Homebrew station, DM62: 
Block diagram
NCJ article: A Homebrew Contest Station

Horse Mountain contest site, DM54.
Horse Mountain Six Meter DX Association; W5SIX.

Homebrew transceiver:
General description; QEX article: pdf
HF section; see QEX, Nov 2001.   photo   pdf
Receiver third-order dynamic range measurements: 3IMD
Receiver second-order IMD measurements: 2IMD
Circuit Details
Remote RIT

Signal/One CX7 Test, alignment, modifications, repairs, operating.

Ham radio articles

K5AM workshop
Barney the beagle and Nicki the dalmatian
Polly the shepard/beagle mix and Lizzie the beagle puppy
Night sky in New Mexico

Callsign History. K5AM, Canal Zone, 1939. QSL card

photo:Mark, K5AM Photo 1984

Mark Mandelkern, K5AM, got his first ham license, W9ECV, in 1948, at age 14. (At that time, the exam for a first ham license required copying Morse code at 13 words per minute and drawing schematic diagrams.) Mark's main ham operating activity is 6 meter DX, with 147 countries worked (using only CW and SSB). He also enjoys HF DXing, with DXCC confirmed on 10 bands; and contesting, with several top-ten contest awards. Mandelkern is a professor of mathematics emeritus at New Mexico State University.