Donaghe's AMERICAN HISTORY and Geography
Unit One: Colonizing America
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Chapter 1: Native America A Nation Born
Chapter 2: Exploration and Conquest
Chapter 3: The English Colonies

Donaghe's AMERICAN HISTORY and Geography
Unit One: Colonizing America
Unit Two: Creating a Nation
Unit Three:  The Young Republic
Unit Four: The Crisis of Union
Unit Five: Frontier America
Unit Six: Empire and Progress
Unit Seven: Boom and Bust
Unit Eight: Wars of Fire and Ice
Unit Nine: American Upheaval
Unit Ten: A Changing America
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Unit One:
Colonizing America
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US History & Geography
On YouTube
CRASH COURSE US History Videos

IIn 48 episodes, John Green will teach you the history of the United States of America! This course is based off of the 2013 AP US History curriculum.

Some videos with review material for my awesome US History students:
Goals & Objectives
of the Crash Course videos:

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

* Identify the context and causes of historical developments throughout recorded US history

* Explain the similarities and differences between historical developments

* Understand the complexity of the American and national identity and values

* Describe how social structures, politics, power, and culture influence each other and historical developments

* Contextualize and complicate the common narratives of US history that explain the present

Crash Course US History #1:
The Black Legend, Native Americans, and Spaniards
Crash Course US History #2:
When is Thanksgiving? Colonizing America
In which John Green kicks off Crash Course US History! Why, you may ask, are we covering US History, and not more World History, or the history of some other country, or the very specific history of your home region? Well, the reasons are many. But, like it or not, the United States has probably meddled in your country to some degree in the last 236 years or so, and that means US History is relevant all over the world. In episode 1, John talks about the Native Americans who lived in what is now the US prior to European contact. This is a history class, not archaeology, so we're mainly going to cover written history. That means we start with the first sustained European settlement in North America, and that means the Spanish. The Spanish have a long history with the natives of the Americas, and not all of it was positive. The Spanish were definitely not peaceful colonizers, but what colonizers are peaceful? Colonization pretty much always results in an antagonistic relationship with the locals. John teaches you about early Spanish explorers, settlements, and what happened when they didn't get along with the indigenous people. The story of their rocky relations has been called the Black Legend. Which is not a positive legend.
In which John Green teaches you about the (English) colonies in what is now the United States. He covers the first permanent English colony at Jamestown, Virginia, the various theocracies in Massachusetts, the feudal kingdom in Maryland, and even a bit about the spooky lost colony at Roanoke Island. What were the English doing in America, anyway? Lots of stuff. In Virginia, the colonists were largely there to make money. In Maryland, the idea was to create a a colony for Catholics who wanted to be serfs of the Lords Baltimore. In Massachusetts, the Pilgrims and Puritans came to America to find a place where they could freely persecute those who didn't share their beliefs. But there was a healthy profit motive in Massachusetts as well. Profits were thin at first, and so were the colonists. Trouble growing food and trouble with the natives kept the early colonies from success. Before long though, the colonists started cultivating tobacco, which was a win for everyone involved if you ignore the lung cancer angle. So kick back, light up a smoke, and learn how America became profitable. DON'T SMOKE, THOUGH! THAT WAS A JOKE!