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The Morris Family Annual Christmas Form Letter - 2021

          Well, this will be one of the shortest Christmas Letters ever.  I mean, what can you say about the 2nd year of a pandemic?  “We only went out when we needed something?”  That works for Cathy and me, although we do have some younger friends and family who consider themselves invincible!  I must say that I’ve quit listening to the babbling heads in the various government positions since they change their minds every day.  Six Feet Apart and a Mask in a Crowd.  That’s about the only thing that seems to have saved most of us, so that’s what we do.

          The only long-term project we’ve got going is to prepare to move to back east somewhere that has greenery, water, low taxes, and accents!  We are moving VERY slowly on getting things in order, but I figure that’s normal when there is 44 years-worth of accumulation to sort through.  One thing we are happy about is that we found a good home for our box turtles who now grace someone else’s back yard!

          Speaking of the animals, we lost Sheila, our old Aussie, this year.  Her hips wore out and she couldn’t walk, but we were with her all the way.  The other dogs, parrots, and cat are doing well.

          The kids and grandkids are fine.  Greg retired from the USAF and Rebekah is a Senior Master Sergeant still working off-and-on from home.  Their daughter Kirstin is in 10th Grade and lives for Beach Volleyball – they go all over the country for various tournaments.  In Germany, Chris is happy working for the US Army and never plans to come back stateside!  Janna is also working for the Army, as does Geoffrey part time while he works on his bachelor’s degree on-line.  Connor is a senior this year, and plans to get his degree on-line as well.  Our oldest son Eric is doing well too – he’s still in Oklahoma.

Cathy was lucky enough to get to go over to San Antonio to hang out with Kirstin while Gregory and Rebekah go off for one reason or another.  Cathy enjoys these visits with the Granddaughter.  I don’t get to go, however, because someone has to watch the animals!

          As for me, I’d like to say that I’ve accomplished something big this year, but I haven’t.  I guess I’d better get on the ball as I hit the big Seven-Oh on Dec. 13.  The one activity I do religiously is take my guitar over to the “memory unit” where Mom lives, and sing for the patients.  My pal Ed and I seem to brighten their week, and they actually applaud!

          The worst thing about this year is that the collective “we” took very few photographs, and so this is all I’ve got to pass along this year.  Here is who is in the pics:  Ted (me), Kirstin, Rebekah, Cathy, Greg, Janna, Chris, Geoffrey, and Connor.  Next year I hope to do better. . .  Meanwhile, try to enjoy life and love one another.  Your pals, Ted and Cathy.

Now, Here's This Year's Crop of Photos:

Above:  Greg, Rebekah & Kirstin visit
Below:  Kirstin in her limosine.  Although she now has a driver's license and will probably want to drive herself from now on.

My Mom, Patricia Ticknor Morris.  92.  Will outlive us all.  Also my sister is doing pretty well too!

BELOW:  Chris and his family in Germany.  With all the European restrictions on COVID, they haven't been going anyplace to take a picture!

Above:  Chris

Above:  Janna & Chris

Above:  Geoffrey drops turkeys on Thanksgiving eve.  Yes, we all thought Turkeys could fly!

Below:  Connor.  Who appears to have adopted German fashion!

BELOW:  My cat Elvira learning to read.  Spells and witchery no doubt!

That's all the photos this year.
I'll try to take more in 2022!

Here're some other Christmas e-cards you might want to see:
(sorry, I was off to the wars and didn't do cards for 03-04)


2009 - 2010

Don't forget to check out my website at

You can see a bunch of pictures I've taken over the years on flickr:

BTW, we are both on Facebook: