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Click here to order READS BOOK NINE: READS
by Dave Sim & Gerhard
Paperback: 247 pages
Aardvark Vanheim
ISBN: 0919359159
The ninth volume of the CEREBUS THE AARDVARK series, READS, is the penultimate chapter of the larger MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS story. This is one of the most powerful editions in the series and one of the most ambitious narratives that Dave Sim has ever attempted.
In addition, READS is the most controversial volume of the CEREBUS series to date because of a parallel narrative involving two characters--Viktor Reid and Viktor Davis--who are both alter egos for Dave Sim. This controversy is a shame because the offensive section in READS--which explores the relationship between men and women--represents only one possible view of this subject. When read as part of the whole series, the passages that may have seemed shocking to some, appear (like all points of this narrative) to question and provoke rather than offend. Viktor Davis is far from a reliable narrator, an idea that is reinforced by the final paragraphs of his narrative and demonstrated by the scariest of all CEREBUS practical jokes. Are Viktor Davis or Viktor Reid representative of Dave Sim or simply aspects of his persona? The ending suggests the answer.

Meanwhile, Cerebus, Po, Cirin, and Astoria debate the important stuff, including our aardvark friend's genitalia, the history of Illusionism, the nature of power, and the fate of Astoria's child. Despite the bad rap, READS is CEREBUS at its finest. Like the best of art, Reads has the power to shock, surprise, amuse, and offend--and it even has a whiz-bang fight scene. What more could you want?

Click here to order MINDS BOOK TEN: MINDS
by Dave Sim & Gerhard
Paperback: 286 pages
Aardvark Vanheim
ISBN: 0919359167
Sim's previous volume of CEREBUS, READS, and the final volume of his MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS--or, "the other big book" of the CEREBUS storyline--is one of the most controvertial in the history of comics to date. It has shaken up a number of people. Some it has offended. Some it has made think. All... (pregnant pause)... it has affected. MINDS is not READS. Let's get that point across straight from the start.
MINDS is not about you, the reader. The story arc MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS ended with the afore-mentioned final volume of which it was composed. Yes, Cirin is still there, for awhile anyway. The first approximately 60 pages, she and Cerebus have what is essentially a repetition of the screaming match between him and Astoria in issue #105, only instead of in the dungeons of a small Tarimite church, this one takes place on a large chunk of rock shooting through space.

But, even though we will get to hear some talk about her behind her back, MINDS is not about Cirin. So, accordingly, Sim gets rid of her. No, no, don't be upset-slash-throw a party (whichever you prefer). He simply sends her to Saturn for a while.

So Cerebus is left all alone on his large chunk of rock.
Now the fun begins.

Did I mention MINDS is not about Cirin, MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS, or you? It concerns, in fact, a certain puzzling grey-furred personality whom we have all come to know and love/hate. And his Creator.

As you know, Sim has spent something like 20 years on his title character, Cerebus. He has been "Prime Minister, then he was a houseguest, than he was Prime Minister, then the Pope, and then a house guest again."
Don't forget mercenary, Kitchen Staff Supervisor, and... aww, skip it.
He has been offensive, cruel, cunning, barbaric, sophisticated, loving, unlovable, scheming, noble, petty...
He has been the focus of attention, and he has been in the wings.
He has been a lot.

So what is he?

Well, it hurts to say it, but he remains much the same in one tragic respect. He is destructive. He has wrecked, or had a part in wrecking, the lives of a lot of people, and he is well on the way to wrecking his own. Sim has tossed just about every trick in the book at him, and he still continues unswervingly on his path to a grim death "alone, unmourned, and unloved." He seems inviolate. It has become painfully clear that nothing on earth is going to make him change.

Well, he's not on Earth now, is he?

Sim has taken the voice of a lot of people in his books, including Cerebus himself, Oscar Wilde, Jaka, and Victor and Viktor. Now, in MINDS, he takes his own in a lengthy discussion with Cerebus: Creator to Creation.

You see, Cerebus has run up against a brick wall. With all that has happened, he continues grimly on the road to self-destruction. To draw a parallel, he has now encountered that same fork in the road Neil Gaiman's Morpheus encountered. He must either change...or die.

If a "needle in Cerebus' eye," "Jaka's new boyfriend," and "abandoning Cerebus on Juno" don't make him change, it's not likely anything else will.

MINDS concludes on a humorous note, but there is still danger. Cerebus seems resolved to change his life, but then again, he's no longer stranded on Juno, is he? Instead, he's falling through the rest of his story.

Well, this volume was released in June of of 1996. We have until 2006 before the story ends. Ten years in which Cerebus can either shape up or revert back to his old ways--change or die.

Is that a cliff-hanger or what?

Click here to order GUYS BOOK ELEVEN: GUYS
by Dave Sim & Gerhard
Paperback: 408 pages
Aardvark Vanheim
ISBN: 0919359175
You owe it to yourself to read the whole CEREBUS canon.
Dave Sim has set so many precidents with CEREBUS, that it would be worth reading even if it weren't as powerful and rewarding a work as you're likely to find in the comics medium. Start with the first volume, and when you find yourself thinking, "What's the big deal over this sword and sorcery genre satire?" keep reading. Toward the end of the first volume, Dave Sim's drawing skills improve visibly with each new page.
The intelligence and depth of the writing go off the scale starting with the second volume, HIGH SOCIETY. He is joined by his artistic colaborator, Gerhard, somewhere near the beginning of the third major story arc, CHURCH AND STATE, and since then the two have been developing the kind of mature, competent, confident, and compelling graphic story-telling that only emerges after years of continuous development. Start at the beginning, and read up to the current issue. Thereafter, I suspect you will find yourself eagerly anticipating each monthly instalment of Dave Sim's self-published comic book.
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