Other contests on April 20, 2024
CQMM DX  Contest CW (mostly South America)
Michigan and Ontario QSO Parties
An RST & SPC from any QSO counts for QRPTTF
(See rules below)
QRP To The Field (QRPTTF) 
Saturday, April 20, 2024 
Quick Links
Updated 1 APR 2024 B
Date and Time
 Saturday, April 20, 2024
 (The 3rd Saturday in April)
 0800-1800 Your Local Time
 Eastern:    0800-1800 EDT
 Central:    0800-1800 CDT
 Mountain:   0800-1800 MDT
 Pacific:    0800-1800 PDT
 KH6/KL7/DX: 1200-2400 UTC
Bands and modes
 QRP (5W or less CW) 
   on the non-WARC HF bands only  
Standard QRP calling frequencies
  (see suggested frequencies below)
QRPTTF is an annual operating event to encourage QRPers to get on the air from their house, their backyard "Outback," or “in the field," and of course, make QSOs and have fun whether inside or out.
QRPTTF encourages participation by QRP hams of all skill levels.
CW speeds are usually in the 13-20 wpm range. 
Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name/code
   RST = QRPers appreciate a realistic signal report 
   SPC = your U.S. State, Canadian Province, or Country
   Name = Name of the breathing, non-AI operator
   /code = your station code or spell it out if you wish!
           /H = HOME station            Example: 559 IL Stan/H  (HOME station in Illinois)
           /B = OUTBACK station     Example: 549 KY Bob/B (OUTBACK station in Kentucky)
           /F  = FIELD station            Example: 449 OR Steve/F (FIELD station in Oregon)
   NOTE: Working a SOTA or POTA station is assumed to be a FIELD station.
                Working a QSO Party or other station is assumed to be a HOME station.
                QRPTTF andVK stations ONLY have an OUTBACK !!!
Mode: CW or SSB.  If SSB, ensure you indicate such on the Summary Sheet
Power: QRP CW 5 watts or less; 10W SSB
CQ: The recommended CQ is "CQ TTF"
Suggested Frequencies (Non-WARC bands only):
    CW QRP watering holes:   3560, 7030/7040, 7116, 14060, 21060, 28060 KHz
    OR ... whatever else works.
POTA stations hang out around XX.055  —  SOTA stations hang out around XX.063
Spotting or announcing yourself on QRP-L or other service is allowed.
Per band: Number of QSOs and OUTBACK and FIELD stations worked per band
                      TIMES the number of SPCs
QSO points: ADD scores for each band together
Total Score: QSO points TIMES Multiplier
     x1  for HOME stations
     x2  for OUTBACK/Backyard stations
     x3  for FIELD, SOTA or POTA stations
Just enter the QSO info on Summary Sheet, score is automatically calculated. 
2024 Summary Sheet – Open Office
2024 Summary Sheet – Excel .xls
If you've never worked a CW contest before, or your brass pounding a bit rusty, or find the 35 word per minute exchanges of other contests intimidating, try QRPTTF.  It's pretty low-key and built for fun.  If you hear a station calling “QRP TTF,” give a call.  Most stations will match your speed, or send “PSE QRS” (please slow down) if he's too fast for you.  If you miss an element of the exchange, ask for a repeat (“SPC?” or “NAME?").  We all fail to get the exchange at times.  Often, by listening to a QRPTTF station working another, you can copy the exchange before you call. These are all tricks to help you with your code speed and to get you on the air to make some contacts.
Remember, we want to work you as much as you want to work us!
Every year, summary sheets are submitted that say "These were my first CW contacts ever," or "my first CW contest," or "my first time trying QRP." That's what this is all about.  Of course, working our old friends is fun, too!!!  Get on the air, have fun, and enjoy the great outdoors if you can - and QRP.
to top
2023 Results
(Open Office)
User Submitted
PHOTOS.   If you snap a photo or selfie of your QRPTTF station, send it along with your
Summary Sheet to be included in the Photo Gallery page. 
Questions or comments may be directed to: qrp-l@mailman.qth.net (QRP-L Forum)
or na5n@zianet.com  QRPTTF is administered solely through the QRP-L forum.
72, Paul NA5N and Jan NØQT
Socorro, New Mexico
(MS Excel)
Scoring change making the number of Outback and Field  stations (including
SOTA and POTA) worked bonus points for a higher score.
QRPTTF is open to all QRPers, CW or SSB.
HOME – For those who enjoy operating from the comfort of your home shack or
                   unable to travel to the field or remote location.
OUTBACK – Operate from your backyard or patio to dust off your portable QRP
                   setup.  House AC and your home fixed antennas may be used.
FIELD – Operate "in the field" – your favorite park or fishing hole, picnic area or
                   bug-out location.  This includes a SOTA or POTA location or activation.
QRP is just plain fun and we want everyone who participates in QRPTTF to have fun from your home or outdoors, regardless of your age or limitations you may have.
72, Paul NA5N
"Outback" in your Back Yard
From your HOME shack
Results Page
Send Summary Sheet (logs not required) to na5n@zianet.com by May 12, 2024

Mailing address:
Paul Harden, NA5N
72 Polvadera Heights Road
Lemitar, NM 87823
Summary Sheets are in Microsoft Excel (.xls) 
and Open Office (.ods) spreadsheet format.
If you are unable to download the spreedsheet or convert to Apple or Linux, send your score as a text email.  See Results page for the pertinent information required.  Logs not required.
Results Page