Hanna-Barbera Cartoons
Saturday Morning Cartoon Super-Heroes
Space Ghost - Protector of the Universe!
The Mighty Mightor
Birdman - with Avenger and Falcon 7
Galaxy Trio
Frankenstein Jr.
The Adventures of Young Samson and Goliath
The Herculoids
The Impossibles
Up and At 'Em... Atom Ant!
Super-Villains and Galactic Enemies
Saturday Morning Cartoon Super-Heroes
Set in an unspecified future when mankind has journeyed to the stars, Birdman is a super-hero based on Earth.  An earth that looks amazingly a lot like the 1960's.  Like Superman and Batman in the Silver Age, Birdman is a fully deputized agent of the law.
There are mythological origins to Birdman's power, as he gets them from the Sun God Ra.  I would like to explore this further with the character, to inform not only Birdman, but his secret identity, which-- like Space Ghost-- was never revealed in original cartoon series.
While the color-scheme of his costume may not be the best (and I'm not above some minor alterations to his costume), I want to use him as the major super-hero on Earth.

Part of Birdman's character is that he's more than just a single, solo super-hero.  First is his bird, Avenger.  I want these two to be very close.

Second, Birdman has an incredible, technologically-advanced headquarters.  I want to explore this further.  Is it his?  Does he work here?

Because, three, he is an agent of some organization.  I would like to explore this further, and perhaps even introduce us to more agents.  We'll already be meeting Falcon 7, an important part of Birdman's world.

Fourth, we'll also be introducing Birdboy to the mix.  He'll be developed in his own right.

For Avenger, I want him to be a direct connection to the mystical Ancient Egyptian origins of his powers.  But it might be fun to keep the actual story of his origin a mystery, while still yet making enigmatic references to "that day in the Egyptian desert" and the strange events that began to unfold from "the minute he first found Avenger."

I would like Avenger to be more than simply a pet or a companion.  I think there should be a deep connection between them.  Perhaps Birdman and Avenger can actually speak to one another, with Birdman talking to him out loud, and Avenger answering in thought-balloon no one but Birdman (and Birdboy!) can "hear."

Because of the mystical elements in the origin, Avenger can also act as a familiar, a guide into and a connection with the spiritual world of the sun god Ra.  In Egyptian mythology, the sky god Horus was the falcon-headed god, and in later Egyptian religion was associated with Ra.  In fact, those Egyptian eyes that are sometimes seen floating above certain scenes (like a boat floating on the River of Death) are called either the 'Eye of Ra' or the 'Eye of Horus.'

To add to that-- although without being too explicit about any of this-- Avenger can be the centerpiece to the whole bird-motif surrounding Birdman.

Finally, not to change the subject, there is the matter of Birdman's wings and his secret identity.  I don't want to have him "folding them up" under his clothing, because I never bought that explanation, even as a child.  I think they are mystical in nature, and can come and go.  Therefore, when Birdman is in his secreti identity, whoever that turns out to be, he will not have the wings he gained "that day in the Egyptian desert."

There's also no reason we can't add to the cast.  In the original cartoon, not only was there a Birdboy, there was even a Birdgirl.  I don't know if I want to use here, but it might be a good idea to add to the number of agents in the organization Birdman and Falcon 7 belong to.
From the look of Birdman's headquarters, it's obvious there's a lot of money involved.  It's also too large for just one man.  Again, I think this place should be staffed with other agents.  I also would find it interesting if Birdman were the man in charge, and not just an employee.
Like Birdman, Falcon 7's origins are also lost in mystery.  Where did he get the eyepatch?  Who is he?  Where did he come from?  I'd rather keep him a man without a past, a man alone, and instead, focus on him in the here and now, ocasionally planting clues that may or may not lead to his past.
I'd like to make Birdboy a part of the permanent cast.  Rather than having him be a sidekick/ward like Robin, I'd rather alter Birdboy's origin so that his father is alive, and like Spider-Man and his Aunt May, Birdboy is hiding his secret identity from his father.  Another idea would be to have Birdboy's father die, and Birdman taking him to a private school operated by the same agency he works for.  Basically, Birdboy-- who will still work as one of Birdman's agents-- is in a school for secret agents.
Barracuda (also shown in the Villains section) is an essential part of Birdboy's origin, maybe even Birdman's Dr. Doom.
Space Ghost | The Mighty Mightor | Birdman | The Galaxy Trio
Frankenstein Jr. | Young Samson & Goliath | The Herculoids
The Impossibles | Atom Ant | Super-Villains
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Donaghe Creative Productions