Maxey - Broking Discussion
A Critical Review and Defense of
Down, But Not Out

Wednesday, November 1, 2000

A Reply To Al Maxey's Eisegesis
On Matthew 19:6
By Darrell Broking

Instead of overwhelming the readership of this discussion with a mammoth amount of material, I will try to keep only a few issues in the corral at one time. When Al and I were discussing the possibility of debating this issue, Al refused to sign any propositions at all. He said that he does not like to be corralled. Well it is now time to do some corralling and focus attention on his damnable error. This post will mainly focus on Matthew 19:6 and related material. When this thread has been exhausted, I will move on to the next point of error in Al Maxey's last post.

Al wrote: "My critic wrote, 'Jesus also affirms that those who die in adultery are doomed to a devil's hell. Al Maxey denies this absolute truth from God's word.' Really?! Perhaps Darrell will provide us all with the quote from my book where I state this 'fact.' And, to use his words, 'please do not hold your breath.' I have never said such a thing, and do not believe such a thing. Those who are adulterers, and who die in that condition without having sought repentance, will indeed be lost. I do not deny this at all."

Well, let's see if Al teaches the error which he herein denies. In chapter eight of his book Maxey writes, "Should such covenant breakers, transformed by the grace of God, choose to marry again at some point in the future, there is nothing in Scripture which would forbid them from doing so. God's message to them is: Don't repeat the mistakes of the past; be faithful to your covenant of marriage; strive with all of your being to achieve the IDEAL." Al is good at saying God never said that. Well Al, God never said these words, they are a concoction of your teaching! The Bible teaches that those "covenant breakers" which have unscripturally divorced may not remarry another person. The Bible calls this adultery (Matt. 19:9) and those living in adultery cannot be saved. Yes Al teaches error on this point and his error encourages men and women to live in sin, and finally to be lost in a devil's hell.

I hope the readership of this discussion has noticed that when Al's hand of error has been called, that he has dodged the issues addressed, saying that he and I are really close on our positions. Friends, go back through the arguments and read for yourselves. Al and I are as far apart on many matters of Biblical obligation.

Friends, if you read Al's latest post, is it not clear to you that Al assumes that all divorce severs the marriage tie so completely that one may remarry without living in sin? Al argues extensively from Matthew 19:6 attempting to convince his readership that the prohibition does not mean that man cannot sever what the Lord has joined together. Al says that the "prohibition declares the act unacceptable (the act of divorce, D.B.), and even sinful, but it does not render it impossible or unachievable, nor does it negate the inevitable consequences which result."

It is clear from Matthew 19:6 that Jesus commands people to stop divorcing. Now, when Al goes so far as to say that the act "does not render it impossible" (by his own admission in his book, Al is arguing for the right of unscripturally divorced to remarry without living in sin), he makes himself guilty of the same thing which he charges others of doing. Matthew 19:6 says nothing about remarriage at all. It says nothing about a severing wherein God allows any remarriage. Friends, when you get through the pomp and fluff of Down, But Not Out and corral Al Maxey on the real issue at hand (and the issue of remarriage and its continual results must be addressed in Matthew 19:9 not in verse 6), what argument does Al have from verse 6? He has no argument at all. Yes, he convicts himself of fatal eisegesis!

Now when people divorce for reasons other than fornication, what does the Bible teach? It teaches a message completely different from the message espoused by Al Maxey. Paul was obviously looking to Matthew 19:6 when he wrote: "Let not the wife depart from her husband" (I Cor. 7:10). This is Jesus' prohibition. When it is disobeyed and divorce ensues notice what the Bible teaches. "But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife" (I Cor. 7:11). In scope here is a divorce. The Lord, through Paul, says that persons involved in this kind of divorce (one did not put away the other for fornication) must remain unmarried or be reconciled.

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