Down, But Not Out, in this writer's concluding remarks at the end of the Maxey-Broking Discussion. It is hoped that the material compiled during this discussion will serve as an aid to Bible students, by presenting liberal and conservative views on various matters of doctrinal division existing among those claiming to follow the authority of the New Testament.

Because this segment of the Maxey-Broking Discussion is being written in Russia, this writer is without his Greek language tools. Therefore, if the Greek terms discussed in chapter four of Down, But Not Out need more clarification, that clarification will be given at a later date. For expedience sake in an effort to keep this discussion in progress, this writer will comment on one of the Greek terms which was mentioned by Al Maxey in Down, But Not Out, but was not defined. This writer will allow Al Maxey to inform the readership of this discussion about the number of words and definitions he has provided his readership in chapter four of his book.

Al Maxey: "LUSIS -- This term is derived from the root word luo (see above), and means to be 'loosed, freed, released' from any kind of bond or connection. It can be located in only one passage in the New Testament writings: 'Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be released (lusis). Are you released (luo) from a wife? Do not seek a wife" (I Corinthians 7:27, NASB). As with the words examined previously, this clearly denotes an unbinding or severing of the marriage union."

A discussion about proper application and usage of New Testament words meaning divorce soon will be forthcoming, as this discussion is quickly approaching its focal point on New Testament authority. That with divorce there is a release from any kind of bond or connection will be Al Maxey's burden to prove. For now some attention needs to be focused on First Corinthians 7:27. The writer of Down, But Not Out failed to make a distinction between two critical words in the Greek testament. Where the English reads, "Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife" the apostle used a different word than he used when he wrote, "Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed." Maxey points out that the second word translated "loosed" is a form of "luo," but he fails to point out pertinent information about the definition of this word as used by Paul.

The first word translated "loosed" in First Corinthians 7:27 is the Greek "lusin," meaning "a release from the marriage bond, a divorce."#1 The second word translated "loosed" in verse 27 is the Greek "lelusai," and it is the subject of controversy. In an attempt to use verse 28 as Bible authority for all divorced people to remarry, some say that "lelusai" also means divorced. However, this word refers to one who is single "whether he has already had a wife or has not yet married."#2 There is a tremendous difference between the word "lusin" and "lelusai." "Lelusai" refers to the state of being single without considering a previous marriage. A person, who has been "put away" because of fornication, or for any other reason, is not "loosed" (lelusai). He can not marry without sin (Matt. 5:32; 19:9; et al). But one in the state described by the word "lelusai" may marry an eligible candidate without sin.#3

Those with the Lord's approval to marry may do so without sinning. The immediate context of First Corinthians seven informs the Bible student that all people may not marry without sin. "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband; and let not the husband put away his wife" (1 Cor. 7:10-11). Any person with an unscriptural divorce, is herein instructed to remain "unmarried" or be "reconciled" to his original mate. As this writer's opponent is aware, the word translated "depart" in verse 10 is a legal term for divorce, but the knot of marriage as considered therein is not so untied that the divorced may, with the Lord's approval, enter into marriage with another spouse. For this reason the precision of Paul's wording as recorded in verse 27 must be acknowledged.

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